羽蛇神传讯系列:[初译]第006场集会 2024-07-26


Quetzalcoatl Session 6 July 26th, 2024
羽蛇神第六场集会 2024-07-26

Channel (Instrument 器皿): Anika

Questioners(提问者): Peggy, Greg, Chuck, Kevin, Derek, Ishan

Scribe(抄写员): Greg

Total Time: 104 minutes 53 seconds

Type of Channeling: Deep Conscious


Anika Who comes to us in the name of Love?


Quetzalcoatl We are Quetzalcoatl. We come to you in Love, Light and Service to Others.


[Anika challenges Quetzalcoatl three times]
[Anika 三次质询/挑战羽蛇神]

Anika Thank you, Quetzalcoatl, for meeting my challenges. Will you please hold the contact while I get into a more comfortable position and deeper state of channeling? Once I have reached an adequately deep state of channeling, will you please initiate the communication?

Anika: 感谢你,羽蛇神,谢谢你回应我的挑战。请你保持连接,我需要换一个更舒适的姿势,并进入更深的通灵状态。一旦我达到了足够深的通灵状态,请你开始沟通,好吗?

Quetzalcoatl Yes.


Anika Thank you.


Quetzalcoatl We are those of Quetzalcoatl. We are most joyous to be with this group once again. We wish to relay our gratitude in once again coming together with open hearts and open minds in the seeking of our Eternal Father Creator. We are most honored to join with you in this journey. Let us not present any point of confusion or obstacle on your journey. Should in this communication any of our observations cause a stumbling block for any seeker, we request that our words be disregarded at once, for we do not seek to represent any authority. We are but points of creation as yourselves seeking our Eternal Father. We are most joyous to see the one known as Ishan has joined in this session. We welcome you, our brother. We see there are a great many well thought out and considered queries present. We would be most honored to be of service in sharing whatever we may find could be of potential benefit in our observation. We wish to provide the clearest answers to each query. Thus, if clarification is needed at any time. Please request. We will begin now with the first query.



6.1 Questioner Quetzalcoatl, could you please offer a true healing exercise that anyone might be able to practice?

6.1 提问者:羽蛇神,对于“真实疗愈”,你能否提供一个适合所有人的修习方法?

Quetzalcoatl Yes. My brother, this is a delightful request. True healing is the complete acceptance of oneself, of the Creator. For distortion is created when one does not accept oneself fully, thus one does not accept the Creator. The portion of creation thus does not accept itself nor its origin, thus, distortion is created.


The exercise we may advise that is available to any being at any level of study would [Pause] We may offer a simple exercise that may be utilized by any seeker at any level of their spiritual journey or evolution. This exercise is an exercise of complete acceptance. This is most difficult for those in the third density illusory experience. This exercise involves the seeing One as All and All as One. This may be first begun at a time of solitude, seeking solitude or a place of quiet contemplation. Placing oneself in this position allows one to look inward and thus outward for all that you observe around you is within you. Seek an environment of solitude and stillness. Observe the physical body complex. Observe each sensation and minute movement present even in stillness. Feeling fully each portion of the physical vehicle. Tuning into the intelligence that is the chemical body complex. The body knows much. In this tuning to the physical body complex one begins to tap into this intelligence. There is then trust which is created. This trust allows the physical chemical body complex vehicle to move. Minute movements of the cellular level. These movements may be observed as minute fine motor muscular movements.


You may sense the body moving on its own. This is an act of self acceptance and trust formation between the mind and the physical body. Thus when this practice is performed the performer of the practice will observe the following; first, the seeking of solitude and peace, sitting or lying still and tuning into fully the physical body, releasing the control over the physical body, tuning into the body intelligence. The formation of trust. Trust between the mind, which always seeks to control. The mind relinquishes the control to the body intelligence. The body sensing this new formation of relationship will begin a series of adjustments. Some of these adjustments will be occurring on the cellular level and will not be easily observed or felt by the one performing this exercise. Some of the adjustments will be nerve or muscular and will be felt as fine, slow, purposeful movements, which may seem confusing to the mind.

你可能会感受到身体自行活动。这是一种自我接纳的行为,也是心智与物质身体之间信任的形成。因此,当进行这个练习时,练习者将会观察到以下现象:首先,寻找独处与安宁的环境,静坐或平躺,完全调和进入物质身体、放下对身体的控制 、调和进入身体的智能。接着是信任的形成——心智与身体之间的信任——那总是试图控制的心智,将控制权让渡给身体的智能。当身体感知到这种新的关系建立时,会开始进行一系列的调整。其中一些调整会发生在细胞层面,练习者可能难以观察到或感受到这些调整。其他调整可能涉及神经或肌肉,表现为细微的、缓慢的、有目的性的运动,这些活动看似会让心智感到困惑。

However the mind, in practicing this self acceptance, will allow the physical body intelligence to perform. Thus these movements will appear as the body moving on its own. These movements will be very fine and delicate. The being will experience release of tension, pain, and discomfort as the movements continue. This will be a long, slow process for the body is moving cell by cell, neuron by neuron, fiber by fiber, fully adjusting.


Once complete the movements will cease and the being will experience a great sensation of relief from physical discomfort. This can be done as much as desired. The key is release of control and self acceptance. This exercise is one that had been previously known to humans on this planet, but has been long lost. This is the body healing itself. This is true healing. We ask at this time if there is any clarifying query, my brother.


Questioner That was wonderful. Thank you.


Quetzalcoatl We may move on to the next query.



6.2 Questioner My question is, what is your personal experience of the bond of friendship with me that you have expressed? This would help me ground our shared experience. Thank you.

6.2 提问者:我的问题是,对于你所表达的与我之间的友谊纽带,你的个人体验是什么?这将有助于我理解我们共同的体验。谢谢你。

Quetzalcoatl We are most joyous to speak with you, our brother. What we may offer in regards to your query is very little, given the Law of Confusion and our necessity to abide by free will. Our relationship is strong. We have worked together. That you feel this deep connection to our expressed sorrow in regards to the suffering we have witnessed of those on this planet is significant. What we may offer is the careful contemplation of our shared connection.


We find that there are those who have read our words and who have been moved beyond the surface emotion or experience, who have felt a deep pull to our communication and we may say that for those beings who experience this sensation. That it is quite likely we are deeply connected. This is all we may offer on the topic of this query. Are there any clarifications, my brother?


Questioner No. Thank you. Your response is very much appreciated. I love you.


Quetzalcoatl And we love you, our brother. We may invite the next query.



6.3 Questioner Thank you, Quetzalcoatl. During a previous channeling, you mentioned the purposeful cultivation of healing would greatly benefit all on the planet at this time. My question is how may one purposefully cultivate healing?

6.3 提问者:谢谢你,羽蛇神。在之前的一次传讯中,你提到有目的的培养疗愈能力将极大地造福地球上的所有人。我的问题是,如何才能有目的的培养疗愈能力?

Quetzalcoatl We thank you, our brother, for the follow-up to this previous topic. We have wished greatly to expand upon this for we find that healing is the subject of mass confusion on this planet. There are many distortions present in your modern systems of healing. There are many who believe they have achieved that which the Creator could not. The Creator knows all. The Creator provides all and those who move farther and farther from the true thought of the Creator distort much. The topic of healing is complex. It is complex because the human in the third density illusory experience has made this so. Healing is simple.


All of the Creator’s original creation is simple. It flows and fits together perfectly, each portion and piece helping, complementing, supporting the other. Thus to rediscover that which is healing is to unlearn the distortions which have been presented. First, all may heal. All beings have the ability to heal themselves. This is always a potential. It is not a matter of obtaining the information which allows one to heal. It is a matter of unlearning the information which taught that one cannot heal. What we mean to emphasize is this knowledge is innate. It is within each, and each is capable, fully capable.


It is the human which makes this complex. The first step we may offer is the unlearning of the distorted information, the return to center, return to the Original Thought. To know oneself, to see oneself as the expression, perfect expression of the Creator; to accept all which is formed. We correct, to accept all which is within. It is love. Love, which is the foundation of all creation. It is the love of oneself, thus the love of Creator, thus the love of creation. We seek to emphasize this difficult concept. Let us delve further.


When one views oneself as unacceptable, one is viewing the Creator as unacceptable. Thus the creation is unacceptable. Thus this manifests as distortion which you experience as illness. The humans on this planet have created complex systems of healing and teach/learn programs for this studying of healing. We find this creates much confusion and further distortion via viewing more intensely the unacceptable forms of creation. The detailed study of all that which is deemed to be unacceptable. This creates further distortion. This system is present in your so called conventional medicine, as well as the so called alternate medicine. We find very few, very rare practices which are centered on the Original Thought. We may ask at this time if there are any clarifying queries, my brother.


Questioner Not from me. Thank you,


Quetzalcoatl Do any present have a clarifying query?


6.4 Questioner: I have a question. So if a person walks with an illness, like tumors or a failing organ. Is it from what I’m hearing, and tell me if I’m correct, it is best to see that as one with the Creator. It is best to see that illness as being with the Creator and being one with the Creator. Is that correct?

6.4 提问者:我有一个问题。所以,如果一个人患有疾病,比如肿瘤或器官衰竭。根据我的理解,请告诉我是否正确,最好是将其视为与造物者为一体。最好是将疾病视为与造物者同在、与造物者合一。这样理解对吗?

Quetzalcoatl: This is incorrect. The so called “tumor” or “illness” is the result of not walking with the Creator. It is the result of rejecting the Creator, for the Creator is oneself. When one rejects oneself, one rejects the Creator, thus creation. Thus the distortion is formed. This distortion takes on [the form of] physical illness as catalyst to be further utilized. Thus in this sense, we may follow your trajectory of thought. When one has rejected oneself, the Creator, the creation, this manifests as physical illness, often. Thus in the example provided with the tumor, one is presented with a further opportunity to accept that which had been previously rejected, that which had been previously determined to be unacceptable. This will be more of a challenge, you may observe. For when rejected numerous times, the catalyst will intensify. The presence of such prominent physical illness, such as the tumor, presents the opportunity to the being to accept that which had been unacceptable. Now in a different form. Does this answer your query, my sister?


Questioner: I have to dwell on it and think about it some. I may have follow-up questions at another time. Thank you, though. That’s very helpful.


Quetzalcoatl: Thank you, my sister, for this wonderful follow-up query. We welcome any further query on this topic in the future for we find it is one of great confusion and distress among those of your planet.


Questioner: I would agree. Thank you.


Quetzalcoatl: We encourage the instrument to utilize the washroom at this time. Would the ones known as Derek, and Greg, please grant the instrument the permission to leave the pentagram and web that she exit protected, return protected, and that no opening is created by her exit or return.


Greg: I do grant permission.


Derek: Yes.


Quetzalcoatl: We will await.


[Pause while Anika leaves then returns and reenters the channeling state]

Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We are once again with this instrument. We invite now the next query.



6.5 Questioner: Thank you, Quetzalcoatl. I too love you, and I feel drawn so much to your eloquent instructions and comments. I’m going to forego my long and complicated question about time and follow-up on the subject we are all circling around, which is healing. You spoke especially to Kevin and Derek about healing oneself by accepting oneself, by seeing oneself as the Creator. Can similar meditations and exercises be extended from one being to another? For instance, if I have a knowledge of these exercises and someone else does not, but someone else has an illness, can I help that person to heal from that illness?

6.5 提问者:谢谢你,羽蛇神。我也爱你,我被你雄辩的指导和评论深深吸引。我决定放弃我关于时间的冗长而复杂的提问,转而继续我们一直在讨论的主题,即疗愈。你特别对凯文(Kevin)和德里克(Derek)讲到了:通过接受自己、看见自己即是造物者来疗愈自己。类似的冥想和练习是否可以从一个存有扩展到另一个存有?例如,如果我了解这些练习,而另一人不了解,但那个人有疾病,我可以帮助那个人从疾病中康复吗?

Quetzalcoatl: We appreciate this query. What we may offer is the role of the healer. In this experience you have veiled from your mind the absolute knowing that All are One and One are All. Thus, you experience a sense of separation, which is illusory. The healer in this third density experience has penetrated the veil in the sense that they have recalled the knowledge, the full knowing, that All are One and One are All. Thus, the healer sees the being requesting healing as the perfect expression of the Creator. It is beyond seeing. The healer knows infallibly that the being before them is the Creator, is the Creator in its entirety and complete perfection. It is this knowing by the healer which allows the being requesting healing to heal themselves. Thus, the healer is sharing with the other being that knowledge, the knowledge of the Eternal Father.


This is the only exercise which we observe as true healing. Thus to circle back to your original query. Yes. There is one exercise which may be shared between the being requesting healing and the healer. This is true healing. There are many practices which are viewed as healing exercises in your current cultural, societal context. These do not often represent the knowing of the Creator in the way we have spoken. This is not to say that these practices are not efficacious, for indeed many are, and many produce wonderful, significant results. They are not, however, what we speak of when we speak of true healing. For outside of the practice of true healing, each effect is temporary. We invite any clarifying query at this time.


6.6 Questioner: What is the nature of the interaction between healer and healee that produces true healing? Is it touch? Is it conversation? Is it meditation?

6.6 提问者:疗愈者和被疗愈者之间产生真正疗愈,这是什么样的互动类型——是触摸吗?是对话吗?是冥想吗?

Quetzalcoatl: Yes.


Questioner: All of the above?


Quetzalcoatl: Yes.


Questioner: Very good. Thank you very much.


Quetzalcoatl: We may invite the next query.



6.7 Questioner: You’ve given us much to think about in terms of healing but I must give into my three-dimensional curiosity to ask you about your third density experience on Venus, if there’s no restrictions. For example, can you share what your fellow Venus dwellers looked like? Are there similarities, differences? And do you struggle with some of the same issues that we do here? Just briefly, what is society like? For example, how do people on Venus make a living? What was the political system? And I’m so curious about picturing an animal on Venus. Just a glimpse, just a little glimpse would be welcome if you’re willing.

6.7 提问者:你们已经让我们对疗愈有了很多思考,但我必须屈从于我的三维好奇心,想问问你们在金星的第三密度经验,如果(这个话题)没有限制的话。比如,你们可以分享一下你们金星居民的外貌吗?(与我们)有没有相似之处或者不同之处?你们是否也曾遭遇与我们这里类似的问题?能否简短介绍一下金星的社会是什么样的?比如,金星上的人们如何谋生?政治制度是什么样的?我很好奇金星上的动物是什么样子的。如果可以的话,能不能给我们一瞥,哪怕只是一点点?

Quetzalcoatl: We are most delighted to indulge in this curiosity. We will begin by description of our environment in our third density experience on the planet you call Venus. This planet was quite harsh. A harsh terrain, which made it difficult to navigate. A harsh climate, which made it difficult to build or construct various structures and settlements. The conditions were harsh, much harsher than what you experienced on this planet Earth, which has many diverse environments. We would liken our climate to what you would call the tundra. This inevitably was a benefit to us, for it facilitated our need to function in close knit communal systems. The reliance on family and community was great for in this environment one was not able, except with the most extreme difficulty, to function alone. Thus to survive one needed community, a close knit well functioning community, which cared deeply for its members. This communal structure was the basis for our society and culture.


A great emphasis on family and extended family, close relationships with one’s neighbors, deep respect for the elders, and a sense of raising the young as one community. The child viewed as the child not just of the parents, but of the community as a whole. The responsibility lying on all community members. We would describe our physical appearance as similar to yours, bipedal beings with two arms and hands, two legs and feet, one head. Our height was higher than yours. Our skin was not as yours. It was a bit more adapted to this climate and lower exposure to sun. Our eyes were likewise adjusted to lower light. They were positioned at the front as yours. We had a similar facial structure, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hair. There were two genders, the male and female. Our pairings were sacred and monogamous. The political structure was a bit tumultuous. There were many communities and thus a central leadership was not as you experience. For these communities were quite self reliant and self governing. We experienced war. This was not as you have experienced. We’ve experienced to some extent religion, the gradual formation of a religious system which sought the Creator as many of your own do as well.


The animals, flora and fauna were fewer and less diverse than this planet. We wish to describe an animal for your amusement and curiosity. The animal we will describe was similar to that of a beaver. This animal was four legged with a stout body, very, very coarse hairs. This animal’s habitat was by sources of water and thick vegetation. This animal’s hairs were black. This animal had a long thick tail. This animal, we will attempt to relay the name through this instrument. Though the sound vibration complex will be difficult to relay due to lack of familiarity. We will attempt. We will attempt syllable by syllable. The name of this animal was Rin-skit. Rinskit. That’s close. We hope to have given you a glimpse into our third density experience from the perspective of everyday life.

动物和植物的分布范围没有这颗行星广阔,物种谱系也相对较少。为了满足你的好奇心与趣味,我们愿意描述一种动物。这种动物类似于河狸。这种动物有四条腿,身体肥壮,毛发非常非常粗糙。这种动物的栖息地靠近水源和茂密的植被。这种动物的毛是黑色的,尾巴又长又粗。我们将尝试通过这个器皿传递它的名字。由于缺乏相关的熟悉性,声音振动复合体很难传递。我们将尝试、逐个音节尝试。这种动物的名字叫 “Rin-skit”。Rinskit——很接近了。我们希望通过这个日常生活的描述,给你了一个我们第三密度体验的简单一瞥。

Questioner: Thank you so much. You certainly did and it’s like getting to know more about a dear friend, who you are, and great teacher. Thank you.


Quetzalcoatl: We thank you, my brother, for this opportunity to share some of the less important, though nostalgic, details of our experience. We may ask if you have any clarifications to the scene painted?


Questioner: No. That was much more than I was expecting. Thank you so much.


Quetzalcoatl: You are most welcome, my brother. We may invite the next query.



6.8 Questioner This question is on behalf of the channel. It’s in reference to our prayer for the so called elites. She would like to ask, in answer to question 5.7, you said “To look fully in the eye, these beings, to shine your full face and awareness, seeing, knowing, understanding onto these beings is most powerful. This is an unveiling of a cloak of darkness”, How do we see, know, understand these beings? How do we best unveil this cloak of darkness?

6.8 提问者:这个问题是代表器皿提出的。它是关于我们为[所谓的]精英阶层祈祷的问题。她想问,在回答问题5.7时,你说:“要直视这些存有的眼睛。用你全部的面容、觉知、看见、知晓、理解,去照耀这些存有,这是最强大的。这是一种揭开黑暗面纱的行为。”那么我们如何看见、知晓、理解这些存有?我们如何最好的揭开这层黑暗的面纱?

Quetzalcoatl: Yes. We find this query to be most pertinent. Before we begin our response, we request that each send love/light, and healing to the instrument who has begun to experience the greeting of the negative polarity in the form of the muscle spasm. We ask the one known as Derek to create the suit.


Questioner: I just did. Thank you.


Quetzalcoatl: We are with this instrument.



We are with this instrument.



We will begin. The power of the prayer is the pure sending of love to these beings who have lived long in darkness. To send this love out of pity or motivated by the desire to have these beings change themselves or their actions would be fully ineffective. To fully see these beings as they truly are and to meet this with full, pure love is the power of this prayer. How one may see that which does not wish to be seen is to look, not with your eyes or senses, but with your heart. To look within and find the darkest, most darkest parts of the self, the shadow of the shadow, and to bring this fully to the light. This is what is playing out externally, for all that one experiences externally is a projection of that which is playing out internally. The darkest parts of this world represent that which humanity has rejected within its self. Itself.


Thus, the seeker of the positive polarity on this planet need look no further than within one’s own potential. All that you see before you is your own potential experience and creation. The beings who we have referenced as the so called elites wear many masks of deception. Just as the own darkest parts of your own hearts hide from your full knowing. To unveil the cloak of-- Please send love to the senders of the greeting.



We are with this instrument. The instrument experienced a greeting in the form of a stabbing into the right eardrum. This was most distracting. We find this has been effectively alleviated. We may continue.



Quetzalcoatl We are with this instrument. We wish to offer that with this prayer, it is important to remember that as this prayer is intended in the external projection for these so-called elites. It is [also] internally a prayer for oneself. That which we have asked you to accept is yourself. That which we have advised to unveil is the darkest parts of yourself.


The external projection helps one navigate this journey. The external projection allows one to see vividly and fully that which is within. Which being or personality or action do you encounter which causes the greatest horror, fear, anger, disgust, despair? This is a clue for what hides deepest within yourself, which has not been brought to light and met with love. We may invite any clarifying queries at this time.


6.9 Questioner How does one see with the heart?

6.9 提问者:如何用心去看见?

Quetzalcoatl The heart has many eyes. The heart has many ears. The heart is always seeking. Seeking. That which is eternal truth. It is a practice of discerning the feel of the heart. The heart does not look away. The heart does not close off its ears. Thus, the heart is infallible. One need only to tune into the heart. We may invite the next query at this time.



6.10 Questioner My question would be, what general or specific disciplines or practices would you recommend for exploring, understanding, experiencing, and serving the Creator? If there were a curriculum to purchase, what would it include? Keep it brief, or feel free to expand on this concept to provide us a deeper foundation for discussing spiritual advancement concerns.

6.10 提问者:我的提问是,你会推荐哪些一般性或具体性的修行或实践,以探索、理解、体验和服务造物者?如果要购买一套课程,它应该包含哪些内容?你们可以简短回答,也可以随意展开详述这个概念,为讨论我们关切的灵性进阶问题、提供一个更深厚的基础。

Quetzalcoatl We thank you, our brother, for this thoughtful query. The student of the Eternal Father is one who feels the pull to join with that of which it was once apart. We find that the instrument suffers severe muscular spasm, and this is creating difficulty with the transmission. My brother, we may not answer this query at this time, we find the pain distortion to be too severe to communicate in detail at this time. We invite a final brief query if so desired.


6.11 Questioner Is there any way that we can help the channel with these muscular pains?

6.11 提问者:我们有什么办法可以帮助传讯管道缓解这些肌肉疼痛吗?

Quetzalcoatl The instrument experiences distortion in the cervical and upper thoracic spine. We would recommend exercise, massage and orthopedic equipment to correct these distortions. We correct, to alleviate the pain caused by these distortions. We would recommend healing treatments to correct these distortions. This is undergoing a significant energizing by our friends of the loyal opposition, who are ever present at these communication sessions. The communication is quite difficult. That is all we may offer at this time. The contact is excellent. The group energies and harmonies are excellent. All is well. We leave you now in the love and light of our Eternal Father. Adonai.


Post Session Notes


We will be holding a gathering via Zoom to come together in prayer for the beings in power on this planet, the “so called elites” who have caused this planet and her inhabitants much suffering.

我们将通过 Zoom 举行一次集会,一起为这个星球上的掌权者,即那些 “所谓的精英们” 祈祷,他们给这个星球及其居民带来了很多痛苦。

This event will be held on July 28th, 2024 at 5pm CDT US. The Zoom link will be posted to the website at that time. If you have signed up for the email list for this event you will also receive the Zoom link via email.

此次活动将于 2024 年 7 月 28 日美国中部夏令时下午 5 点举行。Zoom 链接将在那个时间发布到网站上。如果你已经注册了该活动的邮件列表,你也会通过邮件收到 Zoom 链接。

The full prayer and closing prayers are below. If this resonates with you, we invite you to join us in the recitation on a repeated basis. This prayer is powerful and many have reported receiving psychic greeting during or after so we now share our full prayer which contains many protective elements. Because Derek and I pray together, these terms will be plural but feel free to change to single form as appropriate


We request our guides to be with us always

Please bless us, guide us and illuminate our path in service to the One Infinite Creator

Please protect, support and assist us in all ways possible as we are on our journeys here on this Earth

We give thanks for your blessings and your guidance, which we seek to implement to the best of our abilities in our lives

We give thanks for your protection, support, assistance and presence which we feel with us always. Thank you Guides!






We request our Spirit to move energy to our weakest energy center, so that our energy body may be in balance.


We give thanks to all of the angels who are with us, for your love, light, joy and song.

Angels, come forth to this working and support this light being brought forth to this darkness

Please help us find the love in each moment, each interaction and magnetize our actions with love.

Please protect, support and assist us in all ways possible while we are on our journeys here on this Earth. Thank you, Angels!





We give thanks to the Guardians of Earth, for your protection, support and assistance in this working

Please protect, support and assist us in all ways possible as we are on our journeys here on this Earth. Thank you, Guardians of Earth!



We give thanks to beings of light who have offered us their assistance and request explicitly their continued protection and assistance in all ways possible in our mission here on this Earth. Thank you, Beings of Light!


We pray for each of these beings

We pray for their peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health.

We send to each of them; love/light and healing energy




We pray for all of our family members and ancestors

We pray for their peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health

We send to them; love/light and healing energy




We pray for all our fellow Law of One seekers, for this wonderful community of which we have become apart and all beings who join us in the recitation of this prayer

We pray for their protection, peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health

We send them; love/light and healing energy




We pray for our home and give thanks for its safety, protection and comfort. Thank you home!

We pray for our home’s peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health

We send to this home; love/light and healing energy




We pray for Mother Earth, this beloved planetary being upon which we reside and give thanks to Mother Earth for being our home. Thank you, Mother Earth!

We pray for her peaceful, swift, harmonious and joyous transition as she brings forth a new earth into the 4th density

We pray for her complete rejuvenation, healing and easement of suffering

We pray for all inhabitants of Mother Earth

We pray for their peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health

We send to Mother Earth and all her inhabitants; love/light and healing energy







We pray for all beings who are in positions of great power on this planet at this time, and who have sought and occupied these positions of power many times before

Who consider themselves to be the “elites”

Who have caused much suffering to this planet and her inhabitants

We pray for their seeing One as All and All as One, their feeling, seeing, knowing and understanding the unconditional love, compassion and acceptance of the Creator within them and all around them, their feeling the interconnectedness between themselves and all of Creation.

We pray that they see their positions of power as great opportunities to ease the suffering of the planet and all upon it. To bring great joy to all

We pray for their peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health.

We send to each of these beings; love/light, healing energy, unconditional complete acceptance, seeing, knowing and understanding








We pray for all beings which offer us psychic greeting at this time and all beings who seek to offer us psychic greeting

We pray for all beings of the negative polarity who watch us at this time

And all beings of the negative polarity who enslave this group of “elites” on this planet

And all beings who offer psychic greeting to those who recite this prayer

We give thanks for this greeting. Thank you!

We pray for their peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health

And send them; love/ light, healing energy, unconditional complete acceptance, seeing, knowing and understanding








We pray for ALL beings, for all expressions of the One Infinite Creator

We pray for their peace, love, joy, happiness, harmony and good health

And send to all beings; love/light and healing energy

May all beings go forth and rejoice in the love and the light and the power and the peace of the One Infinite Creator.





We give thanks to Creator for all that is, was and shall ever be.

For all that we experience on our journey home

For each moment, is most precious

Adonai, Adonai, Adonai





  • The Lord’s Prayer (主祷文)
  • Prayer of St. Francis (圣.方济各 祈祷文)
  • Lakota Prayer (Lakota族/北美原住民 祈祷文) “ Wanka Tanka, Oh Shay Mala Yo x4, Wah Nee Wah Chee Yay”
    Translation(Lakota族 祈祷文 翻译): “Creator, Have Mercy On Me, I Want To Live”(“造物之主啊,请怜悯我,我想活下去”)
【译注】The Lord’s Prayer (主祷文) “The Lord’s Prayer” 是基督教信仰中最著名的祈祷文之一,被认为是耶稣基督亲口教导信徒的祈祷方式。它出现在马太福音 6:9-13 和路加福音 11:2-4 中。

The Lord’s Prayer 的内容:

- 致敬: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”(天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。)

- 祈求神的国降临: “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”(愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。)

- 祈求每日所需: “Give us today our daily bread.”(我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。)

- 祈求赦免: “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”(免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。)

- 祈求免受试探: “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”(不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶。)

- 荣耀归于神: “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”(因为国度、权柄、荣耀,全是你的,直到永远。阿们。)

【译注】Prayer of St. Francis (圣.方济各 祈祷文) - 主啊,求你使我成为和平的工具:

- 在仇恨的地方,让我播下爱;

- 在绝望的地方,让我播下希望;

- 在黑暗的地方,让我播下光明;

- 在悲伤的地方,让我播下喜乐。

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We give thanks to all who have taken the time to read this communication and are as intrigued and inspired by it as we. Thank you for joining us on this journey in open hearts and minds.


In love/light,
The Quetzalcoatl Contact Team

致以 爱/光,

  1. 【译注】地球上的精英阶层也是受到奴役的。祷文正在为那些奴役着他们的负面极性实体祈祷。 ↩︎





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