A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - 6

November 21

You Are The First Sons

I greet you in the consciousness of love. I am the principle of
Christ’s love in the vibration which comforts this child.

When we spoke to this instrument announcing our presence
we said, “I am here, my son,” which puzzled this instrument
mightily. She asked if we were aware that we had made an
error. Yet we had made no error. For you play roles within
the illusion of the mundane world, you souls dwelling,
incorruptible, in corruptible flesh. It is necessary for you to
experience the positive and the passive sides of purity and
action in order that purity may teach action and action,

And so all who have sex need to know that their attributes are
designed to help each other. You have been made for your
fellow man and yet as souls you are sons, not male sexually,
but, rather, in the sense of your laws of inheritance, full
inheritors, as first sons are, of the Creator of all things,
almighty God.

Know your son-ship, whomever you might be, and do not be
beguiled by the seeming differences in body, attitude and

We seek to bring you peace, and yet we know that you shall
find your own peace in your own time. We wish for you
peace, now and always. Amen.

November 22

Ask For The Spirit Of Love

I am the spirit of the living God. I greet you in the
consciousness of that great name which is love. I am of the
vibration of the consciousness of love which comforts this

As you perceive, more and more, the depth of lack of glad
understanding which you express with regard to the
consciousness of love, you may naturally become
disheartened. Although it was never intended that difficulties
dishearten the seeker, it is necessary, in order to appreciate
love’s consciousness, that perceptions be had of the great
dynamic between the action of the spirit of love and the
substance upon which that action takes place.

For there is much within the consciousness that is
experienced by sons of God upon the Earth which is dead to
all consciousness of love. And thus the redemption of the
action of love upon this consciousness is all the more

Remember that those who do not ask for the spirit of love to
come upon them shall not experience a substantial amount of
grace. For even were spiritual grace to be given by another
who prays for you, unless you gladly receive this grace, it shall
not endure. Seek always, then, the redemption of that which
is dead and do not mourn your iniquity fruitlessly.

May the consciousness of love keep you in peace, now and
always. Amen.

November 23

Your Vessel Of Dust

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ
and I greet you in divine love.

You have seen yourself as a boat upon the river of life, being
blown to and fro by forces which you cannot control. The
spirit within you asks you to enlarge your vision, deepen your
understanding, and share yourself, not with any frail craft but
with the illimitable ocean which is your true nature.

It is the illusion of wood and sail, the illusion of tides and
winds which make one feel apart from the nourishing water
which supports and upholds life. Think now of this
productive image. The wood dissolves. The sails disappear.
And that most frail vessel of the physical body is released. At
last the seeker becomes one with the sea within which lies
wholeness of life.

This is water which the soul breathes. This is wholeness
which the body mistakenly denies. Know that you are one
with that which feeds, nourishes and sustains your spirit.
Know that you are not limited but are only a drop of the sea
of consciousness which moves sometimes into a vessel of dust,
that it may be fruitful, just as raindrops mold themselves
about the dust within the atmosphere and thus fall down to
nourish the crops that feed your world.

We leave you flowing freely and endlessly in the peace of the
ever-moving water which is the consciousness of love, now
and ever. Amen.

November 24

Trust That Within You

I am the spirit of the living God. I greet you in the full
consciousness of the love of Jesus the Christ.

The difficulty which living within the physical shell of the
body creates in understanding that the spiritual path is a path
of plenty and light is that the outer circumstances of the path
of light seem anything but comfortable.

There is truly a narrow path whereby one may maintain
contact within the self with the spirit which enlivens all
things. It is best not to look for evidence of the spirit’s work
within men and within the world but, rather, faithfully to rest
in the trust you have in that which is unseen but which has
been as a beneficent wind moving across and guiding your
voyage of seeking and discovery.

Those attitudes allow one to become aware of the simple joy
available to one who is not limited by the definitions of self
which the limitations of the body seem to impose. Accept and
respect that within you which is moved by the spirit. And
listen to the inner voice as to an honored guest.

We leave you in the peace of this process of living by faith,
now and ever. Amen.

November 25

Yesterday’s Faith

I am a particle of the love of Christ, the spirit sent forth to
enliven the world which lies in darkness. I greet you in the
consciousness of that love which is powerful enough to banish

Yesterday’s faith is not today’s, nor is hope for tomorrow a
substitute for the present consciousness of redemption. If you
seek to know the consciousness of love, seek in the here and
now, not through memory or through desire for future good.
For it is in the present moment that your darkness resides. It
is the present darkness over which you have potential power,
through the grace of Jesus Christ and through the love of love

Know you not that seeking for light, even in a dark present,
can at least crack open the gates of light? And for that slight,
illumined crack of light, there is no price valuable enough to
purchase so dear a thing! For only a little light, sought for and
found, may illuminate all of your present darkness if you can
but will it so.

Thus, do not depend upon your faith as if it were a constant
thing, for, like food for the body, the nourishment of the
soul, being light, must be taken daily, and, indeed,
periodically within each day, that you may replenish the light
within you which comes from another dimension.

From the dimension of peace, we wish you peace, now and
always. Amen.

November 26

Claim Your Good

I am of the principle and spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet
you with the full consciousness of love.

Today I ask you to take hold of your divine good.

There are many situations which do not appear to hold divine
good. Yet appearances can be deceiving.

The cry of the child seems full of misfortune. Yet there is the
divine good of the cry answered—the nurturing mother who
comes and holds the little one to give it comfort and

So, too, be not afraid to speak up, to reach out, to know that
your good is before you, to ask for it and if you see it not, to
ask again. Many are the times that that good is half-hidden or
perhaps completely obscured by other things which may not
be of divinity, but petty, inconsequential and of the moment.
Those things that are not of divinity to you, pass them by and
claim your good.

For that which is divine is there for you, just as that which is
not. That which is everyday is also before you. Look always
for that which is of divine consciousness. Claim your good.
Know divine love. And in all ways that you may be able this
day, express the consciousness of love that gave you the faith
to look for and claim your divine love and good.

We leave you in this consciousness which cannot be
understood but only experienced, the consciousness of the
love of Jesus the Christ.

The consciousness of His healing peace be with you, now and
ever. Amen.

November 27

The Tide Of Spirit Within

I am the spirit of living love and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love in Jesus Christ.

The sea seems to flow, calm or stormy, with rhythms of its
own. And only the sailor who gazes from the shore sees the
water meet the earth. One who stands upon the strand of life
sees that the water never rests, moving always in rhythm,
utterly sensitive to those forces which cause it to advance
upon the land and then retreat into the deeps.

So is the seeker’s soul, walking along that ever-changing tidal
point of water and earth, of spiritual and natural man. The
boundary is not clear but ever-moving and ever-responsive to
those great forces of spirit which move, alike, the waters of
deep consciousness and the conscious creature who carries the
seed within him.

Listen each day, each hour, to the sound of the tide of spirit
within, that you may ever draw sustenance from the water;
that you may be unafraid of the deeps within you. For you
are that sailor who stands upon the shore and makes the
choices of when to wade and when to be immersed in
spiritual consciousness.

We wish you peace, the peace of water ever-moving, the
creative peace which rests in love, now and ever. Amen.

November 28

Contemplate Freedom

I am the voice of Him who comes in the name of love and I
greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

How many things are before each of you today, things that
seem to be cages, traps, limitations and limiters of freedom?
This day, let us contemplate freedom. For what is it to be

To be free is to be that entity which realizes itself an actor, an
heir of Christ and a son of the Creator, an affirmative and
utterly free sensibility and consciousness.

The outer details and conditions of this day need have
veritably no relevancy to your self-concept of the joy of
freedom. For if, in your heart and in your mind, you are free
to think and to choose and to act, then you have found the
greater portion of love. For you are then able to act, to love,
to comfort, and to seek to understand.

Use the freedom that is yours affirmatively, not against or in
spite of people or conditions, but moving always straight as
the arrow to its mark, knowing, feeling and being free: free to
love, free to understand, and free to console. And as you
console, so shall you be comforted.

The spirit of Jesus Christ is with you always in love and
peace, now and ever. Amen.

November 29

Black, White And Gray

I am the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, of the consciousness of
love in the vibration which comforts this instrument. I greet
you in the name of love and in its full consciousness.

As always, we bring you news of the kingdom, the kingdom
which you call heaven but which is, in fact, the kingdom of
true perception. For as you gaze about you within your
quotidian days, your rituals and rites of dailiness, you judge
and deem the nature of all things in shades of gray.

Yet in the kingdom of heaven are all things light. The
thought of blackness is possible as a supposition but as an
actuality, the concept of the mixture of white and black
becoming gray is unthinkable, for light is exclusive to light,
and all things are filled with that light to the exclusion of any
shade or variation.

Thus at this moment each soul is full of light, full of life, and
full of true perception. Yet your quotidian eyes bring about a
curtain of shadow, an illusion which colors action and makes
it possible.

Attempt, within your world of gray, as you act, to realize that
behind all action there is an absolute reality. Therein lies the
strength of faith and thence you may obtain the will to
persevere in any circumstance, knowing that true perception
shall yield to you the full consciousness of love and the
absolute lucidity of light.

May peace be yours, now and always. Amen.

November 30

The Skin Of Your Illusion

I am the spirit of the living Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of love.

Take a moment this morning to gaze at the many
imperfections of the skin which covers your physical body
and know that it is the metaphor for all the imperfections of
the world about you.

Turn inward and walk, within the mind, up the dark tower of
good intention, resting at the landing to remove that
imperfect outer covering. Behold! There is a basin of living
water which may cleanse and make alive that which is wholly
spiritual within you. Bathe freely and joyously.

Rise, then, step by step, until the dark tower opens into the
seat of prayer, where the soul gazes out the window into
divine light. Know that that cleanliness of soul which you
desire has been seated deep within, so that, as you move down
those same stairs and don again the imperfect covering of
humanity and go out now into the mundane creation, you
shall shine from within with the light of Christ.

For that which is outer in the world or in person is only a
covering which partakes of imperfection and which partakes
of an illusion. Never rest upon the surface of anything but,
rather, upon the light of Christ within.

We leave you in the peace of this understanding and
compassion, now and ever. Amen.

December 1

The Bloom And Fruit Of Peace

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

Peace is much sought after among your people. Yet as you
gaze out upon a barren winter landscape you may not see the
great peace which is engendered by all those plants as they
dream within the seeds and roots of their being, creating by
will and thought and the grace of Jesus Christ those
formations and changes which in time shall bring forth
bloom and fruit.

The human idea of peace is rest without thought. Yet the
inner man seeks a different peace and must listen to the voices
of the natural world and the inner signal of creation and inner
change. This is the peace that is spiritual and frequently it
feels not at all like peace but rather like strife. For change and
growth are painful, and there may be long periods when there
is no evidence of bloom or fruit.

May the peace of Jesus the Christ be your hope and your
inner reality, that you may grow more and more into the
kingdom of heaven. We leave you in the peace that truly
passes all human understanding, now and ever. Amen.

December 2

The Heavenly Food Of Love

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

Let not any fear dismay you this day. Let thy shoulders turn
towards that which warms the soul. Let thy heart rest on that
which feeds the heart. For the heavenly food of love and joy
permeate the creation. And to one who can open like a flower
to feel the subtle sunshine of silent love within creation, there
is abundant thanksgiving in all directions.

Be aware of the plenty, the fullness, the grace, and the surety
of love. You are loved most deeply. Go your way therefore in
peace, carrying within you the precious burden of that love,
that you may share it with a universe all too unaware of its
own glory.

We leave you in love and peace, in the name and spirit of
Jesus the Christ, now and forever. Amen.

December 3

The Blessedness Of Agony

I am the spirit of the consciousness of love, the principle of
Jesus Christ in the vibration which comforts this instrument
and many besides.

We come to all, to each in the vibration which may comfort
each, for Christ discriminates not betwixt souls, considering
one to be more blessed or beloved than another. Nor does the
principle of love consider one situation to be more blessed
than another.

You who are fortunate and content may consider yourselves
blessed, yet you are no more blessed or beloved than the soul
which is in torment or in agony. When the soul may begin to
see the blessedness of agony and the glory of honest error and
slothful iniquity, embracing all and offering all alike to Christ
in thanksgiving, then we may speak more and more clearly
and more often.

The seasons of repentance are also seasons of fruitful listening
to those who seek to cherish their pain but not the agony
which produces pain. Cherish not your hurt but your sin,
offering it and all of your old life to Christ. For in the
surrender of responsibility is also the acceptance of
redemption. We say this not to encourage a spirit of
carelessness but rather a deeper responsibility; that is, the
responsibility to see the face of Christ and not the face of
humankind. For are you not a dweller in eternity?

We offer you eternal peace, now and ever.

December 4

The Instinct Of Creation To Praise

I am of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ who comes in the
name of the one infinite God. I greet you in the full
consciousness of Christ, which is love.

Every creature which is perfect of its kind is a true picture of
the face of God. Each flower that blooms shouts with its
colors in praise and blessing of the One who made it. All that
is, is full of the instinctive love of its Creator.

Humankind alone removes itself again and again from the
Creator’s praise, interpreting the signs and events of
experience in ways that do not honor the love that created all.
Do you think that you bloom with truer colors than the
flower, you who doubt that each experience is full of love?
Again you betray the love and honor which would be yours to
offer if those who were self-conscious were also fully

It is the faith which we who are of the principle of Christ seek
again and again to strengthen in you which alone can inform
human consciousness of the divinity of all things and of their
true color. Praise is not possible for most who are self-conscious without such aid. And yet the instinct to praise and
bless one’s Creator is a true part of your makeup.

Seek, then, the grace of the Holy Spirit, that you may become
a blooming flower, rejoicing in the light of a sun that always
shines regardless of the appearance of evanescent clouds.

December 5

The Realization Of Right Action

I am of the spirit of the one God in the consciousness of love
which is Christhood. I come in the name of Jesus Christ and
I greet you in the full consciousness of Christ’s love.

Just as it is not known to this instrument what I shall say, so
it is not known to us, ourselves, what the consciousness of
love in a particular application may be until that moment
comes. Though you desire to apprehend aforetimes those
things which you seek to know about a coming situation,
they are impossible to know well, and the guessing and
supposing thereof will only confuse and muddle your prayers.

Await the moment in which discrimination and action are
necessary and pray heartily for the spontaneous realization of
right action. If you wish to pray beforehand for right action,
pray that right action may come to you at the proper
moment. For did not Jesus teach you that you did not need
changes of clothing or food for your journey but, instead,
could rely on the good graces of the Father to give you all that
was needed?

Trust, then, that the wind of the spirit shall blow at your back
and within your heart at the precise moment at which you
need wisdom and thus allow the full and spontaneous power
of Christ’s love to enliven and transform your experience.

We leave you in the peace of the love of Christ, now and ever.

December 6

You Must Wait In Faith

I come in the name of Jesus Christ, the consciousness of love
in that vibration peculiarly apt for this instrument. I greet you
in Jesus’ name.

We perceive that there are many doubts as to the efficiency of
prayer even among those who believe most fervently in prayer
and follow its ways, for you do not feel that your prayers are
always heard. Yet you ascribe to us the deafness of your own

It is said that in everything there are seasons, and, indeed, you
who dwell in the desert of Earth will experience many, many
seasons of loneliness and desolation. For your ears are stopped
against the words offered, which are always there. The hand
of Jesus touching yours cannot be felt by your numb fingers.
And the truth that is offered is not seen because you are

Then it is that you must wait in faith, in the blankness of the
desert sun, for the oasis of grace that will unstop your ears
and enliven your fingers, open your mouth to praise and free
the eyes of the scales of doubt.

It is truly said that you do not know the day or moment
wherein the Son of Man cometh. Jesus stands, awaiting the
season of your open heart. You cannot force it but must await
it. When it comes, will you be ready to acknowledge, accept
and be transformed by it?

We commend you to watch and wait in patience and faith,
offering your agony to Christ with the same praise that you
offer your joy. Thusly you shall find peace, now and always.

December 7

You Are The Rainfall

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

The sun awakes and peeps over the horizon. Does the sun
have eyes that gaze upon the earth? We think not, for were it
to gaze and judge, the sun would shine on one but not upon

The rain moves over the land and feeds alike the stinking
sewer and the fertile farmland. There is no judgment within
the creation of the Father but only the balancing of

You, too, are the sun. You, too, may shine upon all or you
may choose to save your light for some and not for others.

You, too, are the generous, gentle rainfall that makes all
things new. Yet you, too, may choose through judgment to
restrict that blessed plenty of water, that precious food of life.

This day we ask one thing of each. Know that you shine, that
you can be most fertile in fruit as a child of the Father.

But know also that judgment removes you from the Father’s
side so that you are the prodigal son or daughter. Then the
sun does not shine nor the rain fall in your own private
world. For as you judge others, so shall your experience be.

Refrain this day from judgment. Ask only for the opportunity
to love, to shine, and to bless with your plenty.

In peace, in love, and in joy we leave you, now and forever.

December 8

Thy Will Be Done

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ.
I greet you in the beauty of complete and divine love which is
the nature of that consciousness.

Many of you seek to become more and more as you may
understand the mind of Jesus the Christ to be. To be
pondered in this regard is the helplessness of Jesus nailed to
His tree of death and resurrection.

Sometimes the soul who serves the positive and the good
finds oneself incapable of producing any fruit to the spirit or
any aid to consciousness except the affirmation, “Thy will be
done—and that cheerfully.”

In those times when you feel helpless, release that helpless
feeling, for your help is near. Sometimes to be helpless is to be
of great service. And it is then time, always, to ask for the
company and the comfort of the consciousness of the love of
Jesus the Christ.

We leave you in love and peace, now and ever. Amen.

December 9

The Rags And Bones Of The Mind

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

The deep recesses of your conscious mind contain the rags
and bones, the scraps and oddities, that have become useless
to you and garbage within the heart. The spirit of the living
God urges you to clean house. For that which flows through
you is blocked and weakened by these old rags of sadness,
jealously, anger, desires for revenge, and, most of all, the
dividing of self against self.

Self-criticism is an enormous stumbling block to one who
wishes to experience and live a life upheld by love and
bounded about by eternity.

Clean house, my children. Release all that has been
considered waste. You do not need these sorrows as knives
turned against the self. You merely wish them so that you do
not blow away as the weight of past experience is lifted.

My children, you shall not blow away but, rather, shall be
hollowed out at last, sorrow having done its work. A deeper,
gentler, braver heart lies ready for the wind which whispers
the spirit and the message of love.

We leave you in this peace and this love, now and ever.

December 10

Like Minerals In Soft Rains

I am the spirit of the consciousness of the love of Christ, and
I greet you in the love that is power and might and glory,
creating without end all that there is and rejoicing in the

I come in the vibration which comforts this child of God, and
I come to each who calls me in each seeker’s own need, with
each seeker’s vibrations and necessities of consciousness in
mind. For we would not distress any by teachings which are
confusing but would rather speak in the native tongue of each
heart, our feet planted in the native soil of each seeker’s fertile

For each seeker is a garden wherein is planted the Word: love.
And love may create for each seeker a wonderful garden of
fruit and harvest that blooms and yields forever. Yet without
love, the ground wherein the seeds of love lie is barren and

We who comfort are like minerals in soft rains, adding to the
soil what is needed of the consciousness of love. Seek, then, in
your own native tongue, to know the will of Christ in your
life and we shall fall upon you like rain, and the seeds of love
within you shall rejoice.

Peace be with you, now and always. Amen.