A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - 5

September 1

When The Mind Relaxes

I am the breath of the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet
you in the full consciousness of love.

We come to this instrument although this instrument has no
words of her own. We find, indeed, that it is when the
human mind relaxes and affirms its unknowingness that we
may speak most clearly.

Those who seek to know love dwell upon their lacks and
limitations, frustrated that they cannot become closer to the
source for which they yearn. Yet to the soul who says merely,
“Here am I,” we may come with unfettered footstep and
breathe life eternal into things temporal.

Fear not when you confess to yourself that you know not of
ultimate things but only surrender that lack of knowledge and
open to the information of light of which it is known you
have need.

We leave you in sufficiency, in peace and in trust, now and
ever. Amen.

September 2

Love Has Work For You

I am of the principle of the divine love of Jesus the Christ and
I greet you in the full consciousness of love.

Love is the giver, the sustainer and the protector of the
tender, young spiritual consciousness. It is the strengthener
and sustainer of those whose veil has slipped from the eye,
those who are smitten by circumstance.

It is the stripper and remover of pretense, for forgiveness takes
away the necessity for defense. Love enables each portion of
the creation to sing and move in rhythm, one unified rhythm
of continuous co-creation.

Do not expect love to come to you today. Rather, expect
yourself to use whatever discipline is necessary to become
aware of the love that is deep and fine and strong within you
now: within you, around you, and in all that you may
apprehend. Go forth in love and listen, for love has work for
you to do, work of being, work of becoming.

We leave you in the eternal liveness of the consciousness of
love and in peace, now and ever. Amen

September 3

The Gift Of Peace

I am the most sacred spirit of the consciousness of Jesus the
Christ and I join you in the consciousness of divine love.

This instrument has prayed, “Lord, make me an instrument
of Thy peace.” The early morning brings a sunrise; the
noonday, great light; the evening, the myriad colored
rainbows of sunset, and at midnight, a carpet of stars is
sprinkled upon the great ground of the sky.

In all of these conditions there is peace. In all conditions of
the life that you experience now there is peace. Seek first, in
the sunrises, the noons, the sunsets and the midnights of your
heart, to feel the sweetly wrapped gift of peace given silently.

This present dwells within each of you. The varieties of life,
light and experience merely embrace the various
environments, the diverse parties with which you may share
such a precious gift through smiles and laughter and gentle
silences with those who greet you.

We leave you in peace, both now and evermore. Amen.

September 4

The Deep Ache For Love

I am of the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that divine love.

The branches of intellect seem to many to be those holding
the most fruit. And, indeed, that vine of connected thoughts
grows sturdily and well in the environment of the everyday
world. Yet the spirit of love is most often found within the
homelier, seemingly mundane details of work and play.

How do you apprehend the love of the living God? With
your thoughts? With your heart? Or with an ache so
profound that it can be said to come from the roots of being?
In this deep ache lies the yearning of love for love, for each of
you is divine, the son or daughter of the living God. May you
seek well and without pride for words or deeds but with that
divine growing hunger of love for itself.

We leave you in changeless peace, now and ever. Amen.

September 5

Worthiness To Be Slain

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of divine love.

This morning the instrument’s mind is full of questions of
worthiness. “Worthy”—what does that mean?

In terms of the spirit’s speaking to the peace and joy of those
who may deem themselves unworthy, we may say that
“worthy” means “ready to be slaughtered.” “Worthy is the
Lamb that is Slain.” The worthiness is willingness to sacrifice.

Unworthiness is unwillingness to sacrifice on behalf of the
Creator seen in others’ eyes. You are unworthy if you cannot
be a sacrificial giver for those things which you see to be of
God and of the work of God.

Other than this, thoughts of unworthiness have no place in
the life of the disciple. Are you worthy to be slain today? To
give sacrificially? To open yourself, that love may come
through you?

If you have the humility to count yourself unworthy, then
perhaps you have become worthy after all.

We leave you in the divine peace and love of Jesus Christ,
both now and evermore. Amen.

September 6

The Strength Of Acceptance

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ, the Son of Man. I greet
you in the full consciousness of love in manifestation.

We hear the voices of those upon your planet who cry, “Woe!
Woe! Dark is the day, and dark is the hour!” The railing
against fate and the anger against the Father is most
understandable and acceptable.

Yet as the spirit of Jesus Christ is the spirit of power and
creation, so those who cry woe and feel powerless must needs
call to the Holy Spirit. For within each difficulty, within each
pain, there lies a peace, an acceptance. The strength to adopt
acceptance and to move in acceptance of limitations and
difficulties is at least equal to the strength and power to go
forth and do battle in the name of Jesus Christ.

Realize that in the center of your being is the power to accept
powerlessness and to accept that which cannot be changed.
There is the peace in that acceptance which may open into
joy. The cross is for all who seek to know Jesus Christ.

We leave you in the peace of the full consciousness of divine,
sacrificial and creative love, both now and forever. Amen.

September 7

Truth Renews The Senses

I am the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the principle of
unconditional love and the encourager of grace amidst

I come to this instrument in that glad paradox of eternity and
dust which is the spirit in manifestation. The spirit speaks as
an echo reverberating that which the heart of man already
knows. Where the heart lies open, each moment may disclose
a new heaven and a new earth.

See the paradox of your soul’s striving amidst the celebration
of perfection which is the essence of the nature of the reality
hidden in manifestation. Let the spirit of love conquer the eye
that sees the mask of things. Through the spirit apprehend
the inner core of perfection in each and every circumstance.

For by this willingness to trust in the spirit of love, by this
choosing of a consciousness of love, you may view each desert
as a garden and each garden as a desert, gaining for yourself
the full picture which the true heart may paint of the
paradoxes of divine love.

Release the need to make sense and allow truth to renew your

In peace we leave you, now and ever.

September 8

The Deepest Union

I am the spirit of the living God and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love.

It seems, when one hand touches another, when one life
touches another, when thoughts commingle in conversation,
that there still is a boundary of separation betwixt hand and
hand, life and life, thought and thought. Your organs of
perception indicate the distance between two energies
regardless of how closely they may lie together.

Yet the energy which is the strength of the hand, the power of
the life, and the tenor of the thought undergirds, overshadows
and unites all things.

If you be confused and lonely this day, turn at once to that
contact, that touch, that mutual beholding that is the deepest
union between yourself and the spirit and principle of the full
consciousness of love, and then see the unity in all things with
new eyes.

We leave you in peace, comfortable peace, now and ever.

September 9

Each Is Your Brother

I am the spirit of the living Christ which speaks to the world
this day, greeting you in the full consciousness of divine love.

The many preparatory and studious engagements of those
serious, spiritual seekers who labor to learn the love of the
Christ are well meant and may yet yield fruit. Yet,
paradoxically, it is not the one always who strives the hardest,
thinks the most or works more laboriously than others to
whom the inspiration, the love, and the clarity of vision that
infinite love offers, comes.

Many times it is the one who is unassuming and humble,
who accepts the basic unworthiness of free will while
recognizing the necessity of it, who may choose and choose
and choose again the way of love, the way of the Christ.

Therefore stride self-confidently into the world but be ye
humble and not over-assuming, for each entity is likewise the
Father within, just as you are. Each is your brother. Each is
your sister. None contains that which you do not contain.
Sometimes it is possible to try too hard to be loving and
blessed, sanctified and giving. Relax into the rhythm of
spontaneous service and life shall become merry and light.

We leave you in love and peace, now and ever. Amen.

September 10

Your Essence Is Spirit

I am the Comforter and I greet you in the full consciousness
of divine love.

May peace fall like dew upon you this day, no matter what
the outer situation. May you experience, and continue to
experience, the inner peace which no disaster of humankind
can destroy.

Within the Father’s love there is a peace which comes from
eternity and which is the vehicle for your own imperishable
spirit. Rest quietly in the knowledge of that peace, no matter
how quickly you run, no matter how many tangles of human
relationships you encounter.

Touch always the peace within, for the Comforter does not
fail. It is only those whose hearts are puzzled and befuddled
by that which occurs that are not able to hear words of
comfort and to feel the presence of that peace which passeth
all understanding.

We feel that it would help each if each would think of itself
not as one attempting to be a spiritual being but as one who
is, in essence, spirit. That being accepted, the point of view
may shift so that the spiritual door may be opened to peace
more easily and the hubbub and turmoil of a wrangling world
may be set off from you by the buffer of comfort, peace and

For we are of the principle of Jesus the Christ. We are of the
spirit of living love. And we are eternal, as are you, and exist
only to interact with you in positive ways that bring each
spirit more and more light and less and less confusion.

We leave you in peace, both now and ever. Amen.

September 11

Mountains Of Smoke

Greetings in the love of Jesus the Christ. I am the
consciousness and spirit of the Christ in the vibration which
comforts this instrument.

You have many seeming difficulties which rise before you like
mountains of smoke, seemingly dense and impenetrable and
yet seemingly unable to be grasped. It is of no avail to struggle
against these difficulties, for opposition strengthens illusion.

Rather neglect them by turning your attention to your
Creator and the preserver of your life, offering praise and
thanksgiving to the mystery which you behold.

When you turn again in this consciousness the mountains
will be there no longer, and the straight plain will offer your
path no hindrance.

September 12

Open That Door

I am of the principle of divine love and I greet you in the
consciousness of full compassion.

Have you far to go this day? Do the miles seem long and
weary to travel? Is there little bread and bitter herbs to eat
when you come home? So it is in many souls’ experience.

The Comforter does not stop occurrences from happening
within your day and within your life. It is a companion. We
as a force are with you always. You cannot run faster than we
can follow and we shall always bear you up within, if you but
seek the comfort of divine love within.

The principle of love, the spirit of Christ, awaits you behind
the door of your heart. Open that door. Go into the inner
room. Feel the holiness of that ground within. And then take
it to the dreary task and the difficult day and find it
transformed by love.

We wish you peace, now and ever. Amen.

September 13

The Powers Of Death

I am of the spirit of Jesus the Christ which speaks to the
world today. I greet you in the full consciousness of divine

The powers of death have held great sway over the minds of
your peoples in all times, for it is to the powers of death that
all that which is negative tends. Yet all the sighs and sorrows
in reaction to the experiences of the day guide one ever so
subtly away from vitality and towards distraction and distress.

There is no need for the powers of death to have hold upon
your mind and your heart. For even where there is perceived
an unquestionable catastrophe, yet at the same time the
softening voice of spirit speaks to those who listen.

We ask you to tap into this source of peace and life, for there
is abundant life in any circumstance, insofar as the will and
faith of the struggling seeker may open the inner eye and
reach the inner hand to the spirit of truth within.

We leave you in the ineffable peace and love of Jesus the
Christ, now and ever. Amen.

September 14

The Sanctified Nature Of Cycles

I am the Holy Spirit of the nature of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you with the full consciousness of love.

Make up your minds to look about you today and open your
heart to what you see. You shall see that which is barely
growing, that which is in bloom, that which is ending its
manifestation, and that in which there seems to be no more

This is true of growing things in nature, of pilgrim souls upon
their journeys and of each institution made by man and by
God. Perhaps you will begin to see the sanctified nature of
the cycles of birth and death which are appropriate and
beautiful in the continually changing and evolving creation of

Growth means change and change is perceived as difficult.
May you, today, see the rightness of the rhythms of your
experience, celebrating in them the beauty of perfection.

We leave you in the peace of the understanding of the
harmonious plan of a loving God, now and ever. Amen.

September 15

The Desire To Dwell In Love

I am a voice speaking with the full consciousness of love. I
greet you in that love manifested by Jesus the Christ to all of

At your prayers and meditations we find you relaxing and
resting the body and yet not relaxing and resting the mind.
How fretful is the mind of humankind, steeped in everyday

Can it not be perhaps possible that the mind also might rest,
relax, find comfort and open the doors within in seeking? For
those doors reveal Jesus the Christ and those qualities of
consciousness which were manifested unto you and may again
and always be manifested unto you if there is a pure and
profound desire to dwell innerly in love. These gifts are yours
if you can but make room for them. There is no hurry. These
gifts are eternal.

Peace be with you now and ever. Amen.

September 16

A Home In Each Willing Heart

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ
and I greet you in the full consciousness of Christ’s love.

What a blessing it is for the spirit to find ears willing to hear
and hearts open to receive the spirit of the Lord! For though
the spirit broods over every living thing, fulfilling in every
possible way the promise of infinite love and infinite life, yet
still many hearts are shut to us. And those who open to us do
not linger long ofttimes.

How grateful we are to find a home in each willing heart, to
find consciousnesses who wish the gifts of the spirit. Though
your lives be busy, may you linger long today at odd
moments within the holy ground of your own heart, to know
and feel the love and will of God in Jesus Christ and to reach
forth an arm filled with the strength of perfect love to bring
into manifestation the fruits of that love.

Whether these acts be the act of the mother with the child,
the hand of the businessman with a customer, or the hand of
a head of state with the fate of a nation, yet are all these acts
potentially filled with perfect love.

We leave you in that peace which cannot be explained yet
which is more powerful than that peace which is only the
absence of violence, the peace of Christ, now and forever.

September 17

God’s Active Voice

I am of the principle of love and I greet you in the full
consciousness of love in Christ.

My voice is a cry upon the wind heard by the heart and
spoken through lips such as those who shape these words. Yet
my nature is inseparable from the great Creator and preserver
of all life. Thus beneath our words is the energy of life, the
constant apprehension of unity.

We are God’s active voice in the world of physical
incarnation. We are that great stock of inspiration and
imagination from which any soul may draw. We are the
living water of the consciousness of love. And we come to you
as you will and as you ask and sometimes as an angel
unawares do we appear.

May you seek to live more fully this day, calling upon and
resting in the vivifying energy of love. In peace we leave you,
now and always. Amen.

September 18

The Wonder Of Creation

I am the spirit of the living God and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love which is the love of Jesus Christ.

We ask today that your eyes be transformed, that you may
gaze in wonder at the majesty of creation.

Hold your hand before your face. Is it not wonderful? By
simple thought flex each finger. See the movements. Do not
understand them. But gaze in wonder. Touch thumb to
finger and reflect upon the excellence of these tools given by
the infinite and glorious Creator to those images of Itself that
It sends into the world of manifestation.

Look further up into the sky, around the countryside and,
most of all, at the excellence of yourself. And be thankful that
the Lord has given to His people not only love and the
consciousness of love but a way to manifest and encourage
that love to grow and bear fruit.

We leave you in awe, wonder and peace, now and ever.

September 19

The Very Stuff Of Love

I am of the principle of the love of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

Has it seemed strange that you suffer and still you live? That
so many things occur and yet you are capable of experiencing
each thing? Have you wondered, “Where is the room for all
the memories, all the feelings of a lifetime?”

Those feelings and memories and biases are of the very stuff
of love, for they express the love which each has been able to
manifest. Cradled gently within the being lies an infinity of

There is nothing through which you cannot go. There is no
action too harsh for memory to turn the harshness to lessons
learned, new visions perceived, and new challenges accepted.

How very much more you are than you are aware! We call
you to an awareness of your larger self and hope that we may
inspire in you such deeds as the Creator and you have placed
before you this day.

We leave you in quiet confidence and peace, in the love of
Jesus the Christ, now and forevermore. Amen.

September 20


Greetings in the love of Jesus the Christ. I am the spirit of the
consciousness of Christ in the vibration which comforts this

My child, why do you bustle about within your mind, sorting
and sifting the details of mundane experience in a ceaseless
attempt to make order out of chaos?

There is great virtue in being patient enough to allow the eddies and rhythms of a complex situation to form a coherent pattern.

As you become gradually aware of the pattern, you are then far more able to discern the service which has been prepared for you to accomplish.

Peace and grace be with you.

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