A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - 3

May 1

Endless Centers Of Love

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in full
consciousness; the consciousness which is all that there is; the
consciousness of love.

You sit. You listen inwardly. And your universe contracts as
meditation lifts you and silence greets you with profound
wisdom. Slowly you feel yourself expand. And you are aware
of the love all about you: the creatures that fly and walk and
crawl and swim, the very motes of dust in the air, the blessed
sunshine or the equally blessed rain giving glory to the Father.
And as you meditate, your universe expands even more.

You are aware that you are an integral part of the sphere upon
which you live. The world is your neighborhood. All the
sunshine and all the rain of all the world are within you;
within the heart; within the consciousness.

Then your consciousness takes flight and moves away until
your home sphere is no longer visible and all about you are
endless centers of love, radiating, radiating, radiating.

And as you expand further, you discover that all of the
infinite creation—every star, every planet, every ray of
sunshine and every creature—lies within your consciousness.
For you and the creation are one.

Now, you are still sitting upon your blanket, or upon your
couch or chair. Yet, the universe is now inside you and you
feel its balance and its grace. You feel also your balance, your
grace, and the infinite love that created all that there is.
Nothing is alien to you. All is love. Open your hearts to that
infinite truth.

We leave you in peace and love, now and ever. Amen.

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May 2

Lift Them To The Lord

I am that principle which comes in the name of the Lord
Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full consciousness of
divine love.

We would focus this morning upon the word, “cherish.” All
of you are wounded. Turn to the spirit within and in faith lift
up your wounds, your hearts, and your spirits as an offering
to the Creator, the Father of all.

Trust in the spirit of love to create within that offering the
consciousness of cherishing; of lightening the burden; of
lifting the heart; of making a true offering of the self, not just
as a wounded self but as a self that is always in the presence of
healing. It is a right and joyful thing to do; it brings you no
reward but that you have remembered to cherish and praise
the Creator of all.

As you move through your day, gaze upon the many chores
that seem so mundane and the relationships that do not seem
to be happy, useful or helpful. And once again lift them to
the Lord, cherishing these seemingly ruined gifts.

For it is in the strength of the principle which we represent,
that of divine love, that all these are turned into a cherishing.
For you ask for nothing back, nothing in return but only to
make an offering of your life as it is, as you are.

You are cherished. Lift your consciousness and you, too, shall
cherish the mundane and so change it into an offering of
praise, thanksgiving and blessing.

We leave you in the consciousness of healing, completely
unselfish, divine and cherishing love; love that shall give you
peace, now and evermore. Amen.

May 3

True Reality Beyond Doubting

I am the spirit of living love and I greet you in the
consciousness of Christ.

We find this instrument full of self-doubt. And it would be
impossible to use this instrument were it not that the
instrument is willing to be clear, regardless of her doubts. We
would ask each to use this as a parable for the life experience.

Of course you will have doubts. Of course you will be
discouraged. Of course there will be many things that you do
not understand. But the strength, the power, and the divinity
of the consciousness of love is with each always, far closer
than your breathing, far more yourself than your skin and
your bones.

Know the true reality beyond the doubting. Call upon the spirit of the living God, for you live your life not only in doubt but in the certainty of eternity.

We leave you in the everlasting peace of the infinite love of
Jesus the Christ. Amen.

May 4

The Wellspring Of Life

I am the spirit of the living Christ. I greet you in the full
consciousness of love.

The living wellspring of life comes to each and yet awaits the
asking, just as water remains in the pipe until the faucet is

The holy city of God stands with plain streets and glass stones
until the seeker within its gates opens those gates to let in that
vivifying spirit which turns glass to gem and plain streets to
crystal seas and golden portals.

Each seeker already stands at the wellspring of life within the
city of God. Yet until the call goes out in full sincerity from
the heart of the pilgrim, the manifestation of joy and
wholeness cannot be felt.

We stand waiting without the gates for the principle of the
full consciousness of love to be asked to enter. We await each
call in perfect confidence of the glorious outcome. For all
consciousness shall see Christ.

We leave you in peace, now and always. Amen.

May 5

Anchored In Love

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
consciousness of pure, whole and divine love. May you feel
that love as these words surround you and penetrate you, that
you may begin your day and continue your day anchored in

This instrument was concerned during this morning’s
offering that she was so irreverent as to make jokes and to
laugh with an unexpected caller. May we say forcefully that if
the life is lived in the spirit of love, it is a life lived in laughter.
It is a life lived in joyful humor. And one who spreads the
laughter and the humor spreads the peace and the healing of
Jesus Christ, Lord of all.

Are you afraid of the words “Lord” and “King”? Know that
love, the very fabric of consciousness, is Lord and is King of
that kingdom of love which you seek. And you do not need
to seek in vain. We are of the spirit of Jesus the Christ,
Comforter to the world today. And at this moment we say to
you, “Live and laugh! Live and be joyful! And you shall live
sacramentally and in the kingdom of eternal life.”

We leave you in the peace which passeth all understanding; in
the love of Jesus the Christ, now and evermore. Amen.

May 6

Joy Upon Joy

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of love.

This is the spirit’s word for you today: come down from your
cross, my children and nourish your faith upon the common
ground of ordinary life.

There is the concept of suffering. There is the suffering of the
past, of the present and of the future. Yet, the spirit of the
living God is with you. You need not suffer, but open to faith
and hope.

The spirit of Jesus the Christ is one of comfort, consolation
and strengthening. There is no damage that cannot be
mended by faith; a faith that brings about the climate of
forgiveness; a faith that brings about the healing of all that is
broken; a faith in which fears for the future may not live. For
fear is a hothouse flower and when exposed to the love of a
living Christ it must perish as a weed before the burning sun.

In this light, may you be impregnated with faith upon faith,
joy upon joy. To prepare your ground for faith this day, ask
in sincerity and truth that it may be so. Ask with all your
heart and it shall be so.

We leave you in the blessed peace and love of Jesus the
Christ, now and ever. Amen.

May 7

Rise And Be Free

I am the spirit of the full consciousness of love. I greet you in
the love of Christ.

Within the mind does each pilgrim bow before the spirit and
fall to the knees upon the dusty floor of human suffering.

Yet to the spirit all things are light and love and the holy
flame of the principle of Jesus the Christ reaches out to sin
and suffering with hand and arm, saying, “Arise! Come and
do the work of the spirit, not the work of the bondservant.”

My children, rise and be free, for that spirit which is love
utterly commits and utterly frees the answering spirit of the
pilgrim. Answer and be made whole, that the light may shine
in and through you and that you may, by your light, lift
others from the threshing floor of error.

We leave you in the transfiguring peace of the love of Christ,
now and forever. Amen.

May 8

The Garden Of The Spirit

I am of the principle of the full consciousness of love.

I am the garden of your heart. I am the fountain of joy. I
dwell in the midst of experience and no creature is far from
me at any time.

The difficulties of experience may seem like many waters
separating the soul from light, separating the thirsty one from
wholesome drink. And yet the water of troubles is shallow.
And with the feet under one, the soul may stand up into good
air and see the fountain of life.

Know that if you are in trouble of any kind today, it is a
shallow and unstable trouble, a mere shadow waiting only for
the heart to pound with courage and faith, that the feet may
be gathered under one and the soul’s body be thrust upright.

For truly it is said that man has never left the Garden of the
spirit in any but the most shallow sense. A little round of
salvation may seem large. Yet because it is a perfect circle you
have never been without it.

We leave you in peace, now and ever. Amen.

May 9

You Are The Holy One

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness which is divine love.

Sometimes it may seem that troubles surround you, that your
easy path seems hedged in at every turn and filled with
boulders difficult to climb over and impossible to remove.

It may seem to you that you are then comfortless. This is not
so. The spirit of Jesus the Christ lives in the world this day,
this moment, and for you. You are the holy one we have
come to comfort. You are the seeking saint we hope to
console. You are the doubting spirit we hope to renew.

Share your responsibilities, your troubles and the difficulties
of your path in prayer with those of us who love you most
dearly. In that sharing there shall be joy amidst hardship and
strength amidst weakness.

In joy, in strength and in peace we leave you now and ever.

May 10

Become Part Of Your Creation

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
fullness of the blessing of love.

There is so much in a day that goes unnoticed; the beautiful
color of the sky and the twitter of birds. Seen from the
windows of your transport, the world seems surreal and apart
from you.

Let it not be that way this day for you. Enter into the majesty
and glory of the creation of the Father. Raise your hands in
joy to the sky. Feel the life beneath your feet. Touch the
living branches of the beautiful trees. Do these things as a
blessing to yourself. For this beauty was made for you, and if
your eyes do not appreciate it, it must bloom unseen. Become
part of your creation this day. Find the peace and the joy that
leaps from every living branch.

We leave you in that peace, now and ever. Amen.

May 11

The Details Of Daily Life

I am of the principality of heaven and of the nature of love. I
greet you in that consciousness which is the love of Christ.

We find within this instrument the experience of wrestling
with the dark angel of desire. For as the instrument’s brighter
angel desires to tend towards the living Christ, yet the busy bee mind engages wholeheartedly and insistently in wrestling
the attention towards smaller and smaller details of the daily
life, so that all feeling of continuity and wholeness is lost and
the earthen vessel which is the body seems in place for no
reason except to attend to a myriad of details.

Yet it is truly said that great treasure may lie within and be
reflected from and through just these earthen vessels. And so
the struggle is well continued.

Indeed, the simple knowledge that there is an alternative to a
life without a unifying spirit enlivens and beautifies the
intentions and thus the deeper desires of the pilgrim. The
Holy Spirit of the living God wishes never to intrude but to
invite the strength of love to enliven the drab details of daily
life. And so shall it be done. The struggle shall give way again
and again to victory.

We leave you in the peace of the spirit’s continuing struggle
to seek the full consciousness of love, for that is only the
surface appearance. What one seeks, one shall surely find.
Peace to you, now and ever.

May 12

Whence The Spirit Shall Blow

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full
consciousness of love.

At the beginning of time the spirit moved upon the face of
creation and light shone forth upon the darkened portions of
the Earth.

The spirit of the living God is a light which comes from
beyond time, a light which encompasses all times and places,
a light which may move as it will from past to present, from
future to past.

Nothing is closed to the light of love and the spirit of that
love moves as it wills. Thus is it ever impossible to know
whence the wind of spirit shall blow nor whither it tends. The
only prayer of the spirit-filled being is a prayer of surrender.
For plans may be made, but the spirit may well overturn the
plans of man.

Yet is not the strong action suggested by spirit more desirable
than all the ordered series of actions without the spirit of love
in the universe?

We leave you in the peace of the mind’s surrender to eternity
and the forces of love, now and ever.

May 13

All Are Loved

I am of the principle of the divine consciousness of love and I
greet you in that love.

We find, as we often find in using this instrument, that the
instrument so despairs of its own worth in the spiritual sense
as a fit conduit for the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ
that it is almost impossible for an open channel to be held in
a stable manner.

It is unfortunate that the perception of so many pilgrims is
that in some way they must earn by worth or works the right
to spiritual experiences. Indeed, it is just in the opposite way
that the spirit may work. For if an entity is concerned at all
with self the concern aids in blocking the free flow of the

Once the desire for surrender to the spirit is clear within a
pilgrim there is far less resistance to the flow of energy which
is the hallmark of the spirit. And so we suggest to this and all
pilgrims who are concerned that they are not worthy of
spiritual gifts that no one is worthy or unworthy. All are

We leave you in the peace of love, which demands and
expects nothing but the beautiful essence of each and every
spirit, now and ever. Amen.

May 14

What Shall The Day Bring?

I come in the name of Jesus the Christ and greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

What shall the day bring? This question lies upon the fearful
brow of one who hesitates in the morning to gaze steadily at
the day’s offerings.

We encourage each instead to rejoice in what the day brings,
whatever it may be. The enjoyment of it is the perfect gift of
perfect love. Seize it. Relish it. And, in the best way given,
deal with it appropriately.

But know, too, that this, indeed this very moment, is the
moment which is given for peace, joy, rejoicing and
happiness; this moment and no other. Feel the fullness of the
spirit of the living Christ within and open to the splendor of
the morning.

We leave you in the bracing wind of spirit and the perfect
peace of acceptance, now and always.

May 15

Sacramental Waiting

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

This instrument gave us our lesson this morning, our words
to the world, and our comfort to the nations, by its own
experience. For it was heavily beleaguered by entities which
were not of the principle of Jesus the Christ. And again and
again there were attempts made to open the channel to
associates that were not desirable to this instrument.

Finally all was quiet and this instrument prayed, “I am
content with the silence if I cannot hear the voice of love.”

Our key word this day is “presence.” Many, many situations
seem unendingly to press upon the self with their
wrongnesses and incorrectnesses. Nothing can be saved. All
must be cast away. And the effort one has put into that
situation seems lost.

It is not lost. It is that which empowers the heart to patience;
quietness of spirit; trust and faith in the midst of no evidence
to support faith. The waiting one does for wisdom is
sacramental. The disposing of that which is not desirable is
sacramental. Nothing that you do for the love of the Father is
ever lost. So wait you in quietness and do not be moved by
the small wounds of insignificant discomfort.

We leave you in the peace which does not demand
confirmation but accepts silent, sacramental waiting; that
peace which the outer world will never know, now and ever.

May 16

Go Abroad In Happiness

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

Be it known that happiness is not necessarily a burden. We
say this because we find this instrument, this morning,
bemoaning the awkwardness of a happy spirit which does not
seem to produce the fruits that an unhappy spirit produces.

The spirit is with each always, not only in times of trouble
but also in times of rejoicing. It is the soul’s difficulty that in
times of happiness it is far easier to become oblivious to the
wants and needs of the spirit within. The spirit within would
always be giving. And, indeed, the happy soul is often content
to stay at home amidst the accoutrements of living which
have produced such contentment.

Therefore, go abroad in happiness, sensitive as always to the
winds that blow from the spirit saying, “Come hither! Touch,
feel and sense the spirit at work in and through each soul!”

We hope we leave you in a state of readiness; readiness to turn
outward to others and inward to God. In that balance lies
peace, now and forever. Amen

May 17

Hope Is Always A Choice

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
divine wholeness of love.

This contact is very weak, as this instrument is very weak. A
great deal of the strength or weakness of a person’s essential
being hinges upon its desire to be strong. Why would one
wish to be weak? Because one is lacking in hope.

Why would one wish to lack in hope? It is not seen that this
is open to the process of choice. Yet hope is always a choice.
Despair is only one side of the coin which may be turned by
the will, at any moment, by anyone, in any circumstance, to
hope. Thus we say to you this morning, “Hope! Hope in little
things! Hope in grand things! Fill your hearts, your bodies,
and your minds with the strength of hope.”

For hope is unending and is that which guides the weary
spirit to its place of rest where it may gain strength. And hope
shall be turned into joy.

This is part of the grace of the spirit of love that lives amidst
each conscious entity. This is part of the comfort that may
astound and transform your experience. This is for you!
These are not vain words.

You who despair, turn your mind to the power of hope. Gaze
upon it as upon a star and affix your intentions upon it with
perseverance. And so shall you be made strong, to be the will
of the Father.

In love and peace unending do we leave you. Amen.

May 18

Turn From Your Books

I am of the principle of the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you in the full consciousness of love.

Behold, my children! There is a boundless curiosity in you, a
drive to know the wisdom and understanding of the universe.
And to this end you bestow many long hours on study and
contemplation of the divine mysteries.

And yet the language of the spirit is not wisdom but love and
it is through ecstasy that teaching is done. Thus turn from
your books, you students of the consciousness of life, and
stretch out your arms to joy. Moved by the infinite rejoicing
echoing throughout the creation, the seeker will finally come
to know wisdom by being that which wisdom is, whole and
complete, in the consciousness of love.

We leave you in the peace of that love, now and always.

May 19

The Spirit Of Adventurous Space

I am of the principle of the love of Jesus the Christ. I greet
you in the full consciousness of love.

This instrument has been anxious this morning, wondering if
the spirit came and went in the night, marveling that rather
than feeling porous and full of the spirit she feels hard and
flinty as a rock.

Are all who seek so full of fears in the night watches and the
mornings when all is not just as would be wished?

We encourage in all who are timid the spirit of adventurous
space. Allow the self to expand, not to include new territories
but to include space: space within the self; space within the
personality; space within the day.

Those spaces may be filled by those whims and hunches
which come to one who has allowed space; those hunches and
whims that cause one to reach out and express the spirit of

It is in small things that the spirit is transmitted from one to
another of the children of God. And there is never any
holiday from the spirit’s promptings, not in the night watches
and not in the morning nor any time whatsoever.

We leave you in the peace of the constant presence of divine
love, now and always.

May 20

Sins Flee Before Love

I am of the spirit of the full consciousness of love and I greet
you in the name of Jesus the Christ.

This instrument has little awareness of true holiness this
morning. This is the state of almost every spirit who dwells
within the earthly bonds of flesh. It was some time before we
were even able to make ourselves known to the instrument
and this is an instrument trained to recognize coherent
spiritual vibration.

The reason for this is the in-turning of the eye of spirit upon
the self in order to bemoan what the spirit feels is sinful or
full of error. When each spirit causes the flow of generous
love to turn in upon itself in judgment of the self, the flow of
love is forced to a standstill within the judgmental spirit.

It is true that there is no earthly body which is not a creature
of flesh. And it is further true that many are the follies of flesh
and countless their encumbrances. However, to unstop the
flow of love it is well simply to release each sin perceived and
turn with a glad and simple heart towards the direction of the
full consciousness of love. For love does not come into the
sinful being but, rather, sins flee before the full consciousness
of love.

Do not attempt to groom the self to be ready to receive the
spirit of Christ but, rather, open to the spirit of Christ in the
knowledge that every strength will be given by that spirit for
all errors to be removed in due time.

We leave you in the peace of the positive and radiating love of
Christ, now and ever. Amen.