A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - 4

July 1

The Liquor Of Righteousness

I am of the principle of Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of love.

Know ye that the spirit is everywhere to be found: in every
raindrop, in every birdsong, in every mote of dust under your
feet, and in every speck of sky overhead. There is that within
you which drinks in this excellent liquor of righteousness and
much light passes between the universe outside of you and
the universe within.

When the seeker faces the universe as a part of the universe
and moves so as to treasure dust and sky, bird and rose, the
spirit is encouraged and strengthened and the bond between
humankind and nature grows more into the unity that it
should enjoy.

We encourage the finding of joy and laughter in the natural world about, for it is full of the Creator’s spirit.

We leave you in peace, now and ever.

July 2
The Good And Bad Wood

I come in the name of Jesus the Christ—I, the spirit of the
living Christ in the world today. I greet you in the
inestimable and eternal love of the Father.

When the axeman hews the tree, he treats it carefully. He sees
the good wood and the bad. He sees the wood that shall make
lumber and the wood that shall make kindling. He has a
perspective upon this tree that he could never have had as he
gazed upon it as a living being, for he has moved that living
being, deadened it, and claimed it for his own use.

Only through the hands of spirit can such sacrifice be
recovered, renewed and recreated. Consider well, my
children, the lesson of the tree. Use what you need. For truly
this is the way of your life. But give back that which your
earth needs. Give back that which your peoples need, that the
Holy Spirit, through each of you, may renew the face of the

We leave you in the striving amidst peace and the peace
amidst all strife. We leave you in that peace the world knows
not, now and ever.

July 3

The Strength Of Waiting

I am of the principle of the love of Jesus Christ, that perfect
love which is the love of creation. Still, I come forth from the
Christ principle to be the agent of the consciousness of love.

Those who seek hastily and fervently for us may not find us,
for we come to those who rest in the strength of waiting and
expectancy of hope and quietness toward our presence.

Though we are a fair portion of each situation and each
excursion into illusion, to be efficacious in joining our spirit
to human will, you must wait for spirit and ask spirit to enter.
Thus it is in quietness that the spirit comes and speaks to one
who wills to hear that soft voice which may create and
transform the outer circumstances.

For the inner experience of grace allows one to see for the first
time the outer circumstance with the lines of spirit drawn in
the pencil of love, so that the way of inner spirit to outer
manifestation of created love becomes clear.

We leave you in the anticipation of each discovery of the
spirit. We leave you in the peace of the consciousness of love,
now and ever. Amen.

July 4

Where Is Freedom?

I am the presence of Jesus the Christ in the world today. I
greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

This is the day of American freedom, the day of flags and
celebrations. As you look around you, behind the smiles of
celebration lie great discords and this you see: discord
between man and self, between man and man, between
mates, between parents and children, and between nation and

You may then think to yourself that freedom is not full. Yet
we say to you that you are free, that your freedom is in Christ
and that you have the freedom to extend hands of divine love,
peace and unity, eyes that smile with consolation and pardon.
You have the spirit that makes the broken whole.

You need only ask, for the spirit of Christ is with you all, and
its peace embraces all, both now and evermore.

July 5

Love Yourself

I am of the principle of the love of Christ. I greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

Black despair surrounds the soul which is not at harmony
with itself. The eye, turned inward, can be dismayed by the
various imperfections which the eye seems to see in the self.

Yet this disparaging eye shuts the door to spirit, which awaits
self-acceptance that it may shine forth from the self to the
glory of the Creator and for the blessing of those about one.

Condemnation of the self is never productive when it is done
to the exclusion of the reaffirmation of the love of that self
which the Creator has made. Love yourself. Only then can
you love your neighbor and the Creator of that love which is

We leave you in peace, now and always. Amen.

July 6

The Hope Of Light

I am the living spirit of the consciousness of love.

I am of a principle of being without personality as you know
it, of being rooted in and upheld in love, in a love that is
clear, undiluted and bright, a love that may dance within the
light of those who dwell even in the innermost shades of the
earthly life and illumine those dark penumbras of living.

Consider yourselves among those who have every hope of
light and love regardless of the situation which appears before
you. For the spirit of the living God penetrates to every heart.

The peace of Christ be with you, now and always. Amen.

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July 7

The Universe Is Your Womb

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ in the world today and I
greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

The night sky is an image which we may connect to the
womb of the soul. The stars are sliding by in infinite number,
their points of light flashing as jewels and moving away, then,
at speeds which are impossible to express with tongue or

It is in the starry womb within the silence of your being that
peace, confidence and trust in that perfect love which Jesus
brings are expressed. Rest in that womb and realize that you
have yet to be born and that this universe and all that you see
before you is indeed your womb.

To become a true child of the universe will be strange and
new and certainly un-peaceful. Therefore, rest back in the
true nature of womb silence and feel that peace which passeth
all understanding, for in the darkness of the womb of the
Father-Mother-God shall you be created and shall you create.

We leave you in the peace and the love of Jesus the Christ,
now and forever. Amen.

July 8

Pray And Release

I come to speak with the voice of Jesus the Christ to the
world. I greet you in the full consciousness of love.

There are the tears unshed, the concern and the worry within
this instrument this day, concern for family members whose
health has been compromised. And so this pilgrim makes the
same error as many: thinking to take up the cross of Christ
and follow Him, instead this seeker takes up the cross of
worry and follows the illusions of the world.

Let the tears unshed become the prayers said. Let prayers said
be prayers felt, prayers meant, prayers realized.

Then let the seeking soul be at rest, for all burdens are not the
spirit’s to carry. The function of the Comforter is to hear that
which has been said and to submit it to the greater will.

With the prayer said, it has been done. It may be released. It
may be trusted. And consolation and peace may come to that
spirit which knows that the higher will has now been invoked
through Jesus the Christ.

We urge you to pray, to release the prayer, and then to be, at
last, in perfect peace, now and ever. Amen.

July 9

Awaiting The Host’s Invitation

I am of those who shower this world with the ever-creative
love of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the consciousness of

That consciousness flowers when it will, as the world calls for
it and requires it. That consciousness is called by desire. That
consciousness dwells as the guest within the house, awaiting
the host’s invitation to join in the conversation at table.

At times your experience may that of the banquet and at
other times that of starvation fare. Yet always the manna of
divine thought is there in full supply to fill the hearts and
minds of those who seek beyond banquet and hunger to that
food which is given every day for the transformation of the
self and the renewal of all of humankind.

We leave you in the peace of constant, divine love. Whatever
your circumstance this is yours, now and forever. Amen.

July 10

Be The Light

I am the principle of divine love. I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love which is in Jesus the Christ.

You, as you gaze at yourself, cannot see that you are the light
of the world. Disturbed with your own difficulties, confused
about priorities, and in general bogged down in the waste, the
paperwork, and the uselessness of many daily activities, it is
easy to forget and it is easy to relinquish your birthright.

Your birthright is to be sons and daughters of the one infinite
Creator. You are the light of the world. Know and feel this in
your heart. Know that through the grace of this principle
which we represent, all your efforts shall be comforted and

Do not think too little of yourself. Be the light of the world
in gladness, joy and singleness of mind and heart. Remember
that which you are here to do: love each other. May you shine
with the radiance of the Christ.

We are with you always in comfort and in the peace of
unconditional love, now and forever. Amen.

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July 11

Never Run Too Fast

I am of the principle of love and greet you in that love.

We find that the minds of those who seek us this day are
fretted and worried, so that there is only a very tenuous
contact betwixt the spirit of love and those who seek it. It is
very difficult for us to make it known to those who move fast
and are upset.

But we are indeed with each, regardless of circumstances or
where the mind is placed. Indeed, no matter how quickly the
day goes or how upset you may become because of the
circumstances of the day, we are with you. Love does not
leave you, but, rather, the upset and worried personality
forgets to open and request that the spirit of Christ enter in.

We hope you never run so fast or feel so out of sorts that you
forget to open to love, for that love may transform, not the
circumstances, but the feelings about them.

We leave you in peace, now and ever.

July 12

Blame And Forgiveness

I am of the principle of divine love and I greet you in the
consciousness of Jesus the Christ.

We would speak with you this day about blame and

It is a natural faculty of humankind to discriminate, discern
and judge betwixt all manner of experience in order to make
choices and decisions. This is a proper use of the tools and
resources which the Father has given to all His children.

There is, however, a dark and unpleasant side to
discrimination. That is discrimination practiced with regard
to the actions of others upon others which one watches as a
witness. Shall you, as witness, blame and find judgment?

We trust and hope that the spirit of the living God may, by
grace, open you in these trying moments to the power and
consolation of prayerful attention. For in an attitude of
prayerful attention it is desired only that the will of the Father
be done. Thanksgiving is then given that all is, indeed, well
and will be well.

These positive affirmations give a supernal peace to the
witness and place those in dispute within the bright light of
forgiveness and prayer. May you be an agent of peace by the
power of the Holy Spirit and not an agent of blame and
judgment. May you find, preserve and share the peace that
does indeed pass the understanding of humankind.

It is in this peace and compassion that we leave you, now and
ever. Amen.

July 13

The Universe Of Good

I am of the principle of love and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love.

May the light which surrounds you be made known to you in
this day.

May your paths be filled with the consciousness of the many
flowers and grasses upon the ground and within the mind.

May the spirit create for you the universe of good which the
Father intended.

May love precede you to make fair your path this day.

Turn and call upon the spirit of love and you shall be
enveloped and cradled in light and love every moment of
your waking experience. We of the principle of love rejoice
that we may share with you in your steps this day.

We leave you in the peace and the joy of the consciousness of
love, both now and evermore. Amen.

July 14

In Love With Life

I am the spirit of the living Christ. I greet you in the full
consciousness of Godly love.

We find two of your kittens, who normally have differences,
sleeping peacefully, side by side upon the lap of this channel.
Such is the peace that passeth understanding. One may see
the same thing in two people who have not yet been tested by
adversity and who are attracted to each other, happy and
excited and full of good feelings.

When adversity occurs and misunderstandings happen, the
kittens play with sharpened claws. The human spirit retreats
in bewilderment and strikes out in anger. Think with all your
heart of the way it feels to open the eyes and see nothing but
beauty. This is what it is to be in love with life.

Sharpen the eyesight, retract the claws, and allow the grace of
the Holy Spirit within your life to lift from you the anger, the
fear, the desolation, the guilt, and the despair. We turn you
from those at odds with life to those in love with life.

You can be the same person and move from one position to
the other. It is only necessary to ask persistently for the aid of
the spirit of the full consciousness of love.

We are with you in total and utter peace, now and ever.

July 15

Hollowed Out By Circumstances

I am of the principle of living love and I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love.

It may seem to you that you are hollowed out by
circumstances, circumstances that squeeze the life from heart
and soul so that all that remains is a hollow reed.

Indeed, many times the work of the spirit contains this facet
or phase, for there are times when, in order to progress in
service, one must hollow out the channel of the self, removing
stumbling blocks to one’s capacity for joy and life

When the student finds the mark and imprint of love through
trust and faith within these situations, then does the spirit
enter more and more to make, of unhappiness, perfect peace.

We leave you in that peace, now and always. Amen.

July 16

Do You Walk Too Quickly?

I am of the principle of the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you in the full consciousness of love.

Where are your steps leading you this day? Do you walk too
quickly to keep in contact with the spirit of love? Shall the
mind desire love to follow and surround the experience of the

It is tempting to allow the consciousness of love to slide away
from one as the load of mundane detail causes the pace to
quicken and quicken. The busy mind cannot stop and ask for
love, for it is too busy taking care of mundane business.

Yet the spirit is in constant association with you and may
make itself known at any time it is called. No matter how
quickly you are running this day, we ask that you turn in
mind and heart to love and ask that all things that you see
and do be seen first and done always in love.

We leave you in the peace of constant love, now and ever.

July 17

The Attitude Of St. Patrick

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

Sometimes it is difficult to know how to move in the spirit
instead of stumbling in the darkness of the mundane world.
Yet we say to you that that dark world is illuminated for those
who have eyes to see the light that is in all things and all

Let your attitude be that of St. Patrick, who armored himself
in Christ before, behind, above and beneath. Wearing the
armor of Christ’s love, he and you may find a changed and
renewed mundane world.

Allow love to speak to the love within you, and you will soon
find that you may tabernacle with the Creator in any and all
circumstances through faith.

We leave you in peace, now and ever.

July 18

Yours Is The Power

I am of the living spirit of love which is the fully developed
consciousness of Jesus the Christ.

How very un-powerful most feel within their life structures!
My children, there is no reason to feel a lack of power. Yours
is the power to forgive, to have compassion and to change.

Yours is the power to right the wrong that you perceive, to
bless those things for which you are grateful and to give

Yours is the power to produce within your experience and
that of those who mingle with you a sense of holiness, peace,
joy and sanctity, all wrapped up in the laughter and joy of
unconditional love.

How powerful is the awareness of unconditional love! Never
doubt that each of you is a powerful, powerful entity. Cast
your allegiance and your desire toward the principle of
unconditional love and ask for the Comforter. And as you
strive, you shall be comforted. You shall be inspirited. You
shall be nurtured.

We leave each bright being in the peace of Jesus the Christ
and in His healing love, now and ever. Amen.

July 19

Your Attitude Toward Change

I am the spirit set apart from the world to do the work of
Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of divine

Your reaction to change sometimes resembles your reaction to
an open or gaping wound. Many negative emotions are
stirred. There is the fear of infection and the worry as to the
progress of healing. Above all, change is seen as a negative to
be endured and corrected.

The spirit of the living God does not have this vision of
change. And one who dwells in the consciousness of love shall
not have such a negative attitude towards change either. For
when one dwells in the world, change is destructive. Yet when
one dwells in love, change is sometimes challenging and
always interesting and informative.

Your foundation, that upon which you stand, is that which
has been before the world was, has endured through all
changes, and shall endure forever. You stand on firm ground.

May your heart be at peace. May you see change peacefully.
May you embrace change in peace, joy and confidence.

We leave you in peace, now and ever. Amen.

July 20

Open To Radiance

I am the great principle of love unbounded, the love of Jesus
the Christ. I greet you in that unconditional and sacred

Dawn has thrust its rosy fingers into the night and pulled up
the sun to make morning come. And now, as the mist of
dawn burns away and another day begins, the sun above is
radiant and generous, beaming its warmth and comfort upon
all, regardless of each entity’s condition.

You are this principle, potentially, within this little lifetime
that you now experience. You have within you a door to open
to radiance, a door to open to the principle of unconditional
and sacramental love.

Are you worthy of such love? This is not a question for you to
ask. Rather have faith that love loves unconditionally and
causes the unworthy one to be worthy. Know that you are in
a state of forgiveness and allow the radiance of the most
divine love to shine forth from you this day.

As you move through a world of shadow and sham, be the
light that is true and real. You cannot make of yourself an
inspiration of light and love. You can, of yourself, will to be
and to manifest the love which pours through you and, as a
channel, which you may pour forth in turn. We encourage
you to be radiant this day, to feel the love and the peace
which is yours and all entities’, now and ever.

We leave you in this peace and love. Amen.

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