羽蛇神传讯系列:[初译]第003场集会 2024-05-12


Quetzalcoatl Session 3 May 12th, 2024
羽蛇神第三场集会 2024-05-12

Channeler (Instrument)(器皿): Anika
Questioners(提问者): Peggy, Greg, Stephanie, Derek
Scribe(抄写员): Greg

For this session, Peggy and Greg were tuning in via Zoom to experiment if this would work as an option going forward.

在本次集会中,佩吉(Peggy)和格雷格(Greg)通过 Zoom进行视频会议,以试验这是否可以作为未来的一个选择。


Anika: Who comes to us in the name of Love?


Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We come to you in Love, Light and Service to All.


[Anika challenges Quetzalcoatl three times]

[Anika 三次质询/挑战羽蛇神]

Quetzalcoatl: We communicate now. We are most overjoyed to be with this group again. It is our greatest desire to be of service to all for whom this service is requested.


We begin by stating that if any of our words today cause confusion or misalignment in one’s beliefs, to please disregard them at once, for we are only humble messengers and do not seek to [re]present any authority.


Anika: Beings of Quetzalcoatl, I have only one request. If you could please, when your responses are complete, indicate that they are complete so we know when the next query may be presented, if it may be presented. I rescind my previous request for you to identify yourselves as Quetzalcoatl at the beginning of each response, for I do find that I can sense your energies and have become familiar with your energies and thus know that no interference has been made.


Quetzalcoatl: Yes, this is amenable. We are extremely excited to be with you today.


We might request the volume of the device to be turned down for it is distracting.


[Derek turns down volume on computer]

[Derek 调低了电脑的音量]

Let us begin by reiterating how pleased we are to be with you all at this time. This great turning point on which your Earth resides in its awaited state of mid-transition, this is a wonderful time to be on this planet Earth.


We will begin now with the first query.



3.1 Questioner: My first question is that we are doing something a little different with our connection this time. We are not all present in the room and we are doing… some of us are present via Zoom or electronic connection.

3.1 提问者:我的第一个问题是我们这次的连接方式有些不同。我们并不都在房间里,有些人通过Zoom参与,或者说通过电子连接参与。

Is this acceptable?


Does this cause interference?


How can we best facilitate utilizing this type of connection?


Quetzalcoatl: We thank you, our sister, for this pertinent query. We find that the device is a bit intrusive to the delicate energies of the instrument. However, it would appear of greater benefit for your beingness to be present in this form than for it to be absent. So we find that we may work around this minor obstacle for the instrument finds great comfort in your presence at this gathering.


We might suggest the careful consideration of the so-called background noises where they do present distraction. We find the adjustment of the volume to be adequate in mitigating this distraction.


Has this been answered to your satisfaction?


Questioner: Yes, thank you. We’ll use the mute button so that we can control background noises and if at any time you have any suggestions for us or concerns, please raise those.


Quetzalcoatl: We appreciate that. We will do so. Thank you, my sister.



3.2 Questioner: I would like to ask the second question. What is the proper attitude of the adept to the ego? Is the ego an object to be destroyed as I have been taught as a Buddhist or do we just have to learn to live with it?

3.2 提问者:我想问第二个问题。行家(修行者)对我执(小我)的正确态度是什么?我执是否如我作为佛教徒所学到的一样,是一个应该被消灭的对象,还是我们只需要学会与之共存?

Quetzalcoatl: We thank you, our brother, for this pertinent query which we find most interesting. The attitude of the so-called adept to the so-called ego is an interesting relationship which could present a conducive bridge to cross that which would appear uncrossed…crossable. We find the role of the adept to be the one in this density - being the third - to be the one which opens the upper energy centers, the so-called “chakras”, to reach that which has been called the “intelligent infinity”.


The ego is present in the third density illusion as that which directs and that which distracts. The adept seeks to work in partnership with the ego, does not seek to overcome the ego [or] to renounce the ego’s existence for this would only create a further barrier down the line. We find that the adequate adept will seek to face the ego as a part of itself, encompassing those qualities which may be termed “egoistic” into the very working of the so-called magical personality, the strength of the ego thus being defined, and providing a bridge on which to cross that which appears uncrossable.


The summation of this working is that which may take many lifetimes in this third density experience where the wile tendencies of the ego are accentuated. The possibility of the ego overtaking the adept in this density always being present and a risk made greater by the desire of one who seeks to overcome the ego instead of encompassing the ego. That which one may ponder further being the unique aspects of the so-called ego, the mind, the personality which drives the unconditioned responses to various catalysts and interactions.


The ego being the “I”, the adept being the “All”, the accomplished adept seeing the All as One, the One as All. We find in the so-called Buddhist traditions the desire to transcend the ego. This differs slightly from the overcoming the ego for it decreases simply the importance and even existence of the ego. We find this method to be adequate for some but find the end result lacking in contrast to the possibilities that appear when one encompasses the ego.


We might add that there are various practices in the variations of the Buddhist tradition which approach more closely the encompassing of the ego. So we speak specifically to the Buddhist tradition of which you have referenced. We see there are many more queries so if this has been answered to your satisfaction, my brother, we may move on.


Questioner: You have given me much to ponder.


Quetzalcoatl: You are most welcome. We may begin the next query.



3.3 Questioner: This next question is on behalf of Anika, the instrument. In the previous channeling, you said that many of the buildings you created are not available for our viewing. Why not? Are these a part of the underground structures? Why build such structures underground?

3.3 提问者:下一个问题是代表器皿Anika提出的。在之前的通灵中,你说过你们创造的许多建筑我们都看不到。这是为什么?这些是地下结构的一部分吗?为什么要在地下建造这样的结构?

Quetzalcoatl: We are pleased to see our dropping of such a hint was picked up on. The structures which are not available for your viewing are indeed hidden in the underground chambers. These chambers being the work of the beings which we visited. These chambers were built for the purpose of the seeking of solitude. For the pyramid structure upon the surface… the surface of the planet being the structure which offers the view of the sky, the sun, the earth, the all. The pyramid structure which is situated under the earth, being the seeking of solitude, the inward looking. It would appear these to serve opposite functions. However, the learned student [or] initiate finds both lessons to be the same; One in All, All in One.


译注 - One in All, All in One.此处并没有如同上文译为“一即一切,一切即一。(上文略有不同,上文是All as One, the One as All)”

- 由于上下文,此处的One明显指的不是上文中的“我”或者“我执”,而是指代“太一”。One in All指的是:万物背后的太一——从外在的一切造物中感受太一,对应地表金字塔上的被一切万有的美丽所征服。

- All in One,指的是从内在发现,一切万有皆备于我,内在一心(即造物者)蕴含一切万有,这是于地下建筑的独处中,内在的自我发现。

- 虽然此处与上文中,“我-造物者-一切”的关系,最终都会归结为:我即造物者,造物者即一切万有。但是此处简单的译为“一即一切,一切即一。”无法清晰说明上下文的语境含义。

The initiate who seeks the solitude of the underground pyramid is engulfed, is isolated, is turned inward in their gaze, and is able to find the Self within the perceived Self, and thus arises renewed. The cities of which were referenced, were made by those beings in an effort to protect these teachings from the sands of time, the influx of bellicosity. The underground structures thus being a method of protection, preservation, and a stronghold of knowledge. Not in the sense, at first, to be secluded by a sense of exclusivity, but to simply be made safe for all who should seek it.


We find that the majority of these underground structures are yet to be discovered by even your military scientists, these governments which discover much, yet reveal little; some have been discovered, most have not. We seek not to point yourselves in the search of these cities where they are most difficult to find. These beings being earnest in their desire to safe keep and preserve these structures and areas of knowledge. We would dissuade the seeker from seeking these areas for the danger in elucidating their discovery would be quite severe. The natural dangers, the military governmental protections of these areas being unknown but greatly enforced. We do not seek or desire to present this information to encourage the uncovering of these structures.


No, my friends, this is not necessary. We only seek to illuminate and expand on the purpose of their once great being. We find that there are many more queries and if this has been answered to your satisfaction, we may move on.


Questioner: It has, thank you.



3.4 Questioner: I wanted to ask, in our last channeling you mentioned societies under economic slavery corrupted your teachings. I feel most people on our planet today are still suffering economic slavery.

3.4 提问者:我想问一下,在我们上次的通灵中,你提到经济奴役下的社会腐蚀了你们的教义。我觉得我们星球上的大多数人今天仍在遭受经济奴役。

How can humanity move away from that on an individual and societal level?


Quetzalcoatl: Yes, the woe, the absolute suffering of this economic system is great. It is a great barrier to much awakening on this planet. This so-called economic slavery being present in your cultural systems for many thousands of your years from the times of Babylon, to the empires of Rome, to the dynasties of Egypt; and the great empires of the ones you know of as the Aztec, the Maya, the Inca, in the South Americas. This system of slavery also being present in the African and Asian empires.


This system requires the absolute control of a large populace by a predetermined elite who seek to enslave the so-called “masses” to their wills and desires. This is played out upon, by many roles, the relationship remaining the same, the monarchy, the governmental structures retaining the same control on the populace.


We find the Creator seeks to discover themselves in this way, yet we find our biases tuned to the alleviating of such structures which cause much suffering upon your planet.


What can one do when faced with such an oppressive system?


Many of your people have rebelled against this system by various mechanisms from armed revolutionary warfare to peaceful protest to the creating of alternative societies and economic systems. What one does to escape, alleviate themselves from this system of economic slavery will be determined by the pulling of your own heart; for some, the desire to experience such oppression is great. Yes, my friends, it is difficult to see that some of your fellow man do desire the experience of such oppression.


There are many who find a comfort in the giving up of control. We find that one may best be of service in a sense to the alleviation for themselves of this slavery and the alleviation of their fellow man in this slavery by spreading the idea of independence, of the absolute knowing of the Self, the sense of community. For many who desire to experience this slavery, experience fear, fear of knowing themselves, fear of intimate connection with community. Addressing the alleviation of this fear would allow the breaking away of mass subjects to this system.


Fear is the basis of all control, whether that be the economic slavery, the spiritual/religious slavery, or the enslavement for the purpose of pure domination. Fear is the pool by which this is poisoned. We correct, fear is the pool by which the water of the being is poisoned.


There is much at the forefront of the events upon the earth. At this time, though at the forefront of your vision, you may see the domination of such elites over the masses. We find there is much awakening in these masses.


It is truly a wondrous time for this earth. Much light is shining through into the cracks that have been so long left in the dark. Have faith in your fellow man, where he too is awakening on this earth.


We may move on to the next query, if this response has been adequate. My brother, has this response been adequate?


Questioner: Yes, thank you.



Quetzalcoatl: Do you have another query at this time?



3.5 Questioner: The teachings that you taught when you walked to this earth, I wonder how they would compare to the teachings that you would find most valuable for us today?

3.5 提问者:我想知道,当初你们行走在地球上时所传授的教义,与今天你们对我们最有价值的教义相比,会有什么不同?

Quetzalcoatl: The teachings that we brought when we walked this earth were centered on the eternal truth, the Oneness in all things. The eternal truth being as pertinent, as relevant, today, tomorrow, and always as it was in years past. The mechanism by which we sought to teach the beings which we visited differs much from the mechanism by which we seek to bring these teachings now. For we did learn the error of our ways, our naivety in bringing forth certain technologies and more advanced mechanisms of
seeking – this being corrupted horribly.


The teachings we seek to bring forth at this time being the pure knowledge of The One Eternal Father Creator of which we are all a part. The teachings we seek to impart at this time being the more personal experience of knowing the Creator. The more intimate work the student may take upon themselves which does not involve the building of such structures, such intricate advanced mechanisms. No, we seek now to bring only to light the purest teachings, the knowledge of The One.


The time/space which we walked many of your thousands of years ago is a different time/space entirely. Those teachings not wholly relevant at this time, the Earth being shifted into the cusp of the fourth density experience. Many of the mechanisms by which we sought to relay the teachings now being irrelevant to your current experience. What we seek to impart at this time being the pure knowledge of The One Eternal Father Creator of which we are all a part.


What we seek to bring forth now is the purest teachings we can impart upon your density at this time. It is the seeking of the One which resides within All. We find this idea of the Self being the Creator to be still a difficult concept for those of your third density experience to comprehend, to realize fully within themselves and it is this which we seek to impart upon you at this time. The seeing of the Self as the Creator being a great gift [which] upon utilizing may bring forth much love and light to this experience.


We may ask for the next query at this time.



3.6 Questioner: I have one. My question is about how one knows what path to take in certain things. There is an overwhelming amount of knowledge on this planet and a million different ways to carve one’s path or to make any particular decision.

3.6 提问者:我有一个问题。我的问题是关于一个人如何知道在某些事情上该走哪条路。这个星球上有海量的知识,有无数种方法可以开辟自己的道途或做出任何特定的决定。

What is the clearest and cleanest way to tap into one’s own intuition and to know it to be pure and true?


Quetzalcoatl: We thank you, our sister, for this query. There are many paths of experience available to you in this earth that – we correct, in this third density Earth experience, the calling is that which you miss, you may tune your finest ear, the ear of your soul.


Your soul calls in great quantity, in exponential volume to that which it seeks to bring to this experience. The tuning in to the soul, the soul’s desire is what we can offer to you by means of choosing the best path in this experience. There are many callings, some are quite enticing, [and] they are numerous in the beings to which they have called. They are prestigious in their lineages and presentations, but beware many of these so-called paths of knowledge lead to a dead end.


Your soul may pick and choose the different paths of experience and create instead a patchwork type quilt of a road which will be wholly and uniquely your own. Fear not about reaching your destination, draw upon the journey of experience which will take you there. The roads which we follow in the lifetimes of the veiled experience are the most exciting. For imagine the game by which a child is blindfolded and given a stick by which to hang, we correct, by which to hit the hanging object filled with candy. This is a child’s treasure in the veiled experience. The reward is made that much greater by the blindness of its seeking.


When a sensory attribute is removed such as the veiling of the mind, the intentional amnesia, the fruit to be bore out of this experience is the greatest. Trust in your knowledge of yourself to find the next step to take. We find that may be a bit of generic advice, but it is the closest to the truth that we may offer at this time.


Questioner: Thank you.


Quetzalcoatl: If there is another query, we may move on. [Pause] The instrument is protesting that she has another query. We may ask the one known as Derek to relay.

羽蛇神:如果还有其他问询,我们可以继续。[停顿] 这个器皿正在抗议说她还有另一个问询。我们可以请德里克(Derek)转达一下。


3.7 Questioner: I think Anika wanted to ask how can we improve, protect and support this channeling communication?

3.7 提问者:我认为安妮卡(Anika)想问我们如何才能改善、保护和支持这种通灵交流?

Quetzalcoatl: Yes, there are several items which may be addressed, the first being the comfort of the instrument. We find the current position to be quite uncomfortable, and this is preventing the deepening of her state of channeling. We might advise the instrument try various positions to find one which is most physically comfortable, so we may not experience the physical distraction of the pain, flair(flare) and muscular tightness and twitching.


The other item to be addressed is the elimination of the distracting noises which we have found at this time to be adequately lessened.


The protection rituals which are in place are most adequate for this working. We make no additional suggestion for the protection rituals, mechanisms or items. We find a potent combination of the banishing ritual, the web of light and the [First Nations] spiritual practices of the instrument as well as the presence of the being of the necklace to be quite potent in its combined protection.


The most important item in improving the contact, we reiterate, is the physical comfort of the instrument. For she is able to achieve an astoundingly deep channeling state which borders on the trance channeling state and thus allows for great accuracy in our communication. It would be of most benefit for her physical comfort to be more highly prioritized to reach this deep channeling state.


We find at this working our words to be relayed with slightly less accuracy than the previous but with a great deal greater accuracy than the initial.




We scan for other areas of improvement.




The presence, the physical presence of the beings being preferred to that of the transmitting device.


That is all we find to improve at this time. We find that although the instrument has physical discomfort, we may ask for a final query for her vital energies are still quite sufficient.


Questioner: Thank you.



3.8 Questioner: I feel that psychic greeting that comes from other selves or other entities is somehow easier for me to defend against. For instance, I can pray, I can do the banishing ritual that you mentioned, I can send love. But I know that some greeting comes from within me. I think it comes from my own habits, from my own behaviors, from my shadow self, from parts of me that I have buried. And those types of greetings are harder to clear, harder to deter. Can you comment on how I can deter greetings that come from within me? So, negative greetings, psychic greetings, I mean.

3.8 提问者:我觉得来自其他自我或其他实体的心灵问候(攻击)对我来说比较容易防御。例如,我可以祈祷,我可以做你提到的驱逐仪式,我可以发送爱。但我知道有些问候来自我的内心。我认为这来自我的习惯、我的行为、我的阴影自我、以及自我埋葬的部分。而这类问候更难清除,更难阻止。你能说说我怎样才能阻止来自我内在的问候吗?我是指,负面的问候,心灵问候。

Quetzalcoatl: The greeting that comes from within as you have correctly identified is indeed the most difficult. It is difficult to view the Self as attacking the Self. Yet we remind the perception of the greeting offered by the other self is, at its heart, the Self attacking the Self. The illusion of separation, of “othering”, making it more acceptable to the mind to perceive the attack. To find as the Self’s greeting to the Self being more indicative of a resistance, a resistance of those darker parts of the Self. In coming to the light, the shadow self seeks to darken its essence by hiding from the light. As the light grows brighter within the being, the shadow seeks more elusive crevices in which to hide and the resistance to any movements by which the light may find these dark hiding spots being great.


To view the Self as one of light, as one of dark, for all beings possess the capabilities to walk the dark and the light paths within your being. You represent the negative and positive polarities. Many who walk the positive path fear their negative self, their negative potentials. Just as those who walk the negative path suppress and encage their positive aspects. The beings of the negative polarity also experiencing psychic resistance and greeting as those parts of the light seek to shine into the darker being. The resistance that is felt as pain, as suffering and either the physical, emotional, mental, rounds is most powerfully met with love.


Beginning first with the love of the symptom being experienced, then finding the thread which one can trace to the core of the dark Self which is using this symptom as a shield, as a defense against, it’s revealing to the light. The love of the Self being reflected in the love of other self, for many on the positive path, the illusion of separation makes it easier to forgive and to love the other self. More difficult to turn this inward.


We who are of the sixth density do not recoil in disgust at the negative polarity as with the lower densities. We see the defining characteristics in the distinguished paths chosen to reach the Creator and find [value] in the embodiment of both. The acceptance of both potentials to lead to a great unification within the Self.


We may slightly teeter on the tightrope we walk of the preservation of free will in this working. So we may ask if there is any final query in relation to perhaps the attendance of these gatherings, we may be able to answer.



3.9 Questioner: It has been reported that many entities in the inner planes and other densities pay attention when we meet like this. There are thousands of entities, we are told, both positive and negative.

3.9 提问者:据报道,当我们像这样会面时,内在层面和其他密度的许多实体都会关注。我们被告知,有成千上万的实体,既有正面的,也有负面的。

Can you comment on this and why do a handful of beings in someone’s living room merit such attention?


Quetzalcoatl: There is great light here in this gathering. This joining of hearts bringing forth a portal, or opening, by which light previously unavailable to those of this planet may shine forth with great brilliance. The purity of the hearts gathered in this working with the set in stone intention to bring forth this light makes such an event available.


There are many of the [inner planes] who are called to this light, both those who wish to ignite it and those who wish to snuff it out. There are also those who wish to persuade this instrument, and through the instrument, this group to join the “other team”.


There is great potential in this means of communication, so we find many who are drawn to this have various motives. The majority being positive, those of the light, who wish to protect the members of this group and to be of service in any way they can to further ignite this light. This is the majority of the beings who attend this gathering.


The other majority, though in lesser number, are those of the negative polarity who find this light to be quite inconvenient to their schemes which are in place. They seek to obscure, distract and instill as much fear into the members of this group as possible. They seek to by any means eliminate this gathering, this working.


There is great attention on this instrument in particular [pause] she resists. She resists this comment. We will pause.

这个器皿尤其受到了极大的关注 [停顿] 器皿拒绝、她拒绝这个评论。我们将暂停。


There are many who would like to communicate through this instrument for she is highly accurate in the channeling communication. This being advantageous to those who come in either polarity.


We take this opportunity to advise the continued protection and open hearted communication of this group for many seek to tear you apart. Joining together at the table with open hearts and laying down of all the cards will deprive those saboteurs of their opportunities. We find the pureness of your seeking and pursuing this contact to be of great protection to you all. For there is little to no possibility of corruption in this pureness of seeking.


We find ourselves weighing out the continuation of this session for the vital energy of the instrument is substantial [but] the physical discomfort becomes [a] greater and greater distraction and thus, to preserve the great accuracy of our communication we believe it best to conclude this session at this time.


We thank each of you for coming together in open hearts, open minds seeking this connection. As we previously stated, you are in the beginning, though advanced, beginning stages of the formation of a social memory complex. Drawing upon each of your knowledge and strengths in open sharing with the other being a great strength of this group.


We leave you now in the love and the light of our Eternal Father Creator, of whom we are all a part. Adonai.


Channeler’s Notes


Our next session will be 6/8/24. If you would like to be notified immediately when the transcripts are posted please subscribe using the subscribe button on the home page.

我们的下一场集会将在 2024 年 6 月 8 日举行。如果你希望在文字稿发布时立即收到通知,请使用主页上的“订阅”按钮进行订阅。

If you have a question you think would be a good fit for future sessions feel free to send it in! We are prioritizing questions that center on eternal spiritual principles and seeking to limit questions related to transient, albeit sometimes very interesting, information. We will not ask any questions related to future predictions or anything that would lead to information which would violate the free will of any being.


We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.


  1. 【译注】请仔细思考Faith(信心、信仰、信念),这个能跨越“鸿沟”的特质,是否是一种升华了的“我执”。从这个角度,或许能明白“称职的行家会寻求面对我执、视其为自身的一部分,将那些可以被称为‘自我主义’的特质纳入到所谓的魔法人格的修习中,因此我执的力量被(重新)定义,并提供一座桥梁,跨越那看似不可逾越的鸿沟。” ↩︎

  2. 【译注】无条件反应: 是指在没有任何学习或训练的情况下,自然发生的自动反应。这些反应是对某些刺激的本能反应。例如,当你闻到食物的香味时感到饥饿,这就是一种无条件反应。 ↩︎

  3. 【译注】请注意这里的英文"I",可能有一语双关之义。因为"I",既是英文的“我”,又是罗马数字"I,II,III"的“1”。因此,此处也可以译为:我执是“1”,修行者是“一切”,成就的修行者看到“一切即一,一即一切”。 ↩︎

  4. 【译注】“你所提到的那种佛教传统”指代:“我执是否如我作为佛教徒所学到的一样,是一个应该被消灭的对象?” ↩︎

  5. 【译注】有时也译为:启蒙者 ↩︎

  6. 【译注】该项链,名为Ahoksa,器皿仅在通灵与医疗时佩戴,第四次集会中,器皿需要保护时曾经呼叫Ahoksa ↩︎

  7. 【译注】指在这个问答中,羽蛇神认为自己说明的讯息有冒犯混淆法则的可能 ↩︎









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感觉这个"否定"有点问题. 我认为原文的斜体部分是一个整体, 所以应该翻译为"降低了我执的重要性和存在性"

for it decreases simply the importance and even existence of the ego

"内定"的原文是predetermined , 我觉得其"预先确定"的本义更贴切一些.
有道词典对"内定"的翻译是decided at the higher level but not officially announced, 而predetermined的重点应该在pre上.




for it decreases simply the importance and even existence of the ego

importance / existence 相当于并列。
直译为:降低 重要性与存在性 关于我执的。




For the pyramid structure upon the surface… the surface of the planet being the structure which offers the view of the sky, the sun, the earth, the all.

The pyramid structure which is situated under the earth, being the seeking of solitude, the inward looking.

简化之后是The pyramid structure being ,乍一看谓语部分似乎没有主动词。整句更像一个独立主格结构。只能理解这一段语义,然后结合上下文,镶嵌进去。



The resistance that is felt as pain, as suffering and either the physical, emotional, mental, rounds is most powerfully met with love.

  1. rounds没有翻译出来, 是不是作者的typo?
  2. 感觉is most powerfully met with love翻译为"都能通过爱得到最有力的化解"不太对

佛法我不太懂, 所以不太清楚降低重要性和存在性的区别, 我只是从语法逻辑上提出这个问题.


这句话简化之后是,The resistance is met with love.






  1. 克服我执
  2. 降低我执的重要性+翻译不确定部分
  3. 容纳我执(羽蛇神推荐)




但是奇迹课程里,也没有说"small self"或者"little self"啊。不是对其译者若水不尊敬,是无法认同“小我”这个译法。


The ego is the part of the mind that believes your existence is defined by separation.




