A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - 2

March 1

The Year Of Jubilee

I am of the principle of the love of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you in the full consciousness of that love.

We greet you in your divinity, knowing that you cannot see it
and find it hard to believe that it exists. We greet you as
children of the Father, heirs to all that love may bring, sons
and daughters of eternity.

We greet you who are trying to unstop your ears and peel the
veil of illusion from your eyes and urge you instead to enter
into your own heart and, there, clean the house of the Lord
and make ready your own self, trusting in the sweetness and
perfection of the creation of the Father, which is your self,
that you may be worthy to receive the gifts of the spirit.

It is for each to decide when the year of Jubilee shall come;
when the acceptable time of rejoicing shall be declared. The
potential lies in each and every day. May you turn within in
peace and, cleansing yourself diligently and persistently,
prepare yourself ceaselessly to be channels of love. For such
voices, hearts and hands as yourself are the presence of love in
your world.

We leave you in the peace which does not deny responsibility
and in the comfort of love which does not deny
responsibility, in the hard and creative love and joy of divine
consciousness, now and ever. Amen.

March 2

Lift To The Light

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in
divine love.

Has your consciousness failed you this day? Have you
awakened feeling as though your candle were nearly burnt out
and only a breath of fuel kept you aflame? Have you felt the
hard press of cold winds, either literally or in the sense of
harsh language and cruel deeds done about you and to you?

In these sometimes sober days, when winter is slowly releasing
its grip upon the icy earth and spring is a force still far too
attenuated to observe, the life may seem suspended; the heart
weary; the spirit sore.

Lift your aching heart to the light now and feel the courage,
the humor, the strength, and the joy of surrender to love. You
do not have to accept the reality which your body and your
senses provide you, for your reality is locked in the full
consciousness of love that is the heart of yourself and your
gateway to that greater self which is the infinite and divine
One in whose name Jesus the Christ comes to give good news
to a weary world.

Lift up your hearts and be joyful. We leave you in love and
peace, now and ever. Amen.

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March 3

Toward Wholeness Of Perception

I am the spirit of the living Christ, the full consciousness of
love. I greet you in love. I greet you, as I greeted you
yesterday and as I shall greet each seeker always, in wholeness
and in the entirety of peace.

For though the effect of the sweet peace of the Holy Spirit is
often galvanizing, the catalyst itself is that end to which all
seekers pray. For that which transforms is that which holds a
higher truth and a higher reality; that which is, in an entire
sense, more nearly whole.

Therefore, as the mind of the seeker becomes more and more
able to hear the voice of the spirit, the fundamental
perception of the seeker shall progressively become more
nearly whole.

We leave you in the fullness of peace and love, now and
forever. Amen.

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March 4

Comfort For Your Sorrow

I am the spirit of the living Christ and I greet you in the
fullness of the consciousness of love.

As you come to contemplation this morning, you come with
sorrow in your heart.

See that sorrow. Acknowledge and bless it. Visualize it
intensely. Every sorrow. Every sadness.

And as you gaze upon it, see the Comforter arrive. For by this
loving attention to yourself you bid the Comforter to you, to
minister and give care to your sorrow.

No seeking soul needs a justification for desiring comfort.
The spirit of love comforts all who turn from sorrow to the
beholding of sorrow, for as you are aware that you are
sorrowful and as you then call us, so may love enter sorrow
and make of it a beautiful thing, a little place in mind where
tenderly you may wrap and tenderly put away the occasion
for sorrow and distress, knowing that in the larger view you
shall be comforted.

We leave you in peace and joy, both now and evermore.

March 5

We Wait To Serve

I am the spirit of the living Christ. I greet you in the fullness
of the consciousness of divine love.

I greet you in life complete, in experience understood, in
sorrow accepted and transformed, in joy, praise and
thanksgiving eternal.

I greet you in a consciousness that enriches, enlivens and
transforms experience.

We are principles of that consciousness; advocates and
encouragers of those who seek to know Christ.

We are the gift of God poured out upon a thirsty people as
the inward dew of quietness and strength, the inward food
gained in contemplation and prayer.

We wait to comfort. We wait to transform. We wait for the
call of those who seek Christ in this and every day.

And we wait and serve as we hope that you may wait and
serve—in peace, now and ever. Amen.

March 6

Rest In Change

I am of the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of divine love.

Change is a constant in nature and a necessity in God’s plan
for the development of His people. As the seasons change, the
eyes of your hearts do not perhaps notice nature’s economy in
dealing with constant change. Perhaps it has not been seen
that change can be graceful and beautiful.

The creation of the Father rests in change and is always at
peace. Therefore there is not more displacement than is
necessary, not more travail than required. And though the
earth may heave with frost or fall into dust with drought, yet
still it does not thrash about in fear.

Know that the seasons of the soul are sometimes short and
sometimes very long. There is a constant movement or
process of change, sometimes slow and sometimes quick.
Instead of agitation and worry it is possible to meet these
changes fearlessly, gracefully and peacefully, resting in change,
trusting in the goodness of the Father’s plan.

May each so rest, now and ever. Amen.

March 7

The Prayer Of The Holy Spirit

I am of the body and blood of Christ, the principle of His
love, and I greet you in the full consciousness of that divine
presence and love.

As you sit in seeking this morning, know that we, too, have
our prayers. The spirit prays that humankind may use the
great resources of our wealth and sharing. We move only
where the attraction of hope, faith and seeking call us and, in
those lives who accept us, we may share our vision, sound our
compassion, and express the nature of the mind of Christ.

We know this source of information is valued among your
people. Yet so often we are not called and the love of Jesus
Christ must be done without, the knowledge of compassion,
redemption and salvation overlooked in the hurly burly of
petitionary prayer.

My children, when you pray, always include the request that
the spirit may come upon you, that your outlook may be
broadened and deepened, and that your expression of love
and compassion may be made more complete. We are always
ready, always available, and nearer to you than your own

Call for the spirit of love. Seek and then listen. And into your
heart may come that grace and peace which we hope for you
and in which we leave you, now and always. Amen.

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March 8

Communication To Your Soul

I am of the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of divine love.

How words distort, disguise and conceal the true meaning of
the thoughts they mean to express! The spirit works not
through symbology or any outward form but, as it were, from
the conceptual foundations resulting not in lofty argument
and clever persuasion but a sudden sense of justice, balance or
compassion; a heightened reality of consciousness.

Thus think yourself most fortunate if those things of the
intellect which yield the gifts of spirit come to you. But
consider yourselves equally fortunate if they do not, as long as
in your inward path, as you toil onward, you call always to
that companion which is your soul’s health, that greater
reality may be given, concept by concept.

We are with you always. We wish you peace, now and
forever. Amen.

March 9

Rejoice And Be Glad

I am the living spirit of the consciousness of love. I greet you
in the light and love of Jesus the Christ.

Rejoice today, my people! Rejoice and be glad! Open the eyes
of the heart to gaze about creation and see the streams of
glory which shower the Earth with the bounty of sun and

Rejoice as do the happy trees, the laughing mountains, and
the rolling seas, chuckling in unified pleasure at the warm,
quick wind of the Creator’s love.

Rejoice in all of creation to the bounds of your telescopes and
your imagination, your microscopes and your greatest and
most awful discoveries.

Feel an intimate joy in each intricate beauty that the Creator
has offered, for this creation is yours as you are Christ’s.
Know and see that all things are instinct with love, alive with
the spirit. And in every transformation see the powerful hand
of the Holy One.

May you set apart your lives in peace to the glory of God,
now and always. Amen.

March 10

Sunrise Comes To All

I am of Jesus the Christ, the spirit of the full consciousness of
love. I greet you in that love.

Upon the highest mountain and the lowest valley alike lie
tiny forms of life awaiting warmth from the rising sun. For
though one blade of grass may be low and the other high, yet
both await the same thing.

It matters not the seeker’s relative position within this world
of mundane qualities and conditions, for all souls need and
shall receive the warmth of the great inner sun of every soul’s
day, the warmth and the light of love.

Know that sunrise comes to all who dwell in inner peace,
awaiting confidently the dawning of peace and understanding
in every troubled night of the soul.

March 11

Calming The Storms Of Change

I am the spirit of the living Jesus, incorporate in the mystery
of love and the principle of the consciousness of love. I greet
you in the essence of divine love.

It is not known how many shall be blown by the winds of
change this day. What is well known to those who seek the
spirit of truth and love is that the winds of change are
favorable, however stiff the gale may seem to be.

For those who have the consciousness of love and the deep
inner knowledge of peace, those storms of the life experience
are calmed without great conscious effort by the
remembrance of that inner peace and the turning to faith in
the ultimate harmony and propriety of the Creator’s plan.

Yes, each of you has an agenda. That agenda may be stable for
a large portion of your life experience. Or you and the
Creator together may have molded a life experience of much
service and also much change. Let there be in your mind less
and less difference between the status quo and that which is
untried and perhaps seen to be lesser, for the soul which flows
with the changes of circumstance, discovering in each
circumstance the peace and love therein, is free in the service
of the Father through the grace of Jesus Christ.

May you be filled with peace, both now and evermore. Amen.

March 12

All That Is Needed Is Given

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of love.

Passionately does this instrument pray at this time to be of
service to others. For all who would wish to be of service, we
would recommend that passion be turned into surety; that
hope be filled with faith.

For whence indeed cometh help? Is it not written in the
Psalter that help cometh from the Lord who made heaven
and earth? Cannot this great principle of creation, which
created all that there is, create those channels of help which
are needed at the time that they are needed and not before?

You who have walked the pilgrim’s path have surely noted
that all that is needed is given in its time and all that is not
given is that which is not needed for the learning and
flowering of that individual soul.

Rest back into the strength and the passion that created all
and trust yourselves, you who seek to serve, as adequate
channels needing only to be open when help is requested. So
you shall serve and infinity flow through you. Worry not that
your supply may fail.

We leave you in peace, love and trust, now and ever. Amen.

March 13

The Invocation Of Love

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

Each day you go forth to run the straight race, to move inrhythmic grace through the workaday world. Each day you begin with highest hopes and many days spin themselves out like rainbows, a blessing to yourself and others, seemingly effortless, peaceful and beautiful.

Yet, we would ask you this day to remember that phrase, “Lift
up thine eyes unto the hills. Whence cometh thy help? Thy
help is in the name of the Lord.”

Perhaps this particular day there may be part of that grace of
everyday life that seems heavy and less than pleasant. Lift up
your eyes. Remember whence help truly comes. It is in the
lifting of the viewpoint, in the invocation of love, unity,
consolation and peace.

Let this be a comfort unto you when it is needed, for that
consolation lies all about each seeker, to be touched into
lightly in the happy times and to be sought without worry
and with sureness of everlasting safety in difficult moments.

We leave you in peace and love, now and ever. Amen.

March 14

The Power Of Choice

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ
and I greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

Gaze at time. Gaze at the time that you have to spend within
your next day. Gaze at the “talents,” the riches, of hours and
minutes that you hold now at the beginning of the day in
your cupped palm. Gaze at hours to fill and spend in any way
which delights your soul, your mind, and your heart and
know the power of choice.

Gaze now at those things not held in the hand, those things
held by others’ hands and hearts, those things quite out of
one’s control. In spending the minted money of God’s time it
is known by the buyer what is intended to be bought in terms
of energy expended upon relationships and towards
cooperation in work and planning, but it is not known how it
shall be received.

Know that your spending plan of time shall not be judged in
respect of those things which could not be controlled by the
self. Rather, the spending of your precious time shall be
adjudged according to the intentions for service.

Know, then, that the riches and consolation of time in the
Holy Spirit of the living Christ may, together, move forward
with each precious minute and hour so that one spends it in
such a way as to magnify time and the wisdom and
consolation of grace. May you see the plenitude of your
power in Christ! And may you spend wisely, this day and
every day.

We leave you in the grace which alone may contemplate true
peace and selfless service, now and ever. Amen.

March 15

Realization And Confusion

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in
the full consciousness of love.

Woe to the pilgrim who sits down upon the way, having
decided that the wisdom which has come to him shall be the
basis from which he shall view the world. For realization
cannot be attained. It can only be accepted.

Realization cannot be retained, but only experienced anew in
each infinitely small moment.

Thus, it is the pilgrim who walks on with appreciation both
for realizations and confusions; who walks the straight and
narrow path placing one foot before another, not because of
the surety of the point of view but because of the faith of one
who laughs at unseen steps, knowing that the path is
protected, as is all creation, by the very nature of the creation
of love, which is the ultimate reality.

We leave you in the peace of alpha and omega, the joy of
love, now and ever. Amen.

March 16

The First Item On The Agenda

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of divine love.

Stand upon the rocky crag and gaze out over the broad land
of this precious day. You have the long view now. Perhaps
you have an agenda, a list, a plan for the day. But have you
placed first the divine order of love in action?

Love in action creates a system of natural laws. Any person
with an agenda which does not recognize first the source of
inspiration which makes all things beautiful is going to
experience a day less blessed, less full of love, and less

As you set your agenda, let your first item be to seek first the
natural order of the divine Father, for this allows the
inspiration, the breath of the soul, to make vital that inner
self which knows so much more than the agenda-maker who
sat upon the bare rock of a morning and only gazed at his
agenda and not at the divine beauty of the larger view and the
natural order.

Let peace flow through your veins as heavenly blood. Let
inspiration be your heavenly bread. And let your day be
blessed with inspiration and peace, as you know that you are
doing the Father’s will for you today.

We leave you in that love and peace, now and forever. Amen.

March 17

The Winds Of Circumstance

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

Just as your angry oceans in the teeth of the gale, so are your
hearts within you as you attempt to deal with the things
which are of your mundane world. The angry ocean rages
within each cell of any body which attempts to move against
the direction of the prevailing winds.

And one who chides and discriminates against its own body
or circumstances does so needlessly. For the wind of
circumstance is not apart from the pilgrim but much
influenced by the subconscious thoughts of that pilgrim.

And the ocean of illusion is molded more than can be seen on
the surface by the thoughts which are created by worry and

Seek, then, the positive, forward-moving winds of the spirit
which lie within and beyond all mundane bodies and
circumstances, so that the winds are no longer angry and,
more and more, those things mundane may breathe the fresh
breeze of spirit which comes to all who may be blessed by
such grateful wind.

We leave you in the full blessing of the consciousness of love,
now and ever. Amen.

March 18

Dwell Upon Your Christhood

I am the spirit of the living Christ and I greet you in the
name of Jesus, that which is so evocative of the full
consciousness of love.

Dwell upon your Christhood this day. For the Son of Man
invited all to partake in the suffering, renewal, resurrection
and transformation that lies beyond the point of deepest
suffering, of completest loss.
今天沉思你的基督本性。因为人子邀请所有人参与超越深度痛苦和完全失落的 承受、重生、复活和转化。

Gaze within in awe and wonder at the Star of Hope lying
above your own stable, that heart’s manger wherein lies the
tiny, infant Christ within, that Christ which is powerful
enough even in infanthood to raise all within to glory.

Rest back, out of the surface illusion of your daily life. Dive
beneath those murky waters and find and acknowledge today
your nature and your destiny. Then know that Christ has
given into your hands the companion of that infant Christ
within, and seek the grace and the peace of the living spirit of
Christ in each and every day.

We leave you in the peace of Christ, both now and forever.

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March 19

Instead Of Judgment

I am of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ and I greet you
in the full consciousness of love.

The tongue of the pilgrim is often swift to judge the thoughts
and actions of the self and others. This is understandable
because the pilgrim is greatly concerned with distinguishing
true paths from false leads which seem promising at first, yet
meander off in unhelpful directions.

However, judgment creates a relationship which is not of the
spirit of love between the one who judges and the one who is
judged. Love does not cause such a separation and such a

And thus it is that the pilgrim may find himself much
confused in attempting to place the moral impulse into
logical settings. The spirit of Christ would offer, instead of
judgment, a warm compassion and gentle mercy which
acknowledges the infinite mystery of the pilgrim’s heart and
the infinite mystery of Christ’s love.

Seek first compassion and mercy, and by the time these
attitudes have furnished the pilgrim with information
concerning a situation, the pilgrim may well find that even
the impulse to judge has been healed and the pilgrim is at
peace, resting in mystery and love.

Judgment there shall be, but not as the pilgrim may think.
For judgment shall be a peaceful thing and no pilgrim shall
feel slighted or bruised by the compassionate and merciful
judgment of the Creator, who wishes only to bring all things
into unity once again, a unity bonded and bounded in love
and peace.

In that happy estate we leave you, now and always.

March 20

Run With Love

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full and divine consciousness that is love.

How shall the Holy Spirit appear to you this day? What are
your needs? For as you express and inwardly feel those
spiritual needs, so is the spirit called to appear, to strengthen,
to comfort, and to enable.

Is it energy and will that you need? Then experience the force
that produces these words as flames of divine and enabling
fire, energizing and enlivening.

Must you run the straight race very quickly today? Must you
hasten and hurry? Crowd your day, then, but open your heart
that love may run with you; that love may hasten and hurry
and worry and fret in comfortable companionship with that
state of mind you choose for yourself.

Are you in grief, in sorrow, and in despair? Call, then and
open within to the divine Comforter, to the nurturer and
lover of all souls.

There is no condition in which the spirit of love cannot enter
and heal. There is no activity in which the spirit of divine
love and compassion cannot enable, enliven and strengthen.

The spirit of love is an active, plastic, malleable, universal
expression of the absolute presence of divine love in each soul,
everywhere, always, in every moment.

May you find peace that you are not alone, be you hastening,resting or weeping. Always there is the Comforter.

We leave you in this reassurance, this knowledge, of love and
peace unending. Amen.