November 21
You Are The First Sons
I greet you in the consciousness of love. I am the principle of
Christ’s love in the vibration which comforts this child.
When we spoke to this instrument announcing our presence
we said, “I am here, my son,” which puzzled this instrument
mightily. She asked if we were aware that we had made an
error. Yet we had made no error. For you play roles within
the illusion of the mundane world, you souls dwelling,
incorruptible, in corruptible flesh. It is necessary for you to
experience the positive and the passive sides of purity and
action in order that purity may teach action and action,
And so all who have sex need to know that their attributes are
designed to help each other. You have been made for your
fellow man and yet as souls you are sons, not male sexually,
but, rather, in the sense of your laws of inheritance, full
inheritors, as first sons are, of the Creator of all things,
almighty God.
Know your son-ship, whomever you might be, and do not be
beguiled by the seeming differences in body, attitude and
We seek to bring you peace, and yet we know that you shall
find your own peace in your own time. We wish for you
peace, now and always. Amen.