深泉中心 “五人小组” 联合传讯(约书亚、A'ton、亚伦、抹大拉的玛利亚):2022年2月25日星期五晚上

翻译说明: 通常联合的传讯是不多见的,我们都熟悉《亚伦与Q’uo对话》的经典联合传讯,在深泉中心看到了这个联合传讯,感觉非常喜欢,在这里特别分享出来。大多数直译,有少量意译。


这篇演讲来自深泉冥想和灵性探索中心:www.deepspring.org - Group of Five

谁是“五人小组”? 我是芭芭拉·布罗茨基(Barbara Brodsky),自1989年以来一直是深泉中心的创始和指导老师。亚伦是我的老师,一个灵性层面的存有,不再化身。他最后一次的人类化身是在16世纪,那时他完全觉醒了。在那一世,他是泰国的小乘佛教禅修大师。人们觉得他非常智慧和慈悲。


你们知道我。小组中的其他人是科莱特(Colette),传导约书亚和抹大拉的玛丽亚,塔维斯(Tavis)(你们很多人都是从他的书《A Time to Speak》中认识他的)和朱利安(Julian),传导一个社会记忆复合体,A’ton。

什么是社会记忆复合体?你们很多人都读过我和我已故的朋友卡拉·鲁克特(Carla Rueckert)一起(通过传导)写的书,《亚伦/Q’uo对话》。卡拉最出名的是她传导的《一的法则》书籍,又名《Ra资料》,共有五本,是灵性/形而上学的经典之作。Ra从来都不是人类。他们的话语给了我们一个全新的、有着深刻爱的、正向的视角。Q’uo和A’ton都是Ra的子群体。他们以“我们”而不是“我”的身份来说话。这个群体的多元智能作为一个整体发言,但也可以分享各自略有不同的视角观点,并将其融合在一起。拥有一个非常正向极化、非人类、非地球的视角是如此有帮助。





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February 25, 2022 Friday Evening, Group of Five -

Yeshua (via Colette): Beloved ones, I am Yeshua. How beautiful it is to be with you in this circle. And yet it is not just you and I; there are many beings here with us in this circle— we are surrounded by beings of light, and many gathered to hold this Earth at this time of transition.

This war is part of this transition. Because, as the Earth moves more fully through this shift into fourth density, there is more instability, more chaos—more polarization between those on the Earth who are consciously choosing service to self and power over others and those who are consciously choosing love and light in service for the highest good of all beings.

This polarization and instability, at the ultimate, level, is not what you would call bad, what you would call evil. Although in human terms, when you see destruction and suffering, it is hard to conceive that this is not bad and evil. And this is not to deny the suffering; for there is great suffering. And it is not to say that there is nothing that you can do to help in this situation.

2022 年2月25日星期五晚上,五人小组

约书亚(通过科莱特): 亲爱的朋友们,我是约书亚。在这个圈子里与你们在一起是多么美好。然而,不仅仅是你们和我;此刻,在这个圈子里有很多存有与我们同在——我们被光之存有环绕,许多存有聚集在一起,在这个转变的时期守护着地球。



Yet understand that this war is a tremendous catalyst. At this time the Earth is wobbling on a fulcrum, a tipping point between moving into positive or negative fourth density. Our sense is that the positive polarity has the greater weight.

As part of this process of transition, so much is coming to the surface that is unhealed—not only in those that are choosing the negative path of service to self —but also the unhealed in all of those that are choosing the positive path of service to others.

So, things are coming up. They’re bubbling up. And as they bubble, they appear as instability, chaos, and destruction—and on the mundane level that is so. But on the energetic level this instability also provides the potential for transformation. And there are many beings here to support you and the Earth during this time of great turbulence. You are not alone.




I want to say it is natural to feel fear. It is natural feel anger. It is natural to feel grief. It is natural to be heartbroken when you hear of people by the thousands, fleeing their country, leaving behind homes that could be destroyed; perhaps leaving behind animals. Just needing to move to safety. And in the mundane realm, that is heartbreaking.

So, I ask you not to close your heart to the suffering, to the sorrow. Do not close it—because that heartbreak arises from your commonality as humans who dwell on this planet—the commonality of One Being. There is no separation; you are all in this together as one being, in this time of tremendous change.

Yet do not get lost in the fear, the anger, the grief. Let the energy of those emotions come into you and allow them to be transformed. And in this process of transformation, it does not mean to ignore or pretend that there is no grief, no anger or fear. It is not necessary to push those feelings away but acknowledge them and bring them into your heart and hold it all in love and compassion. Then move it through your awakened heart and send out that love and light and ground it into the Earth.




There may be many other things that you can do to help. Perhaps you may choose to send money, or facilitate sending goods, or volunteer—or other ways you may choose to help. But doing in itself is not only what is needed now. The most important thing is that you become this pillar of love and light that grounds the Earth.

Each one of you can be that—whether you are doing the dishes; whether you are reading the news and sobbing; whether you are taking a walk; whether you are taking a shower; whether you are going grocery shopping; whether you are collecting money or goods to share with others who are struggling or suffering—whatever you are doing, the doing is part of being in this world.

So do not forget that it is who you are —your beingness, your energy, your love, your light—that is the actual transforming, regenerating, and healing factor. As you seed that into the Earth, you help the Earth move through this transition.




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As a human, it’s natural to want to see the war end—to see no suffering, no starvation, no abandonment, no homes destroyed. And one day, in positive fourth density, that world will be here. But now it’s in the shifting phase, the transitional phase.

So do what you are called to do but do it with an open heart. As I was mentioning to C earlier, if you get trapped in the sadness or the anger; if you get trapped into thinking us versus them, the good guys versus the bad guys—if you get trapped into that, you are simply, as I like to say, playing the game of separation, which is the game that’s been played for eons. It’s the game that’s still being played now. And I don’t use the word game to make light of it. But it is a strategic game of power and control that’s being played out on Earth at this time.


所以,做你被召唤去做的事,但要敞开心去做。 正如我之前对C提到的,如果你陷入悲伤或愤怒;如果你陷入我们对抗他们、好人对抗坏人的思维中——如果你陷入其中,你只是,就像我喜欢说的那样,在玩分离的游戏,这个游戏已经玩了亿万年了。它是现在仍在玩的游戏。我并没有用游戏这个词来贬低它。但这是一场权力和控制的战略游戏,此时正在地球上演。

And if you move into that place of separation because of fear or anger, your energy just contributes to all of that contractive and destructive energy. So be aware of the emotions. Honor them. Embrace them. Do not push them away but move them through the awakened heart and send them out to the Earth. Because it is that open, spacious, loving seeding of love and light that creates the foundation for true change to occur.

Certainly, this is a complex and difficult time on Earth right now, but I wanted to bring this perspective to you. My love to you. I pause now. I am Yeshua.

(A’ton offers to speak)




A’ton (via Julian): Hello, I am A’ton, and I greet you in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. We are happy to be here with you at this juncture, listening to Yeshua presenting these images of the heart.

This particular situation with Earth at this time is a somewhat unusual expression of the complexity of moving from third density to fourth density because there are so many different variations on the theme of human experience, cultures, societies, and languages. When these shifts happen on planetary entities where there is a single language, a single society, the process is more likely to move more smoothly. The complexity here has created this boiling kind of foaming situation that’s going on particularly due to the history of service-to-self competition models of behavior.

We suggest a meditative and mindful daily activity practice of imagining the humans on the planet coming together of a one-mind, of a unity, of one ambition to serve the advent of fourth density. Imagine that occurring.

A’ton ( 通过朱利安): 大家好,我是A’ton,我在太一无限造物者的爱与光中向你们致意。我们很高兴在这个关键时刻与你们在一起,聆听约书亚展示这些心的图像。



We offer that you picture the whole planet being surrounded by monks who have evolved a very high level of toning, of being able to create tones of sound that offer stability to the turbulence that’s occurring.

Notice the humans on the planet being in a great conundrum and disturbance. As you see the Ukrainian people walking to the borders into neighboring countries, observe the conditions of suffering in other countries around the world. Allow yourselves to “hear, see, feel, and otherwise sense” this disturbance, this great noise and conundrum being created by the service-to-self expressions.

Imagine that this is a catalyst which is awakening many people, especially younger generations, to “Wait a minute—we don’t want to live with this on this planet. This isn’t necessary. We don’t need this. We don’t need our grandfathers drawing up armies and storming other countries. We’re all one people. We’re all one world. We do not need borders dividing us.”




As the young people envision this, support them by imagining that you are part of the toning monks. Join the great mass of them surrounding the planet with this magnificent harmonic sound. Sense this vibratory activity generating colors, many of which are beyond perception in the human eye.

This is supporting the youth, who are here to live in a fourth density world that is unified of one mind and one heart, joyfully co-creating an almost ecstatic experience of delight, with people feeling that, “I want to incarnate on Earth now, because this is going to be so exciting, so much fun!”

We pause.




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Yeshua (via Colette): My friend A’ton, I am Yeshua. How beautiful that imagery! How beautiful the speaking of the toning that provides a vibratory foundation to this Earth that in a sense is wobbling on an unsteady foundation— and the toning gives it a base on which to rest and stabilize. How I love that imagery!

And I say to you that what A’ton is expressing is real. It is not simply imagery. There are many beings—as A’ton described as the monks—surrounding this Earth, providing energetic stability so that the planet doesn’t wobble off its axis and totally collapse and disintegrate. These beings provide enough of a foundation that the Earth can move slightly as it finds its way to center again.

So when you ask me, “What can I do?”, I say to you that you can add to this vibratory foundation in many ways.

约书亚(通过科莱特): 我的朋友A’ton,我是约书亚。多么美丽的意象啊!这个说法多么美妙,调音给地球提供了振动的基础,在某种意义上,地球正在一个不稳定的地基上摇摆——而调音给了它一个休息和稳定的基座。我多么喜欢这个意象啊!



Imagine the ley lines, the Earth grids. You’ve seen pictures of that. Imagine in your own way contributing to this foundation, and then seeing it spread across all these ley lines as this beautiful net.

You may choose to tone. You may choose to meditate. But you may also choose to dance, and to sing, and to make love, and to garden—all these things in which you take energy and put it into vibratory motion. Can you imagine, if in every country people gathered together in little groups just to dance and sing, what that would add to this beautiful foundation that the monks are providing with their toning?

Thank you, A’ton, for that. I pause. I am Yeshua.




A’ton (via Julian): This is A’ton, and we would like to offer another image to use with this: Imagine as though you and masses of others are tuning an instrument. The instrument is the individual and collective human incarnate expression on Earth. The vision is to tune the instruments out of discord and into harmonic symphony.

Imagine turning a violin, a guitar, a piano, or a very complex organ like they have in cathedrals in Europe, where there’s a masterful tuning going on, where you’re adjusting from the discord to the harmonic.

As you say, Yeshua, this is a serious activity; this is not just an imaginary hope. This is a serious activity, and the more people who become involved with this, it can actually cause the laying down of arms.

So, think of tuning the instrument of the human expression on Planet Earth. Begin with the tuning of the instrument of the self.

Thank you. We pause.

A’ton (通过朱利安): 我是A’ton,我们想提供另一个图像来配合使用:想象你和众多其他存有正在调音一个乐器。这个乐器就是个体和集体人类在地球上的化身表达。愿景即是调音乐器脱离不和谐,并进入和谐的交响乐。





Yeshua (via Colette): Yes. Because as you tune self, you are the instrument, whether you think of it as the whole instrument, one string on the instrument, one key, or however you think about it. So you tune yourself, and then another tunes their own self and you create, as A’ton says, a harmonic or a resonance between those two strings.

A’ton may express this differently; I’m just elaborating on what A’ton has offered. So, think of this not so much as imagining, as in imagination or visualization; think of yourself as actually working with and tuning your own energies and then connecting and resonating with others who have done the same.

I pause. I will make room for others to speak. Thank you, my friend, my brother, A’ton, my social memory complex of many friends!

约书亚(通过科莱特): 是的。因为当你调音自我时,你就是乐器,无论你把它看成是整个乐器、乐器上的一根弦、一个键,还是你怎么想它。因此,你调音你自己,另一个存有也调音它自己,然后,就像A’ton所说的那样,你们在这两根弦之间创造了和音或共振。



Aaron: (Via Barbara) My blessings and love to you all. I am Aaron. With great thanks to Yeshua and to A’ton for the very clear and beautiful things you have said.

How do you tune yourself? We must use great care that tuning is not equated with fixing.

If you equate tuning with fixing, you approach it with a contraction. When you tune an instrument, you are not fixing the instrument. You are knowing that the instrument has the innate quality to give off a very clear tone, each string perfect when the tension is just right on that string.

亚伦 (通过芭芭拉): 向你们所有人献上我的祝福和爱。我是亚伦。非常感谢约书亚和A’ton,你们讲了非常清楚和美丽的事情。



Your job is not to change the strings, assuming that they are intact, but to invite the strings into just the right degree of tension so they give off that magnificent sound.

You are the instrument; you are the strings.Let’s say the physical, mental, emotional bodies, these are the strings. They have the capacity to carry a high, clear, perfect tone—or to screech, or to thrum, be off-tune.

The reason I began to teach vipassana to those who were with us 33 years ago is because it is a way of tuning in—excuse me for using tuning in a different way—but for moving in to see the innate perfection of each string.




You don’t have to get rid of the emotional body, or the physical, or the mental. You don’t have to get rid of anything. Your practice, both vipassana and Pure Awareness, can lead you into resting in the innate perfection of first your being, because that’s where the human starts, and then the innate perfection of being, of sentient being—beings sentient upon the Earth and the Earth itself, as a sentient being.

When you look at the Earth now, it’s as if through the millennia of attack upon the Earth it has developed sores.

If you took a physical body and hit it and punctured it repeatedly, eventually it would have wounds. It would find it hard to express its innate perfection, until it cleared those wounds.




But that’s still too much fixing.

You are not clearing the wounds so much as allowing that which has been poisonous and had developed within the wounds of sentient beings, including the Earth, allowing it to release, so that the innate wholeness and radiance is there and available.

You, you humans, you loving humans, and those who are filled with anger and fear and greed, you are all wounded, and the innate perfection is there.




The ones who are consumed with greed and hatred have no remembrance of that innate perfection. It’s, as has just been said, a vibration that they have forgotten.

Those of you who have a remembrance—“Ah, yes—I used to be able to sing that tone! Ahh! My whole body in every sense was radiant and not consumed with poison. And now I have forgotten that.”

But you are not attempting to create that, or recreate it, because it’s always been there, but to remember it, to invite it.




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The first step is that the wounds need to open so that the poison can release.

Your broken hearts, they are broken because they can feel the poison of the whole world through this heart, each of you through your own heart.

And if you hold that poison in and try to fix it, it doesn’t release.




But when you have the love and courage to expose the heart, to remove the harsh armoring of so many lifetimes and allow the heart to release the pain and emit its natural light, then healing can begin.

Dr. Tavis, here, will tell us that you must be sure all the poisonous material is out of the wound, that it’s cleaned out, before it can heal over.

You are all here in this lifetime with so much love and courage because of your intention to do this work, starting with yourselves. Going deeply into your own woundedness, not to fix but to remember the light and love therein, and to release and let love and light wash out the poisons.




As you can do it for yourself, you can reach out to all of those consumed with greed, with self-gain, ignoring the suffering of the world, only to service to self.

Your energy can touch these people. You have come to do this service, to touch all of those who are teetering on this positive/negative polarity point. To remind them of the power of love within them that is able to choose service to all beings, which involves releasing the poisons of fear and hatred, of greed, of doubt, and each remembering they are love, they have that capacity.

I’m very encouraged by how many of the younger generations that have come through are already a higher density; do not remember why they’re here but are committed to living from this place of love.




So you have a lot of help. Vast, let us say armies of angels, some not incorporated, some incorporated.

Those of us who have been watching this for thousands of years—and I know Yeshua and A’ton would agree with me, here—we have been watching this coming and wondering when it would come. We have been working behind the scenes for thousands of years to help those who are sentient beings on the Earth be ready to bring forth love, more and more love. The harder you are pushed and open your heart to the possibility—not only possibility but I think probability of a highly positively polarized Earth, transitioning into a higher density.

Please, my dear ones, do not give up heart now. You have worked so hard to come to this point.




Like the one running up twenty-three flights of stairs; if you do it every day, the muscles become stronger. You develop the capacity. And then you know, if halfway up you have to go down because the doorbell rings, and then you have to go up again— “Oh, yes— I remember. I can do this.”

You begin to trust your capacity for love. You begin to trust the truth of who you are.

You have been working so hard, through so many lifetimes, so many of you, to come to this point. And there is so much love holding you.




But we, spirit, cannot do it for you—this is a job for the human. And I so much thank you for being here and willing to do this.

I thank you. My dear friends, human and spirit, I love you so much. I am Aaron.



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Julian: I’m so grateful for the image of the poison being released. Aaron, is there something that we can introduce into The Eden Project classes that will help to further instruct how to release this poison, to release these habitual patterns within ourselves of fear, anxiety, frustration and anger? As Individuals and students, how can we functionally accelerate this release of poison in our daily lives? Thank you.

朱利安: 我很感激毒素被释放的画面。亚伦,我们是否可以在伊甸园计划的课程中引入一些内容,来帮助进一步指导我们如何释放这些毒素,释放我们内在的恐惧、焦虑、沮丧和愤怒等习惯模式?作为个人和学生,我们如何在日常生活中有效地加速这种毒素的释放?谢谢。

Aaron: Thank you, Julian. I am Aaron. I hear your question.

There are two things. One is, if I might say it in this way, the gift of the present catalyst, and each loving being’s pain and desire to help. This becomes support that helps us.

You think you can’t do anymore. And yet you’re so committed to relieving suffering, and you see somebody who’s really suffering, and you find yes, I have more capacity. I can do more.

亚伦: 谢谢你,朱利安。我是亚伦。我听到你的问题了。



And the flip side of this is the continued work with path of sacred darkness, each being really needing to go into their own darkness, because only by going into the darkness can you release the poisons. Otherwise, it’s simply putting one more bandage over another bandage, over another bandage, trapping the poisons within.

But when you are willing to go into the darkness and see the nature of the darkness, and that the light is right there with the darkness, then you become willing to remove those bandages and let the poison flow out, let the system purify itself, whether we are talking about the system of the humans, or of all sentient beings, or of the Earth itself as sentient being, all of it creating that purification that can move Earth into a higher vibration.

My brothers and sisters of light, whether you are incarnate or not presently incarnate, I love you. And we have been working so long toward this end. Let us not lose heart now.




That final way is always the steepest. That doesn’t mean it cannot be climbed, but it will take all the love you can give. That song, “Give that dream all the love you can give, every day of your life, for as long as you live…Climb every mountain…”

(Mary will speak)



Mary (via Barbara): My beloved ones, I am Mary, and I thank you for this opportunity to speak, and for the loving wisdom that has flowed through many human and spirit.

You know that I came here two thousand years ago to help Yeshua, he bringing the light, planting it into the Earth, and my helping to smooth it through the Earth, anchor it in the Earth.

We’re still doing that anchoring. There are places where it has not taken as much as other places, places where there is still a strong holdout of negativity, darkness.

玛利亚(通过芭芭拉): 我亲爱的朋友们,我是玛利亚,我感谢你们给我这个讲话的机会,感谢你们充满爱的智慧,它们已经流淌在许多人类和灵魂之中。



It’s so important to remember that darkness and light are non-dual, and that those places where you see the most darkness perhaps are the places that are most ready for that wound that Aaron spoke of to open, the poisons to pour out so the light can be revealed.

If you condemn those places of darkness—right now, thinking about Russia and the attack on the Ukraine. But Russia is not a place of darkness. Russia is simply one manifestation of self-centeredness and service to self, as happens all over the world.

It is the place where the wound has come close to the surface and is ready to cleanse itself. And in that, let us call it healing crisis, it’s developed a fever. There’s a lot of poison close to the surface. That means that love is needed to help it open and release.




This does not mean that you back up and say, “Sure, go out and kill as many as you like.” Love has the power to say no from a place of love, not a place of fear. It is so important that that distinction be made.

When the no comes from a place of non-contraction that deeply respects the pain of the one who is striking out in service to self, respects without giving permission to do harm, that’s the shift.

“I hear your pain. I hear your anger. I hold you in my heart. But no, you may not do harm.” And the power of that, “No, you may not do harm,” reverberating through the whole Earth, through the whole universe—this is what brings the release of negativity, that it sees that it cannot go any further. This is what grounds the light and gives Earth and all upon the Earth the power to respond from that place of love.

这并不意味着你支持并说,“当然,你想杀多少就杀多少吧。” 爱有说不的能力,它是出于爱,而不是出于恐惧。作出这种区分是如此重要。

当这个 “不” 来自于一个不收缩的地方,它深深地尊重那些奋力为自我服务的人的痛苦,尊重而不允许伤害,这就是转变。

“我听到了你的痛苦。我听到了你的愤怒。我把你放进我的心。但是不,你不可以伤害。” 那句 “不,你不可以伤害” 的力量,回荡在整个地球,整个宇宙——这是带来负面性释放的力量,负面性意识到自己无法再继续前进了。这是基于光的力量,它给予地球和地球上所有人力量从爱的地方去做出回应。

That time two thousand years ago, as your slang expression might say it, that was not my first rodeo. Lifetimes before, and with Yeshua and others of the light, coming again and again to the Earth to give the Earth as much light as it could contain at that time. And then, when it could not absorb any more, backing off and letting it stabilize. And then coming again. And then the last time, two thousand years ago. And now it has had two thousand years to stabilize.

The poisons need a way to pour off. Light needs those openings where the wounds were, to sink in.

Don’t be afraid of the wounds. Keep offering them love and light.

We are with you and helping you, but only you, as humans, can do this work.

I am Mary.






Mary (via Colette): My dear ones, I am Mary, and it is a joy to pass back and forth between Barbara and Colette in this way.

Aaron has spoken of the sacred darkness; of the wound—as I have just spoken about as well through Barbara—festering, and the poisons needing to come out so that healing can begin.

I would like to bring up another aspect to consider as well as you look at what is going on around this Earth.

玛利亚(通过科莱特): 我亲爱的朋友们,我是玛利亚,以这种方式在芭芭拉和科莱特之间来回传递是一种快乐。



As you are aware of what is occurring—with the understanding that your media only focuses on certain aspects of this situation—it is easy to move into a sense of panic as there is so much turbulence and chaos—and then to move into feelings of helplessness and despair, fearing that this is going to end badly; the Earth is not going to make it; things are going to collapse.

But I ask you to consider another perspective that is more hopeful. As Aaron mentioned, there are many beings here, especially of the younger generation, that you would call Wanderers, or Indigo Children, or Crystal Children or by other various names— and they have come specifically at this time of transformation. There are millions of them here. While they might not have full awareness of what they’re doing here, they come in already with the veil a little thinner, able to access more of their fourth density capacities.

These beings are in every area of the Earth, in every society and every culture. So when you look at the leaders who are waging the wars, who are sending the armies and dropping the bombs, understand that they represent a certain aspect of negativity—such as in this case the war initiated by Russia—but every country has their aspects of negativity.




Yet realize that the leaders do not represent all the people. The people have power—maybe not power to, say, stop the bomb or depose a leader immediately—but the people can wield power as well.

Can you imagine if the people just decided, “I won’t join the army. I won’t fly the plane. I won’t drop the bomb. I won’t do this.”? So there’s a potential for an uprising from the populace, an uprising to bring this different energy, to bring this compassionate No.

I am not predicting how or if it will happen. But I am just asking you to consider—that not only are there many beings that surround and support this Earth, including all the monks toning—that living on this Earth now are many others like you, especially this newer generation who have come for these times. They don’t need 50 or 70 years to wake up. They come somewhat already awake and are in the process of laying the foundation for a whole new world; for the fourth density world.




So, remember that. It’s natural to look at what is going on and say, “This is a disaster. It’s just going to go into total chaos.” And while I’m not predicting anything, I want you to be aware that as the chaos, the poison, and the sore erupts and flows out, that the foundation is here to support the outflow of a whole fountain of healing fourth density love/light energies.

A birthing is occurring, and the fourth density baby is stuck in the birth canal! It needs a little help to push it into existence.

But there is hope. I do not predict. I say that often—there’s no prediction as there is always free will among entities. But there is a groundswell of beings walking this Earth, of beings surrounding this Earth, and supporting this transition into fourth density.

所以,记住这点。看着正在发生的事情,人们很自然地会说,“这是一场灾难。它只会陷入彻底的混乱。” 虽然我不是预测任何事情,但我想让你们意识到,当混乱、毒素和疮口爆发并流出时,基础就在这里,支持着整个第四密度爱/光能量的治愈之泉的涌出。



And as you add your loving intention to theirs, as you build that foundation, as you tune your instruments, the potential is there for the populace to just rise up and say, “No—we unite as one family. We don’t play war. No—we’re done.”

It will not be that simple. But do not forget what is possible. I leave you with that hope. Hold that hope in your heart.

My love to you, my dear ones. I am Mary.




Barbara: Both Aaron and Mary are reminding us, as soon as we get caught up in the stories of fear, we block the release of the poison.

When we recognize fear as fear, and that yes, sometimes it’s going to be painful for this poison to release, but it’s doing so, and instead of getting caught up in fears, stories—as Mary just said, recognize, okay, this is just part of the process. Cleaning a wound can be painful. Cleaning the Earth of so many eons of negativity—releasing, releasing. Aaron just keeps reminding me this is what we’re here to do.

As Mary just reminded us, so many of these younger generations are coming in really already knowing this is what they’ve come to do, or only needing a small reminder to wipe the dust away, so that they say, “Ah, yes—I was forgetting.” They can do it.

What we are doing today: we moved on to some personal discussion with our spirit friends. Excerpts…

芭芭拉: 亚伦和玛利亚都在提醒我们,一旦我们陷入恐惧的故事,我们就阻碍了毒素的释放。


就像玛利亚刚才提醒我们的,许多年轻一代来这里的时候已经知道他们来这里是为了做什么,或者仅仅需要一个小小的提醒来擦去灰尘,然后他们会说,“啊,是的,我差点忘了。” 他们可以做到。


Barbara: Some of my ancestors come from the Ukraine. I looked on a map, the city of Brod. “Brodsky” means “city of Brod”. I’ve known where Brod is; there in the middle of Ukraine, a small city.

I suspect I must have a thousand or more cousins in that area, just going back to greatgreat-great-grandparents, those who stayed there. I’m just finding my heart connecting to those people with love. And whether they’re actual cousins or not, they’re all cousins. Everyone in the world is our cousin.

But it was easier to begin with those people who I can think of literally as cousins, just holding them in my heart. Then I began looking at those people in subways, in bomb shelters, and just taking one person, watching them for a minute, and then closing my eyes and holding that person in my heart. Coming back to this human connection that we have. This person is also my cousin, my brother or sister, really. Not just human—mammal connection. Not just mammal—sentient being connection. Coming back to this.

芭芭拉: 我的一些祖先来自乌克兰。我在地图上看到了布罗德市。“Brodsky”的意思是“city of Brod”。我知道布罗德在哪儿;在乌克兰中部,一个小城市。



I think my question to spirit is, is this a useful way to support what’s happening in Ukraine and the whole world? What can we really do, as individuals?

I know it doesn’t help me when I get into helpless fear, lack of control. What can I control? I’m meditating a lot. Sitting here at my altar, meditating; looking at these pictures of beloved past teachers, friends, and family, mostly, asking, how can I help—right now?

It’s interesting for me— as soon as I say, “How can I help?”, there’s the certainty that I can help, and that reduces the feeling of helplessness and the fear of helplessness. And then I can look at the fear that comes up, “I’m helpless. I can’t do anything,” —ah, no, we’re not helpless.




Fear is one of the things that gets in the way—not fear but getting caught up in the stories of the fear is one of the things that gets in the way of our actual helping. We get pulled into that trap, and it blocks our ability to do what we can do, which is just to hold loving space in our hearts.

So, I don’t know any of my ancestors’ names back then. I know the great-greatgrandfather who came here from the city of Brod had the last name, Brodsky, but I don’t know any first names.

My heart is just going out to these people and saying, “I love you, and I will live here with as much stability as I can, to hold space for you, who are living there right now in such instability. And we can do that without being a rescuer and adding to the triangle Julian describes below.



我的心只想对这些人说,“我爱你们,我会尽可能稳定地生活在这里,为现在生活在如此不稳定环境中的你们保留爱的空间。” 我们可以这样做,而不必成为一个拯救者以及加入朱利安下面所述的三角关系。

Julian: The other day, in our Eden Project class small group meeting, we meditated on the Russian invasion into Ukraine as it was launching. As I began my meditation, I immediately experienced the energy, the presence of all of our group members as energy beings. Focusing on Ukraine, I realized that we were joining a massive group of people around the world who were meditating and expressing compassion for Ukraine.

I felt instructed to express the compassion, not only for the people in Ukraine, but also for the land, the second density beings, the buildings, and all of the structures that humans have built and live with in Ukraine. Then I felt shown to move the attention and include the Russian military and the people in Russia, because their energy is also involved.

朱利安: 前几天,在我们的伊甸园项目班的小组会议上,我们就俄罗斯正入侵乌克兰一事进行了冥想。当我开始冥想,我立刻体验到了能量,我们所有的小组成员都是作为能量存有的存在。在专注于乌克兰的同时,我意识到我们加入了全世界为乌克兰冥想和表达慈悲、同情的庞大群体。


It was for me a magnificent experience. It reminded me of how our world has this formula of that triangle of victim, persecutor, and rescuer, where you have to have a victim being persecuted and a rescuer who will intervene. It is a very old pattern with us humans on this planet of a triangle of turbulent energy that perpetuates itself.

With this in mind, I meditate with compassion that the old pattern triangle of suffering be released from Ukraine and the entire world. I release from wanting to be a rescuer and from wanting to persecute Putin and the Russian soldiers. I practice opening into the space of grace and offering to be a conduit through which compassionate grace then expresses. That was my experience. Thank you.

