有很多很多次,我的朋友们,当你在恐惧中试图使用你的军队,那些你称之为言语的小军队,你像小士兵一样把你的言语、你的卑鄙行为和你的小情绪发出去,与那些小敌人作战,那些似乎在派士兵对付你的人, 说和做让你不开心的事情。你觉得你很容易受到他们的伤害,所以你用你的小军队反击,容我们说,用你的小军队。你变得不安和兴奋。从某种意义上说,你不是你自己,因为你不再是一个光明的存在,而是一个为它的位置而战的小而黑暗的动物。你已经失去了你内在的庄严和威严,那是纯粹的光和纯粹的爱,你正在作为一个软弱的人做出反应。
My friends, you need no armies, you need no intellect. You need no fights, for you are completely protected by light.
我的朋友们,你们不需要军队,你们不需要智力。你不需要战斗,因为你完全被光保护着。我的朋友们,你们意识到了你们外在环境里的一种巨大扰动,我们用它来告诉你们,你们情绪中的这些风暴可能看起来同样困难,同样黑暗,同样可怕。如果你们感到愤怒,如果你们感到不适,或者,我的朋友们,今天下午参加会议的你们中那些感到最有需要的人,让我们说,你们中那些感到最需要保护自己免受一个似乎不理解的人的伤害——你们没有把这个人,我的朋友们,看作是一个光明的存在, 你只应该给谁爱。你把他看作一个被说服的人,他的军队对抗你的军队,言语与言语。爱和光,我的弟兄姊妹们,不需要言语,只需要简单的辐射,一种来自爱的内在辐射,以及保护一切可能没有你的光之盔甲的东西。永远不要卖空自己。永远不要让自己需要那支军队,只要你们能记住你们是谁,你们有什么保护。你可以从强大的位置上打球,而不是从软弱中打球。爱在你里面,光照耀着你,没有什么是爱不能征服的
爱的力量是这里需要使用的力量,但使用的方式是看到爱在所有众生中不可避免的存在,即使是那些被称为压迫者的人。如果你坚定不移地相信你的信念,坚定不移地表现伊朗国内不断变化的时代,那么就会有爱的力量在你和那些与你一起踏上变革之旅的人之间移动,还有那些显然不与你同在但似乎对立并愿意接受生命以保持事物原来的样子的人在伊朗历史上很长。你们与地球上的每一个人、伊朗的每一个人、你们每天的朋友圈里的每一个人分享的这种爱的力量,是一种只有在行使它时才会起作用的力量——以一种可能能够向所有压迫者和被压迫者揭示的方式行使,所有人都是真正的一体, 独一造物主存在于万物之中。
用你的爱的力量,从你所遇到的一切中带出爱的力量。你有办法做到这一点。在这种特殊情况下,您是 wayshower。你和你的同伴一样,也许能够以一种似乎是你的敌人的人所不知道或体验到的方式来彰显这种爱。在那爱和光中前进。你必得胜。
@[quote=“cxk, post:1, topic:712, full:true”]
Latwii 拉特维
We’re glad. We really get a great charge out of talking to all you and of substituting for our brothers, Hatonn and Laitos, who send you their love.
我们很高兴。我们真的从与你们所有人交谈并代替我们的兄弟 Hatonn 和 Laitos 中得到了很大的责任,他们向你们发送了他们的爱。
Questioner 发问 者
Where are they? 他们在哪?
Latwii 拉特维
We are very glad you asked that question, due to the fact that this instrument is dying to know.
They are at this time in your southern waters, high above them, attempting to, shall we say, cool out, as this instrument would put it, a very bloody-minded plan that is being perpetrated by those in power, not in one country or another, but by an international economic group of those who would profit from chaos.
Questioner 发问 者
Did you say southern waters?
Latwii 拉特维
That is correct. 这是正确的。
Questioner 发问 者
Where is this [inaudible]? Southern waters…
Latwii 拉特维
Southeast Asia. 东南亚。
Questioner 发问 者
Is that it? 是这样吗?
Latwii 拉特维
Southeast Asia… Vietnam. 东南亚。。。越南。
We are attempting to give the information to this channel who is notoriously poor at geography. We’re working with her, if she will… if you will be patient.
If you go to what is known as the Philippines and keep going west you will find Hatonn.
Questioner 发问 者
In Vietnam. 在越
Latwii 拉特维
We are aware of that statement and that is correct, although not precisely so, for Hatonn is attempting to monitor a large area. Hatonn is working through a pyramid which lies within China and is attempting to draw energy from the Earth that has been put there many, many centuries ago in your time. It is attempting to remove the effects of that which has been maddening your peoples, a lust for…
[Side one of tape ends.]
(Carla channeling) (卡拉通灵)
I am Latwii. I am sorry for the interruption, but this instrument is not mechanically-minded. Please go ahead.
Do you know if the Iranian riots were caused by ELF [inaudible]?
Latwii 拉特维
As this instrument would say, right on, brother.
Question number two. Are the Chinese invading primarily because of the ELF knowledge?
Latwii 拉特维
Again, my brother, that is correct. The Russians are not being led by wise men and have a desire at this time to make good their promise to take over the Earth, and they have in their means at this time the power to do so, and they know that if they wait they will no longer have the power to do so, and they are gambling that the powers will not unleash the conventional nuclear weapons but, instead, will simply knuckle under. We, however, are aware that this is not likely, and so we are attempting to damp out these vibrations.
再说一遍,我的兄弟,这是对的。俄国人不是由智者领导的,他们此时渴望兑现他们接管地球的承诺,他们此时有能力这样做,他们知道如果他们等待,他们将不再有这样做的权力, 他们正在赌博,大国不会释放常规核武器,而是会屈服。然而,我们意识到这不太可能,因此我们正试图抑制这些振动。
However, to do this without infringing upon free will is very difficult, and since it does not disturb the solar system or even the astral planes of your planet, we are having the same kind of difficulty that you would have in your court room if you were attempting to stop a murder before it was committed. We can see what is happening, but we cannot do very much about it. We hope that each of you will meditate on peace and pray that your peoples are not fooled by all of those things which occur in the weeks to come, and…
[Interruption from Don.] [唐打断。
Please go ahead, my brother.
My question, assuming that the Chinese invasion [inaudible] Chinese knowledge of the ELF weapon and the need to [resolve] their own right now in a very clear-cut manner so that… because they are afraid of the use of the weapon against them by the Russians, so that on a clear-cut choosing of sides and getting us on their side…
我的问题,假设中国入侵 [听不清] 中国对 ELF 武器的了解以及现在需要以非常明确的方式 [解决] 他们自己的问题,以便…因为他们害怕俄罗斯人对他们使用武器,所以在明确的选择立场上,让我们站在他们一边…
Latwii 拉特维
I’m sure, my brother, it is worse than that, for at this time it has been used on China. And it is, in part, that stimulus which has made them decide to make this move, for they know that they are as vulnerable as the rest of the planet.
Questioner 发问 者
Does the entire invasion have to do with the Russian ELF weapon rather than the so-called Cambodian problem?
Latwii 拉特维
There is no Cambodian problem.
[Inaudible]. [听不清]。
Latwii 拉特维
Do you foresee a Chinese invasion of Vietnam in order to start a confrontation between the Chinese and the Russians, or do you see a Russian invasion of Iran?
Latwii 拉特维
This instrument believes that the Chinese have already invaded North Vietnam. Therefore, we won’t speak.
What about Iran, the Russian invasion of Iran?
Latwii 拉特维
The Russians have invaded Iran, not with weapons but with psychotronic mind-control devices.
Is that what the ELF weapon is?
Latwii 拉特维
That is correct. 这是正确的。
What is the exact effect…
I’ll tell you all about that. You don’t have to get that through channels.
I mean upon the Chinese. What has been the effect of it?
Latwii 拉特维
Polarization. 极化。
OK. You’re tired now, aren’t you?
Latwii 拉特维
I am fine. The instrument has sore shoulders.
Latwii 拉特维
I am Latwii. I am Latwii. I am Latwii. We are sorry, we always have trouble with this instrument for she is very delicate, and we begin too strongly and have to lighten in our vibration. It is an unusual one, and yet she is very good at receiving it; and we are not used to this because we do not have great success with your peoples in communicating with them. Therefore, we assume that this entity has a certain amount of light vibration in her makeup. That is perhaps due to her weight—ha, ha!
We are aware of the question at hand, and it is somewhat complex. Indeed, due to this instrument’s abominable knowledge of very little geography, we will only attempt to speak about the question at hand. The vibrations in the earth are somewhat generalized, however, the one known as Hatonn had been, until very recently, in China, due to an extremely complex situation internationally. We will attempt to sort it out, but you must be aware, that our answer is somewhat simplistic.
The entity known as China is a backward nation with many people. They do not have the monetary strength of their northern neighbor, which is Russia. And although it would seem that they would be natural allies, China has a set of leaders at this time which are in fiercest enmity with the leaders of Russia. You must understand that we consider such things as ideology perfectly ridiculous since all of your peoples fail [to live] out love. Even in your own America you consider the pursuit of happiness and not the pursuit of understanding of love as the most important right of each human being. Thus you have a nation which disports itself instead of becoming disciplined and wise enough to use the great resources that are at your disposal.
There is some wisdom in China but not at this time in its leaders. They seek to undermine the advances of Russia in world events. They seek to do this by many means. They have [started] a conflagration in your Indo-China area which even now is burning out of control. They have attempted to make allies of the United States by offering great incentives to invest capital and technology in China while at the same time planning, at the nearest and most convenient opportunity, to use nuclear tactics to destroy both Russia and the United States.
我没有告诉你我讨厌什么,我讨厌中国人。中国人杀戮杀戮杀戮杀戮。Yadda 学习如何杀人,哦,Yadda 很擅长这个。如果你能说好——但也不错。具有指导意义!别担心——我放弃了。我不需要再这样做了。我也不需要讨厌中国人。[非常轻声]爱中国人。我告诉你为什么我喜欢中国人。我可以这样做吗?我爱中国人,因为中国人让 Yadda 讨厌。