A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit

最近在阅读Carla写的这本书,内容主要是Carla和内心之中的声音(Holy Spirit,也叫圣灵)进行的通灵。

书的原文链接:A Book of Days: Channeling from the Holy Spirit - L/L Research





Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in
us the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be
created, and You shall renew the face of the earth! O God, who
by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the
faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may ever be wise
and enjoy Its consolation. Amen.


This prayer, which I learned at an Episcopal Cursillo weekend
in 1983, inspires me still, every time I offer it. It helps me to
remember that we do not have to depend entirely upon
ourselves and our “street smarts” to live a life of faith, hope
and peace. We can turn, each and every day, to the Holy
Spirit and ask for Its guidance and consolation. And we can
watch our lives become ever more meaningful and beautiful
as the Holy Spirit enkindles our hearts and firms our

这段祈祷词,我在 1983 年参加圣公会修道周末时学会的,至今依然激励着我,每次诵念它都让我深受触动。它提醒我,我们不必完全依赖自己和世俗的智慧,就能过上充满信仰、希望和平安的生活。我们可以每天都转向圣灵,祈求它的指引和安慰。当圣灵点燃我们的内心,坚定我们的决心时,我们会看到我们的生命变得更有意义,更加美好。

We all live in two worlds at once. The outside world is noisy
and restless. We hear the engines on the road, the voices on
the telephone and at the door, and the din of our own
unsettled thoughts. And although I do see the beauty and the
blessing of that outer life, I constantly yearn for my Redeemer
and Its voice. I cannot rest until I rest in the Lord.


Daily, in utmost thankfulness, I turn to the inner world, and
here I hear no sound except that “still small voice” which
radically and daily transforms my life, tosses me into my
service and learning moment by moment and serenely guides
me through every circumstance I encounter.


In offering to you these daily thoughts which I have collected,
I offer you some of the fruits of my inner life. I make no
claims for them whatsoever. I do not claim that this material
is from the one and only Holy Spirit and therefore must be believed
by all. I do not claim that this material is sacred or
divinely inspired. I wish only to share these thoughts with
those who may find them comforting and enlivening in their
own lives.


A word about the format of these readings. The opening and
closing greetings are artefacts of my channeling process.
When I converse with the Holy Spirit, as I do sometimes
using pencil and paper and writing down my questions, the
responses are offered to me with less formality.


The readings as you see them begin after I have finished the
challenging process and have accepted the contact with the
Holy Spirit, who opens by greeting me. Because the
channeling is being offered aloud, there is also a closing
greeting when the reading is done.


Generally speaking, the meat of the reading lies between the
opening greeting and the closing greeting. If you find these
greetings repetitive, you can move directly to the thought for
the day.


If you are interested in learning more about the research
behind this book, please consult Appendix A, in which I
discuss this research.


May these thoughts for the day bless you richly.
Carla Lisbeth Rueckert
L/L Research
Louisville, Kentucky
February 4, 2015


January 1

The Banquet Of Life


I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
consciousness of divine love.


I greet you this day in merriment and laughter, joy and
freedom. I invite you to the banquet of life. Gaze at the table
spread before you: the delicious zest of challenges yet unmet;
the wonderful nourishment of companions, friends and
family; the spice of those whom you shall meet but not
understand—those most contrary flavors that often make the
meal and bless the feast—and, above all, the beauty of the
banquet hall.


Gaze about you today in prayerful thanksgiving for the
beauties that love has made.


You are a perfect and divine part of a perfect and divine
creation. And that which you see before your eyes may be
feast or famine. Ask of yourself that you choose what you
shall see. And if you choose to see the riches of the creation of
the Father, great riches indeed shall you see.


We leave you in peace, joy and laughter, now and ever.


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January 2

The Joy In Labor

I am the spirit of the full consciousness of Christ, the
principle expressed by Jesus Christ. I greet you in the love
that creates, sustains, renews and transforms all of creation.

We see that your minds are much bent upon the prosecution
of worldly duties. We suggest to you that all employment is
gainful if it be centered on the love of the Creator, expressed
in any way whatsoever that seems most fitting to you.

However, there is no employment which is gainful if there is
removed from the doer of such work the consciousness of the
true motivation of all labor; that is, the glory, the worship,
and the rejoicing in the presence and the power of the love of
Christ which lies behind and is the motivation for all labor.

There is no less joy in working over columns of figures or
recalcitrant earth than there is in studying the most exalted
thoughts and sayings, if both tasks be done in equal
consciousness of the end of all labor. Be you, therefore,
mindful, as you work and as you rest from work, that all
things adumbrate to the glory of the Creator, or the hollow
echo of your weary soul shall fail to satisfy, whatever your

We leave you in the peace of the mind that dwells in love,
now and evermore. Amen.


January 3

A Day Of Forgiveness

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ.
I greet you in whole and divine love.

The Master calls each to a day of forgiveness. Let this be such
a day.

During this day, note each to whom your heart has become
hard, that you may take this opportunity to call and pray for
grace; that you may know how to forgive; that you may learn
the gentility, the transformation, and the peace of forgiving.

For what is there to forgive between children in the same
family? Do not all families learn from rubbing against each
other, perhaps even causing friction but always working as a
family? Such is your condition as a soul in the creation in
which all of consciousness are children of one Father.

Let this day be your day of forgiveness of others, of yourself,
and of your Father. Many things are beyond understanding.
But the love and the peace of forgiveness are food for the
heart and drink for eternity.

We leave you in forgiveness, peace and divine love, this day
and evermore. Amen.

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January 4

The Cold Of Human Commonplace

I am of that principle which is the essence of divine love. I
greet you in the full consciousness of that love which is in
Jesus the Christ.

How tightly are the seeds furled against the cold of winter
this day. And how tightly are your hearts guarded in their
hope for growth. They contract, shrinking from the cold of
the human commonplace.

Yet we say to you that within the spirit of the consciousness
of love lies an eternal springtime. Seek in each daily activity
this day the dance of joy which the spirit offers to unfurl the
heart within and to join work and love.

May your day dance. May your heart know both winter and
the goodness of nurturing and waiting and the eternal
springtime of right action led in hope, love and peace. For as
you call the spirit, so these qualities come in answer.

We leave you in that great peace, now and ever. Amen.

“Cold” 寒冷,也指一种情感上的疏离和冷淡,冷漠,
“Commonplace” 平常的;常见的;普通的;普遍的, 陈词滥调;寒暄客套;老生常谈。

January 5

The Home Of The Heart

I am of the spirit of Jesus the Christ, the vibration of the full
consciousness of love which comforts this instrument. I offer
greetings to you who come in the name of love, greetings of
love, of wisdom, of understanding, of power, and of all the
mysteries that cannot be grasped or solved within the world
of your minds, hearts and hands.

Yet I come without a home, seeking the only home which the
consciousness of love may ever have: the home of the heart,
the mind, and the hand which seeks, accepts and worships
those mysteries which, through faith, seem lovely and true.

Into your home we come to dwell, thanking you for your
hospitality and sharing with you those light qualities that may
illumine your home and structure and manifest the full
consciousness of love into the world which you know and of
which you must expect the giving and taking of many
confused perceptions.

The spirit and you who seek the consciousness of love are
one, incomplete without each other, united before time and
after time. We thank each who invites love and to each we
shall come in joy.

May peace be yours now and ever. Amen.

January 6

Yielding To Unmastered Destiny

I am the Comforter of this child, the principle of the full
consciousness of love. I come in the name of Jesus Christ and
greet you in the consciousness of love.

Aforetimes it has often been said that men will do as they do
for reasons unknown even to them and that the world is a
various place, full of difficulties and unexpected pitfalls. And
so there is no need to plan for the future; no need to attempt
the goodness of spirit or a trusting quality in personality. For
are not all things blown by the wind and destined to perish?

Indeed, this yielding to destiny will always be a temptation
for those who strive to know the love of Jesus Christ. Such is
the appearance of your mundane world. This is why the door
is so often closed against our advent into your consciousness,
The world you perceive is too much with you and the world
you wish to perceive is invisible. What need would there be of
faith if you could see the wind and fire of spirit and

Yet we ask that as each perception of unmastered destiny rises
before you, you open the door to a new perception of that
same destiny in order that your present moments may find all
things possible and all hope gladdening your heart and
encouraging your thoughts.

Seek us. Seek love. Seek the truth. For only through
determination can such a measure of intelligence come
through the doors of your perception.

May you seek and practice peace and may peace be yours,
now and ever. Amen.

January 7

Spend Yourselves Wisely

I am the spirit of the consciousness of love. I come in the
name of Jesus the Christ, in the vibration which comforts this

It is an unhappy thing that your peoples find so much
pleasure in vain recreations and idle pursuits. For the right
use of the illusion may be seen to be that not of the path of
least resistance but often the path of most resistance.

Yet it is no penalty to those who must rest from their labors.
Rather, it shall be seen, in the context of larger life, that so
much precious time was spent as a spendthrift spends money,
not for gain but for gadgets.

Spend yourselves, my children, and do not count the cost.
Insofar as your will is able to lead you, when the time comes
for rest accept your limitations and lie down to be comforted
in whatever distractions amuse you. Yet know that if there is
energy within you and you spend it foolishly, you shall count
it against yourself in the eternal now which is your birthright.

We wish you peace, yet peace which has the sword’s edge;
peace that shall forever remove the virginity of innocent
delight from your days and replace it with the worshipful gaze
of the lover. Amen.

January 8

The Holiness Of High Places

I am of Jesus Christ. The full consciousness of love is the
principle which wings my being into the nexus of your own.
We who are of the principle of Jesus Christ greet you in that
consciousness of love which pervades all things.

It has long been in the consciousness of humankind that the
high places, the mountains and hills, are holy. Is there
superstition and false belief to the holiness of high places?
Perhaps some, and yet it is most certainly true that the spirit
of the one Lord of all things dwells more purely in less
cluttered atmospheres and is more prevalent in the
perceptions of those who seek to rise, literally and
symbolically, from the miasma of thought pollution which
infects any crowded community.

We are able to speak anywhere, under any conditions. Yet the
voice of love is often silent. To hear the stillness, it is often
most helpful that the distractions of noise from other minds
and other hearts which seek after other faces of the Lord be
somewhat removed, both literally and, shall we say,
psychologically. If you cannot get yourself to a high place
within your external world, be absolutely certain that the high
places within your own hearts are kept.

We leave you in the peace of holy places and still thoughts,
now and forever. Amen.

January 9

The Heart Of What You Learn

I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full
consciousness of divine love.

Much is not known to you. And because your minds
ceaselessly seek knowledge, your ignorance is a burden. And
you are concerned with learning more, gaining information
and so controlling your environment.

The forces of love are not inimicable to the forces of mind.
Rather, the voice of the spirit is that which, through and
beneath all written and intellectual learnings, brings the heart
of what you learn to the center of your own mind, thus
ordering in a helpful and compassionate way that data which
your mind would otherwise make into a maze into which it
wanders, confused and uncertain.

By all means, seek that information which humankind has
collected. But seek also that great judge and orderer of what
is, for you and you alone, the creative and shaping force of
the spirit of love. Thus peace and right knowledge shall be
yours and your path shall be made clear. Trust your world,
remembering to keep it in the hands of the spirit of Jesus the

We leave you in peace, now and ever. Amen.

January 10

Behind Every Thought

I am the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ in the vibration of the
consciousness of love which is balanced fullness to this entity.
We greet each in the full measure of love which is the Father’s
birthright to His children and the nature of the universe.

In measured steps did the Creator move upon the waters of
your consciousness to create a consciousness of peace, an
awareness of light, and a sensibility to detect and discern the
creatures and ministers of light. Behind every thought and
every concept waiting behind the closed door of emotion,
there waits the spirit of a lively and all-consuming love, a
spirit which engenders peace and joy. In no way can we sell at
reduced rates the precious gift which has no price but must
exact from each recipient a small awareness in welcoming.

The emotions of darkness are like a cloud around the spirit of
those who cannot find enough faith to ask that love’s
consciousness be a gift in the darkness. Yet we pray and wait
for the opportunity to shine like a beacon upon the inward
thoughts of those who do seek peace. Though there is great
mystery to the consciousness of love, yet the mystery lies not
in the mechanics of connection with it.

My peace I leave with you, now and always. Amen.

January 11

A Call To Action

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the
full consciousness of love.

This instrument asks me, “Am I ready? Am I tuned?” and we
say, “No, my child. You are not ready, but you shall begin.”

And this is our call to those who live and hope to be pure, a
call to action in knowledge that those who live are never
ready. Those who are finally ready have no more acting to do.

Therefore, my children, be at peace with the actions which
you undertake this day, seeking always to know the mind of
Christ and to dwell in realms of peace.

And then so act that you may continue to be surrounded in
the plenty and the bounty of peace in action. Those who are
tranquil in activity are not necessarily wiser, yet they surely
may act with more clarity. May you find that clarity. May
you be, in action, at peace.

In this peace we leave you, now and ever.

January 12

Lost In Love

I am the principle of Jesus the Christ that speaks to the world
this day. I greet you in love, peace and joy; the full
consciousness that is divine love.

Each of you has this same divine love, this same voice, this
same inspiration, and this same consciousness. This principle
that speaks through this instrument is the immanent Creator.
And each may open the heart and limber the ears inwardly to
listen to that consciousness which is the Father.

To seek inspiration from sources which you trust is a good
and blessed activity. But each of you is a child of the Father.
And to each of you the Holy Spirit may come. Indeed, that
spirit is with you. It is your choice whether or not to pray to
hear that principle of Jesus the Christ which is the essence of
the consciousness of love.

Value this within yourself. Honor, treasure and use it. Then
you may move through your day and through your life in a
blessed and purposive path, a joy to others and a growing joy
to the self, lost, at last, in the Father and in love.

We leave you in love and peace, now and ever. Amen.

January 13

Prepare A Way For Light

We are of the principle of divine love and we greet you in the
love of Jesus the Christ.

My children, it may seem to you that the road ahead this day
contains within it a situation which calls upon the very
greatest that is within you. For there is within your life a
personal situation which seems resistant to prayer and outside
the realm of the Holy Spirit.

Yet we say to you in the name of love that it is you who may
make the difference this day for that person, for that
situation. For when you behold a person in conflict and
despair and lost from the light and the peace of God, you
behold someone who has within the mind the picture that is
jarring and painted in such a way as to disturb.

Let the spirit fill your mind with a positive and beautiful
picture for that person and for that situation. It is not a
difficult thing to do, for it is not done within yourself but by
calling upon the spirit of love to illuminate and lighten the
darkness of confusion and human concern.

It is said, “Let your light shine.” Know you that it is necessary
only to prepare a way for the light of the perfect love of Jesus
the Christ to shine through you and all situations, all entities,
may be bathed in that love as you pray to be a channel for
love this day.
“让你的光闪耀”, 要知道,只需要为基督完美之爱的光辉通过你照耀而准备一条道路,所有的情况、所有的实体,都可能沐浴在那份爱中,正如你祈祷成为今天爱的通道

We leave you in the utter peace of the love of Jesus the
Christ, now and ever. Amen.

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January 14

Sleep’s Communion With Spirit

I am of the principle of divine love. I greet you in the full
consciousness of that love which is the love of Jesus the

Once more the day’s star shines and the activities of a busy
round begin. And each soul, vertical, dressed, equipped for
the day, moves into the rhythms of that vertical activity
which is called living the life.

May we suggest that it is most helpful to realize that that
which has been yours during your sleep, during your period
of horizontal relaxation, is most valuable. For upon your bed
you do not strive. You do not struggle. You do not mourn or
praise. But as one who dives into deep water, you are covered
with the blessings which sleep brings. For sleep opens the
door to the spirit’s communion with that spirit which we are.

Allow the vertical part of your life to carry the horizontal
member which lies within the heart and mind. Allow the
consciousness of peace and comfort to interpenetrate each
activity. For those peaceful lessons learned upon the nightly
bed may so inform the day that your life finds more and more
value in its happenings.

You see, your life is only yours insofar as you perceive it, and
it is your powers of perception that are clarified and
strengthened by obtaining the peaceful spaciousness of water
whilst bounding actively upon the currents of the air.

Might this combination of action and rest offer you enhanced
realization of peace, now and ever. Amen.

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January 15

The Perception Of Manyness

I am the spirit of Jesus Christ, the principle of the full
consciousness of love in the vibration which comforts this

In your minds you know that all things come from one
source and go to one source. And yet in your hearts you who
peer into the gloom of the shadows of the world’s day
perceive often that many things come not from one source
but from many, and likewise that the fruits of action are
scattered to the twelve directions, not moving once again into
unity but shattering again and again into the chaos of
unintended effect.

Yet we say to you that one of the great and overriding benefits
of consciousness with which the consciousness of love has
been intermingled is a realization of the incorrectness of the
perception of manyness, either of the source or of the final
disposition of the energies which move within your notice
and awareness.

Seek first to know the consciousness of love when you wish,
secondly, to know the nature of those things which occur to
you which are played out in front of you and which depart
from you. Only in that transformed consciousness shall your
eyes see truly and your heart resound with the unity of love.

Peace be with you, now and always. Amen.

January 16

The Holy Ground Of Consciousness

I am the principle of Jesus the Christ which speaks to the
world today. I am all those things that you think that I am,
but most of all I am your own inner voice; your own inner
comfort; your own inner peace.

Let us contemplate the holy ground of your consciousness.

Because of the troubles of daily life, the surface consciousness
is littered with debris. The undercurrent of mind is littered
with unspoken thoughts, unnamed fears, and unrecognized

Insofar as you may be able this day, return again and again,
momentarily, to the holy ground upon which your
consciousness, the very essence of your being, stands. It is no
passing thing. It is, indeed, the representation of all that there
is in creation.

Within you, abidingly and faithfully, that principle of love
which is the Creator is your essence and constitutes the
bedrock upon which you, as a timeless being, shall stand for

Return again and again to the peace, the strength, the power,
the wisdom, and the love of love Itself. And from that spot
within you comes a balance that shines in your vision and
heals in the world outside of your eyes and inside your heart.

We leave you, healed, in the peace and love that abides
within, now and ever. Amen.

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January 17

The Eyes, Ears And Heart

I am of the principle of the love of Jesus the Christ and I
greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

You have heard many times of eyes which cannot see and of
ears which do not hear. The principle of the love of Jesus the
Christ moves in spirit where it is called to open the eyes, open
the ears, and unstop the heart. For the world seen without the
spirit of love is a world of illusion and shadow.

With all of your heart, pray that the spirit may come upon
you this day, that you may gaze at the beggar and see Christ;
that you may gaze at the woman in rags and see a woman in
fair, clean cloth; that you may gaze at the starving child and
see the most gentle and worthy of beings; that you may gaze
upon your landscapes which have been so torn by war and see
the peace that will swallow such degradation with love; and
that you may have the eyes of Christ and the ears of Christ.

Pray and open your heart to the spirit of love. We are the way
out of illusion.

We leave you in that peace that the world of illusion can
never know, now and forever. Amen.

January 18

You Have Good Gifts

I am the spirit of the full consciousness of love in the
vibration which comforts this instrument. I greet you in the
love of Jesus Christ.

The nature of the Comforter is both particular and personal.
Yet it does not expend itself in the movement from the winds
of opportunity to the heart of one who prays that the Holy
Spirit may therein enter.

The same principle which enlivens your heart and engages
your attention in a spiritually rewarding manner may also
then be used by you to show forth the glory of God to others.
There is no deadness in the spirit, for all are alive in Jesus

Therefore, know that you have good gifts and are not going
to find it necessary to act for your Lord without the help of
the Holy Spirit. It was truly said that until the ending of the
age Jesus would never leave His flock, for we are the principle
of Jesus Christ and of the nature of Christ’s consciousness.
Thusly you and we work together to shine the light of peace
and understanding upon a world which does not yet
understand that all that exists is, alike, holy.

We wish you peace, now and always. Amen.