A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - 5

October 11

Newness And Clarity

Greetings in the consciousness of the love of Christ. We are
the spirit of that love in the vibration which comforts this

We find this instrument’s vocal apparatus ready to serve and
her desire strong. And we find one more element which
improves this child’s opportunities for being of true service.
That is that there is little preparation made beforehand as to
what this moment of contact will bring.

It is an uncomfortable way to enter into acts of
communication and yet it bears the stamp of the
consciousness of Christ. For the essence of love is freedom.
The less guessing that you offer about what shape the
communication will take, the greater scope the mind has to
accept information.

Seek, then, to put on the nakedness of no expectation, and
remove from yourselves the clumsy, heavy shoes of fantasy
and design and feel the burst of newness and clarity spring
through into your conversations.

Peace be with you, now and always.

October 12

The Response Of Worship

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

Worship, worship, worship! This word is important above all
others to the pilgrim upon the path of Jesus the Christ. For
there is no part in man of the Father if there is no
appreciation and love of the greater self within.

Worship and rejoice!
Worship and confess!
Worship and give praise and thanksgiving!

See the heart attempting to issue more and more refined and
intensified emotion and realize that each and every moment
of each and every day holds the opportunity of seeing things
in such a way as to provoke the response of worship. For all
things are worshipful when done mindful of the Father.

O, desirous ones who doubt and seek, worship first and find
security after the gamble has been taken. This is the way of
the pilgrim.
哦,渴望而怀疑的 seekers,先敬拜,再在冒险之后寻找安全。这就是朝圣者的道路。

We leave you in the peace and the love of Jesus the Christ,
both now and evermore. Amen.

October 13

Hope And The Experience Of Love

I am known as the Holy Spirit. I greet you in the full
consciousness of the love and the creative energy of Jesus the

As that active energy called love invisibly swirls and moves
throughout each atom of creation, opportunities are
constantly being given for that which is of a less spiritual
nature to take on the vibrations of a spiritualized love. Thus
does the spirit bring out the song in stone, the clapping of
hands of the trees, and the rejoicing of the mountains.

Thus also the spirit of the Holy One moves invisibly and
energetically within the heart of humankind, creating
seemingly from nothing a strong and lasting faith. The seeker
who wishes to experience the movement of the active
principle of love need bring to the encounter with that
transformative energy nothing but a heart full of hope.

Not all encounters with new life are as dramatic as Paul’s
vision upon the road to Damascus. May you be willing to
support within yourself those promptings of energetic love
which whisper from deep within your heart. May you hope in
the spirit.

We offer you the peace of this ever-fulfilled desire, now and
ever. Amen.

October 14

Contention And Disagreement

I am the active principle of Jesus the Christ, the spirit which
speaks to the world this day. I greet you in the consciousness
of full and divine love.

This day this instrument goes to a convention to do business
for her church. This instrument seems to expect a good many
differing and potentially hostile opinions.

It is encouraged, in this instrument and in all who see
contention in the world outside the self, that all the various
opinions and disagreements without be taken within, that it
may be recognized that that which is seen as a picture with
the eyes may be understood to be a way of seeing that
contention, that confusion, which is within the self.

When once the peace of Christ has penetrated the inner being
and the heart is soft and compassionate, the outer confusion
will never again seem threatening but merely noisy, for there
is a peace which passes all understanding.

It is the understanding of love, and in this love and peace we
leave you. Amen.

October 15

Carelessness And Forgetfulness

I am the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ who speaks unto the
world this day, this hour and this moment through the
mouth of this instrument and in the heart of each and every
soul that exists.

O, how abundant is the spirit! O how rich and inestimably
close is the comfort which you seek!

It is mere forgetfulness, not willfulness, that draws most of
you from the spirit and consciousness of Jesus the Christ. It is
a carelessness of fine trust that one may go forward and forget
the center of being.

Yet to move in thought and action without the spirit is to
invite the calamity of a careless confusion, one less able to be
penetrated in the end by love and peace.

Yes! We ask you, rejoicing, to carry the strength, the comfort,
and the laughter of the spirit of Jesus the Christ in your heart
each hour of this day, calling into remembrance all of Christ’s
passion and remembering love itself made manifest, as that
love made us manifest to you, for all time.

We leave you in peace, now and ever. In the name of Jesus
the Christ. Amen.

October 16

The Gates Of Your Heart

Greetings in the love of Christ. I am the spirit of the
consciousness of love in the vibration which comforts this

You who understand so many things about your daily life and
make so many connections between events so as to bring
them into order, would find comfort in turning for a deeper
understanding of events to the contemplation of that
Thought which created you.

For even as you appreciate the gift of father and mother in
offering the possibility of breathing and living incarnation, so
even more may you appreciate the ultimate Creator of you
and of all things.

Nor is it possible to contemplate the infinite order of the
creation without assuming, finally, that unacceptable and
difficult circumstances are, nevertheless, intentionally
organized for your benefit.

Look, then, at the same situation which you have analyzed so
well within your mind and open the gates of your heart,
letting confidence and peace in the rightness of all that you
see wash over you. And in that atmosphere the birth of the
deeper understanding will aid the child of God in making the
deeper sense of any circumstance.

My peace be with you, now and forever.

October 17

Signposts Of Joy

I am the spirit of that consciousness which is the Christ held
sacred by you. We greet you in the love of Christ.

It is not only in good circumstances that the Comforter is
available to those who seek inspiration but in those perceived
as difficult as well. It is well to turn to the inspiration of godly
things, eschewing attachment to the transient joys of the day
in exchange for fuller and deeper understanding of the greater
good and the spiritual essence of mundane happiness.

For happiness as well as sorrow is a state of mind peculiar to
an illusion in which your consciousness is impinged upon by
all of those distractions of the senses which please and cloy.

View pleasure, then, with the same eye with which you view
pain, not disowning your senses but rather appreciating them
as signposts of a deeper, spiritual joy.

May the peace of the consciousness of love be with you now
and always.

October 18

Claim Your Birthright

Greetings in the love of Christ. I am of the principle of that
consciousness which is Christhood, in the vibration which
comforts this instrument.

Although it is well that you gaze searchingly on each face of
Christ which you meet in your daily round of activities and
experience, it is better for you to be inspired by these
exaggerated delineations of the characteristics of love, turning
from them to a truer expression of that love in Christ.

For to call your experiences by their true name is to bless
them and own them, claiming them as part of your
birthright. For you and they and all that is are not only
created by God, but are of God, and to behold your likeness
is far more blessed than all the careful judgments you may
make, wise though those judgments may be.

The consciousness of Christ is the consciousness of love, that
love which creates, Christ being the truest expression of that
potent quality in your waking consciousness. Turn you, then,
to that source of light and let love illumine all the facets of
your life.

Peace be with you, now and always.

October 19

Become Christ To The World

I am the spirit of the ineffable love of Jesus the Christ. I greet
you in the full consciousness of love.

When this instrument challenged our presence we, as spirit,
said simply, “We are the Christ.” This instrument was
surprised. But the principle of love is active and powerful and
that which is Christ is wrapped and bound by love ineffable.

Thus he who carries the spirit of Christ carries Christ, and as
we are the very principle of this love, so are we Christ too.
And now we turn to you with a gift of fire, hoping that the
bellows of your conscience and faith cause you also to become
Christ, to carry the love of Christ to those whom you meet;
to the world that you accept with eyes and ears. May your
senses be filled with the full consciousness of love, that you,
in turn, may be Christ to the world.

In limitlessness love I leave you in peace, now and always.

October 20

Seek First The Kingdom Of Heaven

I am the Spirit, that you call Holy, of the consciousness of
Christ in the vibration which comforts this instrument.
Greetings in the love of Christ and the peace of His kingdom.

Do you think that the grace and consolation of the Holy
Spirit will come to you in time of need if you but turn your
mind in the direction of aid and succor? Children, although
this be true, nevertheless, it would behoove you first to seek
knowledge of the Father’s kingdom, not for any good it
might seem to do for you or be to you but for the sake of love

For as you enter more and more into the consciousness of
that kingdom, so will the nearly silent voice of the spirit be
made resonant and full by your changing awareness. It is
written, “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its
righteousness and all things shall be added unto you.” These
words are true and we recommend them to your

May the peace of the consciousness of Christ be with you,
now and always.

October 21


Greetings in the love of Christ. I am the spirit of the
consciousness of Christ in the vibration which comforts this

Can you consider yourself as one of the company of the
faithful because you know that the means of eternal life is at
hand? Can you rest in the glory of your future experience
while dwelling in the present difficult times?

We find your hearts to be lax, for in your appreciation of the
inevitability of salvation, you forget that the moment of
salvation for any soul is that moment in which the soul may
turn to its Creator and vibrate, “Credo. Credo,” with a whole
and single heart.

Peace be with you, now and always.

October 22

Guard Your Thoughts With Love

I am the spirit of all compassion, which speaks with the voice
of Jesus the Christ to the needs of the world today. I greet my
beloved brothers and sisters in spirit in the consciousness
which is divine love.

You are surrounded by that love. Each cell of the body
acknowledges and dwells within that love. All things are held
in balance by divine love: planets in their courses, blood in
the veins, the breath in the body.

All that is left without the confines of the perfect and
perfectly understood love of Jesus the Christ is the free will of
humankind. Therefore, your thoughts are not necessarily
protected by the consciousness of love.

Allow your thoughts, therefore, to dwell with those things
which are full of love: your own body, cell by cell; the
creation about you, blade of grass by blade of grass. And love
itself may come to comfort you as your consciousness prays to
the consciousness of divine love.

May you be in prayer this day, for the Comforter is always
with those who request it. In this surety and in this peace we
leave you, with blessings, now and ever. Amen.

October 23

Trust, Hope And Light

I am the spirit of the living truth and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love in which all truth abides.

This instrument is quite certain that it does not have the
necessary state of mind for the transmission of truth and love,
as it is concerned about its friends, pondering their courses of
action, caring too much for the susceptibilities of others to
suffering and doubt.

Yet we say to all who care for others that the same spirit that
sustains each in its own struggles is ready to sustain friends
and loved ones in that same suffering; that suffering which is
universal; that suffering which furnishes good fruit; that
suffering through which each pilgrim finds the value of not

Thus we say to each who is concerned for others, “Turn the
attention to the self. Look for trust. Look for hope. Look for
light. And then rejoice in that light, hope and trust and know
that all is truly well.”

In this consciousness your friends may bathe as in the warmth
of the hothouse and your consciousness may then be a seal
and protection for your friends. Consciousness itself, and not
so-called good advice, is the primary gift of the spirit of love.

May the consciousness which is the love of Jesus Christ
sustain each and offer each peace, this day and always.

October 24

A Lamp Set On A Hill

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ. I speak to you in the flow
of the consciousness of divine love.

When travail is on the agenda for the present moment and
the present day, when there is an hour of need that you, with
human eyes, gaze upon and know not what to do, then is the
time to visualize within yourselves the light which makes
visible each dark portion of the day. For if the mind has fled
to the light and stands trustingly within its scope and power,
the mind then becomes girded with that light and is full of

And if the human processes of doubt and excessive reaction
alike are disregarded, each pilgrim may, then, become—in the
present moment, in the present hour, in the present day—a
lamp set upon a hill to illumine that dark need.

For within each exigency lie the seeds of harmony and peace.
If you feel broken in this day, may you turn and ask to be
made whole by the spirit of the love of Jesus the Christ.

We leave you in that hope of peace, now and ever. Amen.

October 25

Remain Still And Receptive

I am the spirit of the full consciousness of love. I greet you in
the name of Jesus the Christ, the great bearer and expression
of the full consciousness of love, which is the Logos which
guides and governs the development of all things and which is
also the end and purpose of all things.

I ask you this day to sit quietly long enough to experience the
divine peace and the life-giving love that is everywhere in the
atmosphere around you. It comes to you in the song of birds,
the whistling of the wind, the rays of the sun and the gentle
rhythms of household and nature.

Remain still and receptive until your cup of love is full, full to
overflowing. Then may you become a leaven for those who
see not love, by smile and word expressing love and peace.
Then may you become a servant of love.

We leave you in the love and peace of Jesus the Christ, now
and ever. Amen.

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October 26

Terror And Change

I am the wind and fire of spirit and I greet you in the full
consciousness of the love of Jesus the Christ.

Terror and change sweep across the human scene day after
day and year after year. To the eye of the keen observer it is
apparent that the forces called Apocalypse move ever within
the divine stew of Earth and Heaven. Each moment, crises of
the life and death of the body, mind and spirit are marching
in relentless step. And the tender consciousness filled with the
spirit of love and reconciliation aches and yearns to heal the
ever-flowing waters polluted by negativity.

Turn away from the human scene, seekers of love and service,
and gaze steadily upon the inner desire to know and serve the
Lord of all. No one can pray for every hurtful thing which
meets the awareness, for sins and errors are numberless. Yet in
the turning to silent tabernacling with the highest are all
things brought into the environs of love and peace within the
consciousness. Thus pray not for things, not for results, but
for the presence of Christ which will then heal all things.

We leave you within the watchtower of silence and prayer.
Peace be with you now and always. Amen.

October 27

Eternity And Unity

I am the divine spirit of the love of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you in full consciousness.

The entirety of the world is broken up again and again in
memory. All the theories of wholeness and entirety created by
the minds of men break up and disintegrate faced with

Indeed, mankind is like the dead leaf upon the scintillating,
fast-moving tide of the river which empties into the sea, a frail
barque filled with death, too dry and brittle to accept the
living waters of the thought of eternity, the thought of unity.
Yet it is in this circumstance that Jesus the Christ stands
ready, healing, giving new life, changing the dead into new
and transformed existence.

May you be as trees planted by the water, not as the leaves
which fall from those trees, seeking in dead intellect the spirit
of truth.

We leave you in the peace of the full consciousness of love,
now and ever. Amen.

October 28

Seek In All Places

Greetings in the consciousness of Christ. I am the spirit of the
consciousness of Christ in the vibration which comforts this

Many times it comes to each to move forward into the areas
which have not been thought fruitful for contemplation. All
areas of the transitory illusion which you call life are fruitful
for considering, for all things are shot through with the
illumination of the divine.

Very often it is in just those things which seem least fruitful
that you will find the most efficient and conformable means
of moving forward into a greater enlightenment in your
search for the light beyond light, the love beyond love and the
life beyond measure. Consider, therefore, and let nothing be
beneath your notice. Rejoice in all circumstances of mind,
body and spirit.

May the peace that Jesus came to bring, the peace that
indwells all things, be perceived by you, now and always.

October 29

The Gaze Of Jesus Christ

I greet you, my children, in the love of Christ. I am of the
principle that vibrates in the consciousness of Jesus Christ to
the degree that is comfortable to this instrument.

You shield yourself, again and again, from the fearsome gaze
of Jesus Christ, for you fear that He gazes upon you from the
cross to condemn you. And yet He gazes at you not in pain
but, rather, resting upon a pillar of righteousness,

He looks upon you in all of your complexities and darkness
and pierces the confusion with simplicity. For the love of
Christ is a simple and singular thing, a constant amidst a sea
of seeming changes and shadows. The light of your mundane
world shifts and confuses with glare and shade. But the light
of the love of Jesus Christ is constant and pierces to the heart
of your being and your circumstance, seeing the perfection
and holiness that hides in the shadows. May you find peace in
your shadows and see the shadows disappear in the constant
light of love.

In that peace I leave you now and hope that you may remain

October 30

That Love In You Shall Love

I am the spirit of Jesus Christ, the spirit of the love that is the
consciousness of the Creator Itself, greeting you in the
vibration of that love which is most comforting to this

We are aware that we are precipitant this day. Yet this
instrument is tuned and so we speak.

Sink your feet two miles down into the terrible maelstroms
and volcanoes of the sulfurous nether regions of those who
have no hope, and reach upward, grasping with your fingers
the tenuous threads of the wings of angels and the lips of
prophets. For if you are not aware that your nature is one
with demons and angels both, then you are not aware of the
fullness of the love of Christ and of the universality of the
nature of your Creator.

Who shall be Lord of your life? An entity made of your ideals
and dreams? A man-made shibboleth? Or the reality of
deepest things, the allness of the nature of God?

Turn your understanding, then, to the acceptance of
unacceptable things and the recognition of love in all
situations, whether they are, to you, fragrant with virtue or
reeking of vice. Such is the power of judgment that you can
make lovely things ugly and ugly things wonderful. Yet, my
children, is that what you desire?

Wait patiently, then, with your eyes turned to the doorway
wherein dwells the spirit of Jesus Christ. For in the fullness of
your time His spirit shall come unto you with the loving of
love itself, that you need not love, but that love-in-you shall
love, accept and understand all the universality that your
humanity cannot encompass.

This can only be accomplished through the resoluteness of
your will to accept and love in the spirit of the Lord of your
life, who accepted all and loved to the end.

May the peace which Jesus Christ demonstrated to you rest
upon you, now and always. Amen.