[校对中] Q’uo 2023-02-11 病毒大流行的致因

Topics: Service to second density; viral contagions on a societal level; inspirations for Advaita Vedanta; supporting universal healing; the paradox of chickens and eggs; death in war; mind-altering plant medicines; the value and use of the dream state; connecting to the soul’s purpose.



(Jim channeling)
(Jim 传讯)

[1.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am with this instrument at this time. We greet each of you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator, of which we are all a part. We thank you for calling us to you today to speak to those concerns that are upon your minds and within your hearts. It is our great joy and privilege to join you in this endeavor, for this is the means by which we ourselves proceed along our own path of service to others. Together, we walk this path, helping each along the way.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我在此刻与这个器皿在一起了。我们在太一无限造物者的爱与光中向你们每一位致意,我们全都是造物者的一部分。我们感谢你们呼唤我们今天来到你们中间来谈及那些在你们的心智中与在你们的心中的关注点。在这种努力中加入你们是我们的巨大的喜悦与荣幸,因为这就是我们藉由其在我们自己的服务他人的道路上前进的方式。我们一起走在这条道路上,并沿路帮助每一个人。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是Q’uo,我此刻与这个器皿同在。我们在太一无限造物者的爱与光中向你们每一位致意,我们全都是造物者的一部分。感谢你们今天呼唤我们前来,就那些你们思维与心中的关注事项进行交流。参与这项努力是我们的巨大喜悦和荣幸,因为这也是我们自己沿着服务他人之路前进的方式。我们一起走在这条路上,沿途互相帮助。

[1.1]We would ask you to consider our words and concepts using your own inner discrimination to determine if they are meaningful to you. If there are any which do not ring of truth to you, we ask you to set them aside, so that we may not provide any stumbling blocks for you on your own spiritual path. If you would grant us this favor, then we are free to speak our thoughts. At this time, we would ask if there might be a query with which we begin.

  • 【原文翻译】我们请你们考虑我们的话语与观点,使用你们自己内在的分辨力来确定是否它们对于你们是有意义的。如果有任何内容对于你们听起来不是真实的,我们请你们将它放在一旁,这样,我们就不会为你们提供任何在你们自己的灵性道路上的绊脚石了。 如果你们愿意许诺我们这个恩惠,接下来,我们就拥有自由来讲述我们的想法了。在此刻,我们会请问,是否有一个我们可以用来开始的问题。

  • 【改进翻译】我们请你们用内在的辨别力考虑我们的话语和概念,以确定它们对你们是否有意义。如果有任何内容在你们看来不真实,我们希望你们把它们放在一边,以便我们不会在你们自己的灵性道路上造成任何障碍。如果你们能给予我们这个恩惠,那么我们就可以自由表达我们的想法。此时,我们想问是否有任何问询可以开始讨论。


[2.0]J: How can we be of greatest service to second-density life forms in helping them evolve towards self-consciousness?

  • 【原文翻译】J:我们如何通过帮助对第二密度的生命形式朝向自我意识演化而对它们进行最大的服务?

  • 【改进翻译】J: 我们如何能够最大程度的服务第二密度生命形态,以帮助它们演化朝向自我意识?

[3.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is a very central query for describing a portion of the evolution of the consciousness of the One Infinite Creator that is in all densities of experience and all moments of experience of each person, each animal, each kind of consciousness that you may be aware of. For as the movement of consciousness comes into being within the first density, there is the Earth, the Wind, the Fire and the Water. And these are the beginning of consciousness, as the Fire and the Wind teach Earth and Water to be formed in such and such a manner that there is the possibility of life as you know it becoming born into that first-density experience.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的兄弟。这对于描述太一无限造物者的意识的演化的一部分是一个非常中心性的问题,造物者是在所有体验的密度中,在每一个人,每一个动物,你们可能察觉到的每一种类型的意识的所有体验的时刻中的。 因为随着意识的运动在在第一密度中形成,会有土、风、火、水。 这些是意识的开端,因为火与风会教导土与水,用这样那样一种方式被形成,会有生命的可能性,如你们对生命的知晓一样,被诞生进入到第一密度的体验中。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo: 我是Q’uo,我理解了你的问询,我的兄弟。这是一个非常关键的问询——对于描述太一无限造物者的意识演化的一个部分。造物者的意识存在于所有密度的每一瞬的体验之中;存在于每个人的、每个动物的、以及你可能觉察到的任何种类的体验之中。随着意识的运动在第一密度中形成,有了土、风、火和水。这些是意识的开端,当火与风教导土与水以某种方式形成,于是[你所知的]生命之可能于第一密度的体验中诞生了。

[3.1]In [the first] density, there is the simple awareness of being. This is the expression of consciousness at that time. At a certain point in what you call time, there is the evolution of the Earth that has been able to provide life upon it into what you would call the plants and the animals that are many and various and yet which contain this consciousness of the One Creator that moves inexorably towards the light that has created them, the light of the One Infinite Creator. After a great period of what you would call time, billions of years, these types of plants and animals begin to evolve in a manner which has the possibility of becoming more conscious, becoming self-conscious, so that that simple awareness that is the quality of the first density becomes self-awareness, or self-consciousness in the second density.

  • 【原文翻译】在第一密度中,会有简单的存有的察觉。这是在那个时候的意识的表达。在你们所称的时间中的一定的位置上,会有地球的演化,地球已经为在其上的意识提供生命,成为你们称之为植物与动物的事物,植物与动物是多种多样的,而又包含了太一造物者的意识,太一造物者的意识会不可抗拒地朝向已经创造了它们的光,朝向太一无限造物者移动。在一段很长的你们称之为时间的时期,数十亿年的时间之后,这些类型的植物与动物会开始用一种拥有可能性成为更加有意识的,成为自我察觉的方式演化,这样,那个第一密度的特性之所是的简单的察觉,就成为了在第二密度中的自我察觉或者自我意识。

  • 【改进翻译】在第一密度中,有了对(自身)存在的单纯觉察。这是那个时期意识的表现。在[你们所说的]某个时间点,地球演化到足以为动植物供给生命;这些植物和动物各种各样,但都包含着太一造物者的意识;这意识不可阻挡的朝向光前进——那创造了它们的太一无限造物者之光。在为期数十亿年的[你们所说的]漫长时期之后,这些类型的植物和动物开始以某种方式进化——使得进化为更有意识、更具备自我意识——成为可能。从而,第一密度的特质“简单觉察”,变为了第二密度中的“自我觉知”、或者说“自我意识”。

[3.2]There are many of these types of plants and animals that the human beings in the third density have contact with on a regular basis, so that there is a relationship set up between the plants and animals, the second-density creatures, and the third-density beings that have the mind, the body, and the spirit activated and can relate in a manner of, what you would call, investiture with the second-density plants and animals, most especially those that you call pets and those that you call trees, but all types of second-density creatures may be invested with greater awareness.

  • 【原文翻译】会有很多这些类型的植物与动物是在第三密度中的人类已经用一种有规律的方式与之有接触的了,这样,就会有一种关系在植物、动物、第二密度的生物与第三密度的存有之间被建立起来,第三密度的存有拥有心智、身体和被激活的灵性,并能够用一种你们会称之为授权(investiture)的方式与第二密度的植物与动物建立起关联,尤其是那些你们称之为宠物的事物,以及你们称之为树木的事物,但是所有类型的第二密度的生物都可以被赋予更大的察觉。

  • 【改进翻译】这些类型的植物和动物中有许多是第三密度的人类定期接触的,因而第二密度的动植物与第三密度存有之间建立了一种关系——拥有心智、身体、以及灵性处于激活状态的第三密度存有,可以用[你们所说的]“赋能(investiture)”的方式,与第二密度的动植物建立起关系,尤其是你们称之为“宠物”的动物、以及称之为“树木”的植物,不过所有类型的第二密度生物都可以被赋予更大的觉知。

[3.3]However, upon your planet, there are more types of investiture of the plants and the animals, the trees and the pets. There is a relationship that can be developed between the third-density being and the second-density pets that has within it a kind of devotion, a type of love, as you would call it, that comes from one’s heart, a heart that opens itself in unconditional love to the pet, to the tree, to the plant, and in some cases to a place that has been inhabited for a great period of time with the same loving devotion. This devotion of love begins to activate within each plant, pet, or place the return of that love. The loving devotion is like the seed that is planted in the spiritual sense into the plant, the animal, and the place. It is watered by continuing to love and create a relationship of a loving nature that sees each as the Creator in a sense in which there is an investment of the Creator’s love moving through your third-density heart that is activated in unconditional love, and begins and continues this relationship of devotion of love for a period of what you call time.

  • 【原文翻译】然而,在你们的星球上,会有更多类型的对植物与动物、树木与宠物的授权。会有一种关系能够在第三密度的存有与第二密度的宠物间被建立,这种关系会在其内在之中拥有一种类型的奉献,一种类型的来自一个人的心的爱,如你们会称呼它的一样,这颗心将它自己在无条件的爱中向宠物、树木,在一些情况中,向一个地点开放了,这个地点是已经在一段时间之中有人带着相同的爱的奉献居住在那里了。 这种爱的奉献开始在每一个植物、宠物或者地点内在之中激活对那种爱的回报。爱的奉献就好像种子一样,它是用灵性的意义种植在植物、动物、地点之中的。它会藉由继续爱并创造出一种具有爱的属性的关系而被浇灌,这种爱的属性的关系,在某种在其中会有一种对流经你们的第三密度的心的造物者的爱的投入的意义上, 会将每一个事物视为是造物者,第三密度的心是在无条件的爱中被激活,并会开始并继续这种具有爱的奉献的关系一段你们所称的时间。

  • 【改进翻译】然而,在你们的星球上,有更多类型的植物与动物、树木与宠物的赋能(现象)。在第三密度的存有与第二密度的宠物之间可以发展一种关系,这种关系蕴含着一种发自内心的忠诚、一种[你们称之为]爱的情感,——一颗心在无条件爱中向宠物、树木、植物敞开,在某些情况下,这种爱甚至可以扩展到一个长期居住的“处所”,这个“处所”一直被同样的爱之忠诚所充满。这种爱之忠诚开始在每个植物、宠物或处所之内激活这份爱的回应。这种爱之忠诚就像是灵性层面的种子,种植在植物、动物和处所之中。它通过持续的爱来浇灌,并创建一种爱的关系,这种关系在某种意义上视每个植物、动物和处所为造物者,于其中你们的第三密度的心在无条件爱中被激活,于其中造物者的爱之赋能通过你们的心在流动;于是这种爱之忠诚的关系开始,并在[你们所谓的]一段时间内持续。

[3.4]This period of time is not set in a certain manner. It is described and functions according to the quality of love that is shared back and forth between the third-density being that you are and the second-density being that you’re investing with your love, and then that second-density being returns that love to you. This creates a bond between the two of you which is an enabling type of bond, an energy of growth, an energy of expansion, an energy of exploration, so that the pets, or the place, or the plant has the opportunity of evolving in its own consciousness in a manner which propels it into the third-density experience as it is able to continue on its own spiritual journey in the relationship that you have established with it.

  • 【原文翻译】这个时间段并不是用一定的方式被设置的。它是根据在你之所是的第三密度的存有和利用你的爱投资的第二密度的存有之间来来回回被分享的爱的特性而被描述并运转的,接下来,那个第二密度的存有会对你回报那种爱。这会在你们两者之间创造出一个纽带,这个纽带是一种赋予能力的类型的纽带,一种成长的能量,一种拓展的能量,一种探索的能量,这样宠物、或者地点、或者植物,就拥有机会用一种会驱使它进入到第三密度的体验的方式在它自己的意识中演化了,因为它能够在它自己的灵性旅程上,通过你们已经与它建立的关系,继续前进。

  • 【改进翻译】这段时间并不是以某种特定方式设定的。它是根据你们第三密度存有与被你们的爱所赋能的第二密度存有之间来回分享的爱的质量来描述和运作的,然后那个第二密度存有将那份爱回馈给你们。这在你们之间创造了一种羁绊,这种羁绊是一种赋能的纽带,带有成长的能量、扩展的能量以及探索的能量,使得宠物、处所或植物在与你建立的关系中,能够在其自身意识中获得进化的机会,并以这种方式推动它进入第三密度体验,继续它自己的灵性旅程。

[3.5]This is the process which is always an ever the same, that it is based on the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator being activated to a higher and higher level by the investiture from the third-density being to the second-density being. You yourselves become able to take over this process of spiritual evolution as you continue to exercise the open heart of unconditional love so that you see yourself connected with each other-self within your experience by this bond of love. The power of love is immense. It has the ability to advance consciousness continually throughout the octave of experience that you now are traveling your path and seeking and serving the One Infinite Creator at all times as you share your love with others. Thus, this love is the great power of transformation of the increase in consciousness, of the ability to move more and more in unity with the One Infinite Creator.

  • 【原文翻译】这是一直都是相同的事情的过程,它是以藉由从第三密度的存有到第二密度的存有的授权,而被激活到一个越来越更高的层次的太一无限造物者的爱与光为基础的。你们,随着你们继续练习无条件的爱的开放的心,你们自己就能够接管这个灵性演化的过程,这样,你会看到你自己与在你的体验中的每一个其他自我被这种爱的纽带连接起来了。爱的力量是巨大的。它拥有能力,在所有的时候,当你与其他人分享你的爱的时候,在贯穿你正在你的道路上旅行、寻求并服务太一无限造物者的体验的八度音程持续不断地推进意识。因此,这种爱是具有在意识中增强与太一无限造物者越来越更加协调一致地移动的能力的巨大转换的力量。

  • 【改进翻译】这一过程始终如一,基于太一无限造物者的爱与光,当第三密度存有赋能于第二密度存有时,这爱与光被激活到越来越高的层次。当你们不断实践无条件之爱的敞开之心,你们自己也变得能够接管这一灵性进化的过程,于是通过这份爱的羁绊,看到自己与体验中的每一个其他自我相连接。爱的力量是巨大的,它能够在你们所经历的整个八度音阶中不断提升意识,你们正在这条道路上行进,通过与他人分享你们的爱,你们始终在寻求并服务于太一无限造物者。因此,这份爱是意识提升、转化的巨大力量,使你们能够越来越多的与太一无限造物者合一。

[3.6]At this time, we shall transfer this contact to the one known as Austin. We are those of Q’uo.

  • 【原文翻译】在此刻,我们将这个接触转移到被知晓为 Austin 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

  • 【改进翻译】在此刻,我们将这个接触通道转移到被称为 Austin 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

(Austin channeling)
(Austin 传讯)

[4.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and we greet this circle through this instrument at this time. We would offer a comment of appreciation through this instrument for this circle and the atmosphere in which we have come to find this circle. For we respond to the calling generated by each seeker here, and as you have gathered for this meeting, we have found that there is a light-hearted and jovial atmosphere that is very conducive to our entering with you in this seeking that allows us to more easily join you. This is an important aspect of your journey as seekers at this time, for the seriousness that seems to be about you in your world can be much more palatable and easily perceived so long as the seeker maintains a lightness of heart and remembers the humor and the joy of the Creator in all circumstances.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们在此刻通过这个器皿向这个圈子致意。我们通过这个器皿提供对这个圈子以及我们已经通过其前来找到这个圈子的氛围的感激的一个说明。因为我们回应了由每一个这里的寻求者产生出的呼唤,当你们已经为这次集会聚集在一起的时候,我们已经发现,有一种轻松的心与愉快的风味,它是非常有助于我们与你们一起进入到这种寻求的,它允许我们更加容易地加入你们。这是你们在此刻作为寻求者的旅程的一个重要的面向,因为只要寻求者在所有情况下都保持一种心的轻松,并忆起造物者的幽默与喜悦,在你们的世界中看起来似乎围绕在你们周围的那种严肃性,能够成为远远更加可口的,且容易被体会到的。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo: 我是Q’uo,我们此刻通过这个器皿向这个圈子致意。我们想通过这个器皿——对这个圈子以及我们在此遇到的氛围——表达感激。因为我们回应每一个在此的寻求者所发出的呼唤,而当你们为了这次会议聚集到一起,我们发现了一种轻松愉快的氛围,这非常有助于我们与你们一起进入这种寻求,使我们更容易加入你们。这是你们作为寻求者在此时旅程中的一个重要方面,因为只要寻求者保持心灵的轻松,并记住在所有情况下造物者的幽默和喜悦,那么在你们世界中看起来与你们有关的严肃性就会变得更加容易接受与感知。

[4.1]At this time, we ask if there is a query to which we may respond.

  • 【原文翻译】在此刻,我们会询问,是否有一个我们可以回应的问题。

  • 【改进翻译】此刻,我们想问是否有我们可以回应的问询。


[5.0]C1: Can you explain the nature of how viral outbreaks can affect entire populations, like the pandemic we just moved through versus viruses that only affect an individual at a time? I understand the body’s placement of sickness is due to an imbalance of chakras, but is a virus that affects a whole population due to a social imbalance?

  • 【原文翻译】C1:你们能够解释,病毒的爆发如何能够影响全人类的属性吗,类似我们刚刚经历的疫情,对比仅仅会影响一个人一会儿的病毒?我理解身体对于疾病的安排,是由于一种脉轮的失衡,但是,一个影响了全人类的病毒,是由于一种社会性的失衡吗?

  • 【改进翻译】C1: 你能解释一下病毒大流行对整个群体影响的性质吗?——就像我们刚刚经历的疫情,相比于那些只对个人产生一时影响的病毒(性质有没有不同)?我理解,身体疾病的发生是由于脉轮失衡引起的,但影响整个群体的病毒是否由于社会失衡所导致?

[6.0]Quo: We are Q’uo, and are aware of the query, my brother, and we appreciate the carefulness communicated within this question. In order to respond fully, we feel that we must offer a preliminary note in that when speaking about illness and difficult circumstances and a sense of imbalance and even karmic movements, we find that within your culture there is often a lens or a bias, sometimes unconscious, of viewing this process as a punishment or retribution placed upon an entity or a population because of some failure to adapt or develop or respond in a certain way to a certain circumstance. This bias can increase the distortion in any attempt to understand or to heal such illnesses and imbalances. And so we ask that any considering a query of this nature attempt to release the perception of illness as a result of failure, and perhaps even punishment, for the actions and imbalances of an entity or even a population.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了问题了,我的兄弟,我们欣赏在这个问题中被传递的关心。为了要充分地回答,我们感觉到我们必须要提供一个预备性的说明,因为当谈及疾病、困难的情况、一种失衡的感觉甚至业力的活动的时候,我们发现,在你们的文化中经常会有一种透镜或者一种偏向性,有时候是无意识的,它会将这个过程,因为用一定的方式去适应、或者发展,或者回应一定的情况的失败,视为是,施加在一个实体或者一个人群上的一种惩罚或者一种报应。这种偏向性能够在任何去理解或者去疗愈这样的疾病或者失衡的过程中增加扭曲。因此,我们请求,在任何人考虑具有这种属性的一个问题的时候,它都尝试去释放对于疾病是失败的一个结果,也许甚至是对一个实体或者甚至是一个人群的行动与失衡的一种惩罚的观念。

  • 【改进翻译】Quo: 我们是Q’uo,知晓你的提问,我的兄弟,我们感谢你在这个问题中表达的细致关切。为了全面回答这个问题,我们觉得必须先提供一个前提说明。当谈到疾病、困难的环境、不平衡感,甚至业力运作时,我们发现你们的文化中常常带有一种视角或偏见,有时是无意识的,这种偏见将这一过程视为对某个实体或群体因未能以某种方式去适应、发展或回应某种情况而受到的惩罚或报应。在理解或疗愈这些疾病与失衡时,这种偏见可能加剧扭曲。因此,我们希望在考虑任何类似问题时,能够尽量放下这样一种看法:认为疾病是一种结局上的失败,甚至认为疾病是对个体或群体的行为与失衡的惩罚。

[6.1]With this bias released, we can consider the nature of illness in the terms as you have described, and to explore the dynamics of the metaphysical kind, in how illnesses such as what you described as the pandemic may spread across populations.

  • 【原文翻译】在这种偏向性被释放之后,我们就能够从如你已经描述的方面来考虑疾病的属性,并在关于诸如你已经描述为疫情之类的疾病是如何可以在人群中散播开的方面,探索形而上学的类型的动力性。

  • 【改进翻译】在放下这种偏见之后,我们可以按照你所描述的方式来探讨疾病的本质,并探索在形而上层面的动因,比如,你所提到的这种疫情类的疾病是如何在群体中传播。

[6.2]We may start by highlighting the consciousness that you contain within the third density and its veiled nature. You, as an entity veiled within third density, perceive yourself as an individual having an individual consciousness that interacts with other individual consciousnesses. This includes other third-density beings, but also second-density beings of both the perceivable kind, as we have discussed earlier in this circle, but also imperceivable, such as the viruses or even bacteria that would be discussed within your query. And even further, there is a consciousness within the first density of your planet that you perceive as other than your own. However, as we are aware that you are aware, this distinction is illusory. The consciousness that you contain as an individual at the most basic and fundamental level is the consciousness of the Creator, which is the same consciousness contained within the virus and contained within the bacteria, even contained within the more miniscule and microscopic elements, such as the proteins and elements that make up the DNA of these beings. All is the consciousness of the Creator.

  • 【原文翻译】我们可以藉由强调你们在第三密度中包含的以及以及它被罩纱遮蔽的属性开始。你,作为一个在第三密度中被罩纱遮蔽的实体,是将你自己感觉为拥有一个个体意识的个体,这个个体意识会与其他的个体意识进行互动。这包括了其他的第三密度的存有,同样也包括了第二密度的存有, 同时是可感知的类型的第二密度的存有,如我们在这个圈子中之前已经描述过的一样, 同样还有诸如在你们的问题中被讨论的病毒甚至细菌之类的感觉不到的第二密度的存有。 甚至更进一步,在你们星球上的第一密度中有一个意识,你们将它感觉为是与你们自己的意识是不一样的。然而,我知道你们察觉到的一样,这种区分是虚幻的。你作为一个个体在极其基础与基本的层次上包含的意识,就是造物者的意识,它与被包含在病毒中的意识,被包含在细菌中的意识,甚至被包含在更加微小与微观的要素,诸如构成那些存有的 DNA 的蛋白质与分子,中的意识,是相同的意识。 所有都是造物者的意识。

  • 【改进翻译】我们可以先着重观察你在第三密度中所包含的意识及其被遮蔽的性质。你,作为一个被遮蔽的第三密度实体,感知自己为一个拥有独立意识的个体,并与其他独立意识互动。这不仅包括其他第三密度存有,也包括第二密度存有——这两类是可感知的存有,正如我们之前在这个圈子里讨论的那样;还有不可感知的存在,如病毒甚至细菌,这些都会在你的问询中讨论到。更进一步,在你们星球的第一密度中也存在一种意识,你们将其视为与自身不同的意识。然而,[如我们所知]你们已经意识到这种区别是幻象。作为个体的你,在最基本和最根本层面上所包含的意识,是造物者的意识。这与病毒、细菌中的意识是相同的,甚至存在于更微小的元素中,如构成这些存有的DNA的蛋白质和元素。所有的一切都是造物者的意识。

[6.3]This awareness may be made available to you in some fashion through a regular practice of meditation, where the consciousness of the Creator may seep up through the roots of mind into your third-density conscious mind, as your third-density conscious mind reaches down deep into the roots, and these two meet in order for you to perceive with greater clarity the union between you and your other selves of any nature.

  • 【原文翻译】这个意识可以用某种方式通过一种对冥想的有规律的练习而可供你们所用,在冥想中,造物者的意识可以, 随着你们的第三密度的有意识的心智向下延伸深入根部,通过心智的根部向上渗透进入到你的第三密度的有意识的心智,这两个心智会相遇,以便于你们带着更大的清晰度感受在你和你具有任何属性的其他自我之间的合一。

  • 【改进翻译】通过规律化的冥想修习,这种意识可以以某种方式向你开放。在冥想中,造物者的意识可以通过心智的根部向上渗透到你们第三密度的显意识心智中,同时,你们的第三密度显意识心智向下深入到根部,这两者的相遇,使你们能够更清晰感知你与任何属性的其他自我之间的合一。

[6.4]This is an important element of exploring the question that you have posed, for there are, what we may say, levels or nested spheres of consciousness as you move down into these roots of the mind. These nests of consciousness include groups in greater and greater concentric circles or spheres. You may view such as a mind of a population of a certain geographic area, or the mind of your entire planetary sphere. The distinction between these different groups can be varied depending on the circumstances of the group and the interconnectedness of that group with other groups. And so, we find upon your planet, particularly in recent years, that there is a greater and greater merging of the group consciousness upon your planet of peoples. This is a key element in understanding how such an outbreak can occur, as you have described, among a greater population than just one individual. For, though you perceive yourself as an individual with your own biases and imbalances that you may take responsibility for, there is a deeper aspect of yourself that is connected in a truly integral way to the greater mind. And this greater mind may have its own biases and imbalances, that, though you may not perceive yourself as containing those things, they exist within your unconscious mind and you, on some level of your being, have accepted some responsibility for adopting this group-mind and utilizing it, and even attempting to offer your own healing to this group mind.

  • 【原文翻译】这是探索你们已经提出的问题的一个重要的要素,因为在你们向下深入到这些心智的根部的时候,会有一些,容我们说,意识的层次,或者意识的巢状体。这些意识的巢在越来越更大的同心圆或者球体之中包含了团体。你们可以将一个人群的心智,或者你们整个星球的心智,视为是这样具有一定的的地形的区域。在这些不同的团体之间的区分,取决于团体的状况以及团体与其他团体之间的相互关联性,是可变的。因此,我们发现,在你们的星球上,尤其是在最近一些年,在你们的星球上会有人群的团体意识的一种越来越大的融合。这就是理解这样一场爆发如何能够发生在,如你们已经描述过的一样,比仅仅一个个体更大的一个群体当中的一个关键性的要素了。因为尽管你将你自己感知为一个带有你自己的偏向性以及你可以为之承担起责任的失衡的个体,会有一个你自己的更加深入的面向是与更大的心智,用一种真正不可分割的方式,连接在一起的。这个更大的心智可能拥有它自己的偏向性与失衡,尽管你可能不会感觉你自己是包含这些事情的,它们是存在于你的无意识心智之中,你在你的存有的某个层次上,已经接受了某种责任,要采用这个团体心智并利用它,甚至尝试去提供你自己对这个团体心智的疗愈。

  • 【改进翻译】这是一个重要元素——对于探索你所提出的问题。因为在你深入心智的这些根源时,会发现[所谓的]意识层次或意识嵌套球体。这些意识的嵌套所包括的群体,如同越来越大的同心圆或同心球体。你可以将其视为某个地域人口的集体意识,或者整个行星的集体意识。这些不同群体之间的区别会根据群体的境况以及与其他群体的相互联系程度而有所不同。因此,我们发现,尤其是近年来,你们星球上的人们的集体意识越来越多的融合在一起。这是理解[你所描述的]这种疫情如何在比单个个体更广大的人群中发生的关键元素。因为,尽管你认为自己是一个有着自身偏见和不平衡的个体,并且你可能为此负责,但你有一个更深的层面是与更大的心智以一种真正不可分割的方式连接在一起的。而这个更大的心智可能有其自身偏见和不平衡,虽然你可能没有感知到自己包含这些东西,但它们存在于你的无意识中,而你在某种程度上已经接受了某种责任,来采纳与运用这种集体心智,甚至试图为这个集体心智提供自己的疗愈。

[6.5]When attempting to examine the difference between how an entity such as a virus or a bacteria may interact with an individual due to their own imbalances, we do find that there is a very similar dynamic when such a virus or bacteria interacts with larger populations. And there may be symbolic aspects to how these second-density entities are offering their service to the individual or to the population.

  • 【原文翻译】当尝试去检查在诸如一个病毒或者一个细菌之类的一个实体如何可以与一个个体,由于它们自己的失衡,进行互动之间的区别的时候,我们确实发现,当这样一个病毒或者细菌在与更大的人群之间的互动的时候,会有一种非常类似的动力性。可能会有这些第二密度的实体如何对个体或者对人群提供它们的服务的象征性的面向。

  • 【改进翻译】在试图审视病毒或细菌等实体如何因(人类)个体自身的不平衡而与其互动时,我们发现,当这些病毒或细菌与更大的(人类)群体互动时,存在非常相似的动态。并且,这些第二密度实体在为个体或群体提供服务的过程中,可能具有象征性的意义。

[6.6]This dynamic can be explored through, what this instrument is familiar with as, the morphic field, for both as an individual and as a group, your consciousness generates a field about you that can influence the very material of your environment. [This field] particularly can influence those biological aspects of the second density and the third density. As you are generating this field, your imbalances, your biases—those aspects of self that have not yet been realized by the self, have not yet been healed by the self and brought into the light of the One Infinite Creator—present themselves within this field and offer an opportunity to the second-density entities, such as the virus or the bacteria to be drawn to and even changed by that field. There is an interface between these entities and the individual that manifests as a message or an alarm to the individual that these things exist within the individuals field and they are being asked to be seen with the love of the Creator and to be balanced and healed within the consciousness of the individual.

  • 【原文翻译】这种动力性能够通过,这个器皿作为形态学(morphic)的领域所熟悉的事物,被探索,因为同时作为一个个体与作为一个团体,你的意识产生出了在你周围的一个场域,它是能够影响你的环境的核心物质的。这个场域由于能够影响那些第二密度的实体和第三密度的实体的生物学的面向。当你正在产生出这个场域的时候,你的失衡,你的偏向性——自我的那些尚未被自我意识到的面向,尚未被自我疗愈并被带入到太一无限造物者的光之中的面向——它们会将它们自己在这个场域中呈现出来,并提供一个机会给诸如病毒或者细菌之类的第二密度的实体被吸引到那个场域,甚至被那个场域所改变。这是在这些实体与个体之间的一个分界面,它会显化为对个体一个信息或者一个警告,即这些事情存在于个体的场域之中,它们正在要求带着造物者的爱被看到,并在个体的意识中被平衡并被疗愈。

  • 【改进翻译】这种动态可以通过这个器皿所熟悉的“形态场”来探索。因为无论是作为个体还是群体,你(们)的意识都会在你们周围生成一个场,这个场可以影响你(们)环境中的物质。这个场尤其能够影响第二密度和第三密度的生物方面。当你生成这个场时,你的不平衡、你的偏见 —— 那些尚未被自己意识到、尚未被自己疗愈并带入到太一无限造物者之光的自我方面 —— 在这个场中呈现出来,并为第二密度的实体(如病毒或细菌)提供了一个机会,让它们被这个场吸引、甚至被这个场改变。这些实体(病毒或细菌)和个体(人类)之间存在一个接口(联络方式),以信息或警报的形式向个体显示,这些问题(偏见与失衡)存在于个体的场中,并请求带着造物者之爱去看见它们,并在个体的意识中平衡与疗愈它们。

[6.7]This dynamic is very similar when it plays out among entire populations, for as a population, whether contained within a specific area upon your planet or even as the interconnected population that you have become upon your planet, there is a field generated by that entire population that can be seen as a distinctly unique entity in its own. This field interacts with the fields of other consciousness, such as those of the second-density entities as you have described, so that these entities may present themselves and a, what may be crudely called, contagious way and may spread more easily and readily among the population because the interaction is between the larger group consciousness and this second-density group consciousness in order to bring awareness to something within that population’s own unconscious mind. And in this dynamic, the group consciousness of the second-density entities is similarly influenced by this morphic field generated by the larger population and adapts in certain ways in order to drive home the message, so to speak, of what is attempting to be brought to consciousness.

  • 【原文翻译】这种动力性,当它在整个人群当中被表达出来的时候,是非常类似的,因为,作为一个个体,无论是被包含在你们的星球上的一个特定的区域中,还是甚至作为在你们星球上你们已经成为的相互关联的人群,都会有一个场域会被整个人群产生出来,这个场域能够被视为是,在其自身内在之中,是一个显著地独一无二的实体。这个场域与其他意识的场域相互作用,诸如那些你们已经描述过的第二密度实体的场域,这样,这些实体就可以将它们自己呈现出来,可以被不加修饰地称之为,一种传染性的方式,就可以在人群当中,更加容易且毫不费力地散播了,因为相互作用是在更大的团体意识与这个第二密度的团体意识之间的,以便于引起对在那个团体自己的无意识心智之中的事情的察觉。在这个动力性之中,第二密度的实体的团体意识,是类似地被由更大的团体产生出来的形态学场域所影响的,这个场域采用了一定的方式,以便于让人理解那个,可以说是,正在尝试被带到意识中的事物的信息。

  • 【改进翻译】这种动态在整个群体中表现出来时非常相似,因为作为一个群体,无论是存在于你们星球上的特定区域,还是作为你们星球上互联的群体,整个群体都会生成一个场,该场可以被视为一个独特的实体。这个场与其他的意识场互动,比如你提到的第二密度实体的场,这些实体便可能以一种[粗略的称为]“传染”的方式呈现自己,并更容易在群体中传播。因为这实际上是更大的群体意识与第二密度群体意识之间的互动,目的是将该群体无意识中的某些内容带入意识层面。在这一动态中,第二密度实体的群体意识同样会受到由更大群体生成的形态场的影响,并以某种方式进行适应,以便传递并强调那些试图被带入意识层面的信息。

[6.8]As we examine the nature of how your planet relates to this particular circumstance, which has been made so poignant by your recent experiences upon your planet, we find that there is much confusion contained within this relationship between the third-density being and those second-density other-selves that offer their service in a way that appears to be quite destructive and harmful and cause much suffering. We do not intend to make light of the difficulty of such circumstances and the pain caused by the catalyst generated by this relationship. However, we do find that there is a great element missing which is central within your culture and society of this relationship, and that is one of the Creator’s love and light and care and understanding for the natural world from which these second-density entities are born from and represent.

  • 【原文翻译】当我们检查你们的星球如何与这个特定的情况建立关联的属性的时候,这个情况由于你们最近在你们星球上的体验已经变得如此之生动了,我们发现,会有大量的混淆被包含着第三密度的存有与那些第二密度的其他自我之间的这个关系中,那些第二密度的其他自我用这样一种方式提供它们的服务,这种方式在表面上看起来是相当破坏性的,有害的,并且是造成大量的苦难的。我们并不打算要轻视这样的情况的困难,以及由于被这种关系产生出的催化剂而造成的痛苦。然而,我们确实发现,有一个这个关系的重大的要素是漏掉了的,在你们的文化与社会中,这个要素是中心性的,那就是造物者的爱与光的要素,以及对大自然的世界的关心与理解,这些第二密度的实体就是从大自然诞生出来并代表了大自然的。

  • 【改进翻译】当我们审视你们星球与这种特定情况的关系时——这种关系因你们星球上最近的经历而变得尤为沉重——我们发现,第三密度存有与那些第二密度其他自我之间的关系中存在着许多困惑。这些第二密度其他自我以一种看起来非常具有破坏性和有害的方式提供他们的服务,并导致了许多痛苦。我们并不想轻视这种情境的困难,以及这种关系所产生的催化剂所带来的痛苦。然而,我们确实发现,你们的文化和社会在这一关系中缺失了一个非常重要的元素,那就是造物者对自然界的爱、光、关怀和理解。而这些第二密度的实体正是从自然世界中诞生并代表着自然界。

[6.9]It is understandable in our perspective that the material aspect of the circumstances and the medicine based upon the mechanical aspects of this dynamic, what has been called allopathic medicine, is prominent because of this very prominent consciousness within your population of viewing the universe as mechanistic and in some sense lifeless. From this perspective, it makes sense that an entity such as a virus or a bacteria seems to be attacking, and the proper response then is the defense, from a mechanical perspective.

  • 【原文翻译】在我们看来,情况的物质性的面向以及基于这种动力性的机械性的面向的医学,已经被称之为对抗疗法的事物是非常显著的,这是因为在你们的人群将宇宙视为是机械性的且用某种意义是无生命的这种非常突出的意识,这是可以理解的。从这个观点来看,诸如一个病毒或者一个细菌之类的一个实体看起来似乎会成为攻击性的,接下来,适当的回应,从一个机械性地观点来看,就是防御,这就是有道理的了。

  • 【改进翻译】在我们看来,这是可以理解的:因为在你们的人群中,有一种非常显著的意识,即将宇宙视为机械性的,并在某种程度上视其为非生命的,这导致基于这种动态机械方面的物质性视角和医学——即所谓的对抗疗法——占据了主导地位。从这种视角来看,像病毒或细菌这样的实体似乎是在攻击,因此,从机械的角度来说,合适的应对方式就是防御。

[6.10]We do not encourage the dismissal of the mechanical aspects of the circumstances, and would encourage each seeker to remember that allopathic healers and the material approach to attempting to heal individuals and populations are indeed attempts to heal and, in many cases we find, generate love and come from an open heart and a desire to bring balance and health to you and to your other-selves. But, we also find that for as long as the approach of medicine and healing and attempting to understand the dynamics of such things as disease and contagiousness do not take into account the underlying consciousness that you share as an individual and as a population with that underlying consciousness of the second-density entities that are forming this relationship with you, then there will be a continued cycle of catalyst attempting to bring your awareness as a population to the missing aspect of understanding the love and the light contained within these beings and within the relationship between these beings and yourself. For it is not an attack that is being levied against you as a world for a population, but is instead more akin to a discussion or a dance between two aspects of the Creator attempting to come into greater understanding and unity with each other. And if the dynamics of disease are explored through this lens, we find that there would be a great innovation of medicine and technology upon your planet that helps to answer the question of why these things unfold on such a massive scale and what imbalances are attempting to be balanced and addressed by such outbreaks.

  • 【原文翻译】我们并不鼓励对情况的机械性地面向的免除,我们鼓励每一个寻求者都记住,对抗疗法的疗愈者,以及尝试去疗愈个体与群体的物质性的手段,都确实是尝试去疗愈,并且在很多情况中,我们发现,产生出了爱,从一颗开放的心产生出了一种渴望,将平衡与健康带给你们与你们的其他自我。但是,我们同样也发现,只要医学、疗愈以及去理解诸如疾病与传染病之类的事情的动力性的尝试,没有将以作为一个个体与作为一个人群与形成了与你们之间的这种关系的第二密度的实体的潜在的意识共享的那个潜在意识考虑在内,接下来,就将会有一个继续的催化剂的周期,这种催化剂尝试将你们作为一个群体的认识带到那个遗失的理解的面向,即理解被包含在这些存有内在之中的爱与光,以及被包含在在这些存有与你自己之间的关系内在之中的爱与光。因为正在对你们,作为一个世界对一个人群,发动的不是一种攻击,而毋宁说是更加类似于一种在造物者的两个面向之间的一种讨论或者一种舞蹈,它正在尝试去进入到对相互彼此的更大的理解与统一性之中。如果疾病的动力性是通过这个透镜被探索,我们发现,会有一种巨大的对在你们星球上的医学与科技的创新,它会帮助回答这样的问题,为什么这些事情用这样一种巨大的规模展开,以及什么样的失衡正在尝试去被这样的爆发平衡并解决。

  • 【改进翻译】我们不鼓励忽视这些情况的机械层面,并鼓励每个寻求者记住,对抗疗法的治疗者们以及通过物质方式来尝试治愈个体和群体的做法,确实是在尝试疗愈。我们发现,在许多情况下,这些尝试出于一颗开放的心、产生了爱、试图为你们和其他自我带来平衡与健康。但是,我们也发现,对于医学方法、疗愈方法、对于诸如疾病和传染性动态的理解方法,如果这些方法没有考虑到你作为个体和群体所共享的潜在意识、没有考虑到发生关联的第二密度实体的潜在意识,那么将会有一个持续的催化剂循环,试图引导你们作为一个群体去意识到所缺失的部分,即了解这些存有中所蕴含的爱与光、它们与你们之间的关系中所蕴含的爱与光。因为这并不是对你们整个世界或群体的一次攻击,而更像是造物者的两个方面之间的一次对话或舞蹈,试图相互之间达成更大的理解和统一。如果从这个视角来探索疾病的动态,我们发现,地球上的医学和技术将会有重大的创新,这将有助于解答为什么这些事情会如此大规模的发生,以及这些爆发的背后,哪些失衡之处需要去平衡与解决。[1]

[6.11]It is important as seekers within the third density that whatever question is asked, it is remembered that underlying any dynamic, any circumstance, or any trouble that you are wishing to understand, that the consciousness and the Love and the Light of the One Infinite Creator is the ultimate source of all involved, and that attempting to make the connection between these seemingly separate aspects of self and other through that underlying consciousness may reveal much that is desired and sought.

  • 【原文翻译】重要的事情是,作为在第三密度中的寻求者,无论什么问题被询问,要被记住的事情是,在任何动力性,任何情况,或者任何你们希望去理解的麻烦之下潜藏的事物,即意识以及太一无限造物者的爱与光,就是所有被包含在其中的事物的终极的源头,尝试通过那个潜在的意识在自我与其他自我的这两个看似分离的面向之间建立连接,可以揭露出大量被渴望与寻求的事物。

  • 【改进翻译】对于第三密度寻求者很重要的一点是:无论提出什么问题,都请记住,在你希望理解的任何动态、任何情境或任何困扰之下,都埋藏着太一无限造物者的意识、爱与光,这是所有因素的最终来源。尝试去通过这种深层意识,将看似分离的自我与他者连接起来,可能会揭示出许多你所渴望和追寻的答案。

[6.12]Is there a follow up to this query, my brother?

  • 【原文翻译】我的兄弟,有这个问题的一个后续问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的兄弟,关于这个问题,有后续问询吗?

[7.0]C1: No, thank you for your answer.

  • 【原文翻译】C1:没有了,为你们的回答感谢你们。

  • 【改进翻译】C1:没有了,谢谢你们的回答。

[8.0]Q’uo: I’m Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query to which we may respond?

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的兄弟。有另一个我们可以回答的问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的兄弟。还有其他我们可以回答的问询吗?

【校注书签】吠檀多不二论(Advaita Vedanta)的灵感[9.0-12.0]

[9.0]C2: For Advaita Vedanta, I was wondering, how did the rishis of that time in that culture so long ago come across that information? Was that something that was shared with them? Or was it a product of their meditative practice? And, and how does that understanding inform your journey into fourth density and possibly even higher?

  • 【原文翻译】C2:对于吠檀多不二论(Advaita Vedanta),在如此久远之前,在那个文化中,属于那个时代的圣人(rishis),是如何碰巧发现那个信息的呢?那是某种与它们分享的事情吗?或者它是它们的冥想实践的一个产物吗?那种理解如何鼓舞你的旅程进入到第四密度以及有可能甚至更高的密度呢?

  • 【改进翻译】C2:关于吠檀多不二论(Advaita Vedanta),我很好奇,在那么久远之前的那个文化中,当时的圣贤们(rishis)是如何获得那些信息的?这是某种被分享给他们的知识,还是他们通过冥想实践得来的?此外,这种理解如何影响一个人进入第四密度,甚至更高密度的旅程?

[10.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my sister. In working with this instrument, we find that we must speak in generalities for there is a tenuous familiarity with the subject within this instrument’s mind, but that does not prevent us from answering the generals of your query. In particular, the question of the source of this inspiration and information, whether it is from other beings or through the meditative practices, we would highlight that, again, the source of all such inspiration is the Creator. And yet in the specifics of your query, it is indeed the dedication and the intensity of the seeking of those individuals who have developed upon these lines that has generated the practices and the information and inspiration to which you refer.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了问题了,我的姐妹。在与这个器皿一同工作的时候,我们发现我们必须要用一般性的方式来发言,因为在这个器皿的心智中会有一种细微的对主题的熟悉,但是那并不会阻碍我们回答你的问题的一般原则。具体而言,这个启发与信息的源头的问题,无论它是来自于其他存有,还是通过冥想实践而出现的,我们都回强调,再一次,所有这样的启发的源头都是造物者。而在你的问题的具体方面,已经产生出了你提及的实践、信息与启发的事物,确实是那些已经沿着这些线路发展了的个体的寻求的奉献与强度。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了这个问询,我的姐妹。在与这个器皿合作时,我们发现,我们必须笼统的回答这个问题,因为这个器皿对该主题的熟悉程度有限,但这并不妨碍我们对你的问询做出概括性的回应。特别是关于这一灵感和信息的来源问题,无论它是来自其他存有还是通过冥想修习,我们要再次强调,这一切灵感的源头都是造物者。然而,具体到你的问题,确实是那些沿着这些道路发展的人们的奉献与强烈寻求,产生了你提及的实践、信息与启发。

[10.1]There was little external interaction in a direct and literal sense, and much was discovered within the self of these individuals that was then brought forth and was given to others so that these practices became central and purified as ways of understanding the self and the journey of the self within this particular culture and circumstance at that time.

  • 【原文翻译】在一个直接的与实际上的意义中,几乎没有外部的相互作用,大量的内容是在那些个体的自我内在之中被发现的,这些内容接下来被产生出来并被给予了其他人,这样这些实践,作为理解自我的途径以及自我在这个特定的文化以及在那个时候的情况中的旅程,就成为中心性的且精炼的了。

  • 【改进翻译】在直接和字面意义上,几乎没有外部的互动。许多东西是在这些个体的内在发现的,随后被带出来并传递给他人。因此,这些修习在当时的特定文化和环境中成为理解自我及其旅程的核心与纯粹方式。

[10.2]In terms of the role of this particular practice and set of inspirational concepts, we can only say that the cultural backdrop in which they are explored in your current circumstances is quite different, and while they play a central role in attempting to come to an understanding of the self and the evolution of the self to higher densities, they must be adapted and understood in new contexts in order to bring about such evolution and transformation in your current environment. However, we find that the potential and the potency is not reduced by this, so long as it is understood that the context in which these practices take place are integrated and adapted to.

  • 【原文翻译】从这个特定的实践角色以及对启发性的概念的确立的方面而言,我们仅仅能够说,它们在其中被探索的文化背景,与你们当前的情况是相当不同的,尽管它们在尝试去取得一种对自我以及自我进入到更高密度的演化的理解的方面扮演了一个中心性的角色,它们必须适应新的上下文中并在其中被理解,以便于在你们当前的环境中产生出这样的演化与转变。然而,我们发现,只要被理解的事情是,这些实践在其中发生的上下文是被整合起来并被修改与之适用,潜能与潜力是不会因此而被减少的。

  • 【改进翻译】关于这种特殊修习和一系列启发性概念的作用,我们只能说,在你们目前的环境下,探索它们的文化背景已大不相同,虽然它们在试图理解自我和自我向更高密度进化中发挥着核心作用,但为了在你们当前的环境中实现这种进化和转变,它们必须在新环境中得到调整和理解。然而,我们发现,只要理解这些修习发生的背景并将其整合和调整,它们的潜力和效力就并不会降低。

[10.3]Is there a further query, my sister?

  • 【原文翻译】我的姐妹,有一个更进一步的问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的姐妹,还有其他问询吗?

[11.0]C2: Oh, no. That answers my question. Thank you so much, Quo.

  • 【原文翻译】C2:哦,没有了。那回答了我的问题,非常感谢你们,Q’uo。

  • 【改进翻译】(无需改进)

[12.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query to which we may respond?

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的姐妹。有另一个我们可以回应的问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的姐妹。还有其他我们可以回应的问询吗?


[13.0]I: How can we elevate our consciousness in unity to support universal healing?

  • 【原文翻译】I:我们如何在统一性中提升我们的意识,以支持宇宙性的疗愈呢?

  • 【改进翻译】I:我们如何在合一中提升我们的意识,以支持宇宙性的疗愈?

[14.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my sister. We find within this query a grand and inspiring concept referred to as universal healing, and we admire the attempt to elevate oneself to such a grand and inspiring level of consciousness. It is a level in which we ourselves desire and attempt to reach within our own journey, and are glad to join you in this attempt. The nature of this seeking, of elevating the self and one’s consciousness to this grand level of universal healing, is one that is very similar to the general journey of the seeker, one in which the seeker lives a full life of catalysts, and joy and sorrow, and attempts to bring the circumstances into the self and allow them to be integrated through the Love and the Light of the One Infinite Creator.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的姐妹。我们发现,在这个问题中,有一个宏大且令人启发的概念,它提及了宇宙性的疗愈,我们赞赏那种将一个人自己提升到这样一个巨大而启发性的意识的层次的尝试。它是一个我们自己在其中渴望并尝试在我们自己的旅程中抵达的层次,我们很高兴在这个尝试中加入你们。这个将自我与一个人的意识提升到这个宇宙性的疗愈的宏大的层次的寻求的属性,是一种与寻求者的一般性的旅程非常类似的属性,在这场旅程中,寻求者活出一次充满了催化剂、喜悦与忧伤的生命,尝试去将情况带到自我内在之中,并允许它们通过太一无限造物者的爱与光被整合。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的姐妹。我们在这个问题中看到了一个宏伟且鼓舞人心的概念,即宇宙性的疗愈。我们钦佩你尝试将自己提升到如此宏伟且鼓舞人心的意识层次。这也是我们自己在旅程中渴望并努力达到的层次,我们很高兴能与你一同追求这一目标。这种寻求——将自我和其意识提升到宇宙性疗愈的宏大层次,其本质与寻求者的一般旅程非常相似。在这一旅程中,寻求者活出了充满催化剂的、喜悦与悲伤的完整一生,并尝试将所遇的情境带入到自我内在,允许这些情境通过太一无限造物者的爱与光来整合。

[14.1]This takes a dedicated practice of meditation and regular introspection upon the circumstances that one finds oneself in. The basis for this is a daily practice in which any circumstance that stands out to you as a seeker, whether it be positive or negative, is recalled within the conscious mind and attempted to be viewed from a state of love and light and acceptance and non-judgement, and allowed to move you as a seeker on the deepest levels. This regular practice is a prerequisite for the greater work, that we would refer to as adepthood, that reaches for the high and mighty goal of universal healing.

  • 【原文翻译】这需要一种投入的冥想练习以及对一个人发现它自己处于其中的情况的规律性的反省。这个练习的基础是,一种日常的练习,在其中任何对于作为一个寻求者的你是凸显出来的情况,无论它是正面性还是负面性的,都在有意识的心智中被回想起来,尝试从一个爱与光、接纳与不评判的状态中被观察,并允许它在最深入的层次上推动作为一个寻求者的你。

  • 【改进翻译】这需要致力于冥想修习和定期的内省,反思你所处的各种情境。其基础是一种日常的修习:作为寻求者,任何令你印象深刻的情境——无论是正面性的还是负面性的——都需要在显意识中回顾,尝试从爱、光、接纳和不评判的状态中去看待它们,并允许它们在最深的层面上推动你作为一个寻求者的成长。这种定期的修习是更伟大工作的前提,我们称“这更伟大的工作”为“精深修行(adepthood)”,旨在达到宇宙性疗愈这一崇高而伟大的目标。

[14.2]And as one has established this central practice, more practices may be adopted into one’s life that require a strong tendency to meditation and ability to utilize the silence of mind in order to reach such heights. We cannot be specific about what practices may be adopted, only that there are many schools of spiritual thought and magical thought within your world and within your cultures, some more well known and some lesser known, that require regular ritualistic practice of a magical nature. And it is this magical practice that, so long as one has adopted an individual practice of regular meditation and balancing, one may tap into the energy generated by a magical ritual practice to, shall we say, boost oneself to these grand levels of healing that touch upon the deepest level of the self and the highest level of the universe, and connect the intelligent infinity within yourself with the intelligent infinity within all other beings and things. This is a general practice, or description of practice, of how one may view the path of reaching a consciousness of universal healing.

  • 【原文翻译】当一个人已经建立了这个中心性的练习的时候,更多的练习就可以被采用纳入到一个人的生命中,它需要一种对冥想的强有力的倾向以及去利用心智的静默的能力,以便于抵达这样的高度。我们无法关于什么练习可以被采用成为具体的,我们仅仅会说,在你们的世界中,在你们的文化中,会有很多的灵性思想与魔法思想的流派,一些是更加为人所熟知的,一些是较为不被知晓的,它们都需要规律性的、仪式性的,具有一种魔法属性的练习。就是这种魔法练习,只要一个人已经采用了一种对规律性的冥想与平衡的个人的练习,它就可以接入到由一种魔法仪式实践所产生出的能量之中,以让一个人自己,容我们说,提高到这些宏大的疗愈的层次,这些疗愈的层次会接触到自我的最为深入的层次,以及宇宙的最为深入的层次,并与在你自己内在之中的智能无限,与在所有其他存有与事物内在之中的智能无限连接。这是一个一般性的练习,或者关于一个人可以如何看待抵达具有一种宇宙性疗愈的意识的道路的练习的一般性的描述。

  • 【改进翻译】当一个人已经建立了这种核心修习后,可以进一步在生活中引入更多的修习,这些修习需要强烈的冥想倾向、以及运用心智寂静的能力,以达到这样的境界。我们无法具体说明可以采用哪些修习,只能说,在你们的世界和文化中,有许多不同的灵性思想和魔法思想流派,其中一些广为人知,另一些则较为隐秘,这些流派要求定期进行具有魔法性质的仪式性修习。只要一个人已经在个人修习中采用了定期冥想与平衡修习,便可以通过魔法仪式修习所产生的能量来提升自己,达到这些伟大的疗愈层次,触及自我最深处和宇宙的最高层面,并将自身中的智能无限与所有其他存有与事物的智能无限连接起来。已上是一个通用的修习或修习描述,阐述一个人如何看待通向宇宙性疗愈意识的道路。

[14.3]Is there a follow up to this query, my sister?

  • 【原文翻译】我的姐妹,这个问题有一个后续问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的姐妹,还有关于这个问题的后续问询吗?

[15.0]I: No, thank you so much. I really appreciate you.

  • 【原文翻译】I:没有了,非常感谢你们。我真的感激你们。

  • 【改进翻译】(无需改进)

[16.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. At this time we would take leave of this instrument and transfer the contact to the one known as Jim. We are Q’uo.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的姐妹。在此刻,我们会离开这个器皿并将接触转移到被知晓为 Jim 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的姐妹。此刻我们将离开这个器皿,并将接触通道转移到被知晓为 Jim 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

(Jim channeling)
(Jim 传讯)

[17.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am once again with this instrument. We would ask if there is another query to which we may respond?

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我再一次与这个器皿在一起了。我会询问是否有另一个我们可以回应的问题?

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我再次与这个器皿同在。我们想知道是否还有其他我们可以回应的问询?


[18.0]C1: I guess I have a query. I have a somewhat playful question that has also been a deep debate of the philosophical community. In our culture, we have this debate about a seeming paradox. It goes like this: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The paradox being that if the chicken came first, how would it have been alive in the first place without an egg. But if the egg came first, how would a chicken have been alive to lay the egg?

  • 【原文翻译】C1:我猜我有一个问题。我有一个多少有些开玩笑的问题,那个问题同样也已经是在哲学社区的一个深入的争辩了。在我们的文化中,我们拥有这个关于一个看似悖论的辩论。它是类似这样子的:鸡和蛋,哪一个先出现?悖论是,如果鸡先出现,它如何在一开始在没有一个蛋的情况下出生呢?但是,如果蛋先出现,一只鸡如何已经活着来生蛋呢?

  • 【改进翻译】C1:我想我有一个问询,这个问题多少带些玩笑的性质,但这也是哲学界的一个深刻辩论。在我们的文化中,我们有一个看似矛盾的争论:鸡和蛋哪个先出现?悖论在于,如果先有鸡,那么没有蛋,鸡是怎么活下来的?但如果蛋先出现,那么鸡又是如何出现来下蛋的呢?

[19.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, you have a paradox here, for there is that which creates, and that which is created. And it would seem that there would have to be one or the other, or both, in order for there to be both. However, we look at these items, these creatures you call the chicken and the egg, as being portions of the One Infinite Creator that exist in a timeless state in the realms of the mind that considers the possibility of paradox and the resolution of paradox.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题,我的兄弟,确实,你在这里拥有了一个悖论,因为会有进行创造的事物与被创造的事物。看起来似乎,必定会有一个或者另一个,或者,同时有两者,以便于同时两者都存在。然而,我们检查这些事物,这些你称之为鸡和蛋的生物,并将其视为是太一无限造物者的一部分,它们在心智的领域中是存在于无时性的状态中的,这个无时性的状态会考虑悖论的可能性以及悖论解决。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的兄弟。确实,你提出了一个悖论:存在着创造者和被创造者。似乎必须有其中之一,或者两者同时存在,才能使两者得以并存。然而,我们视这些事物——你们所称的鸡和蛋——为太一无限造物者的一部分,它们存在于一个超越时间(无时性)的状态中,位于心智的领域内,在那里可以考虑悖论的可能性以及悖论的解决。

[19.1]The beings of the chicken and the egg are concepts that are arrived at by the Creator having made all that there is in an instant. The entire creation was formed in One Great Original Thought so that the creation of the planets, the stars, the galaxies, the universe, have instantaneous beingness. Each of these qualities, then, each of these creations are intelligent, and they live and move and have their being within the unlimited nature of the Creator upon each level of beingness.

  • 【原文翻译】鸡和蛋的存在是概念,这些概念已经在一瞬间被创造了一切万有的造物者所抵达了。整个造物是在一个伟大的原初的想法中被形成的,这样行星、恒星、星系、宇宙的创造,拥有瞬间性的存在性。这些特性中的每一个,接下来,这些造物中的每一个,都是智能的,它们是活在每一个存在性的层次上的造物者的不受限制的属性之中,在其中移动,并在其中拥有它们的存有的。


[19.2]For example, your planet itself was created in a manner in which there was at some time, as we had spoken before, the beginnings of life, the beginnings of the Earth, the Wind, the Fire, and the Water. They were able to create life forms, and these life forms had a beginning, and they had a procession of their beingness, so that there was their fertility that continued to sprout new life forms, and they all came in an instant at that time. And, as you know time, this progression of beingness moved forward as you would say, so that there was an expansion or a greater nature of the being of various kinds of creatures, all with a beginning and the seeming end. And yet, all continued forward in the evolution of that type of creature, of that type of plant. So that there would be, what you see as, chickens and eggs aplenty spread about the creation of the Father, moving into a kind of evolution of their own consciousness so that there was, at all times, the chicken and the egg, the beginning, the middle and the end. Is there a further query, my brother?

  • 【原文翻译】举个例子,你们的星球其自身是用这样一种方式被创造出来的,通过这种方式,在某个时刻,曾经有,如我们之前已经说过的一样,生命的开端,风土水火的开端。它们能够创造出生命形式,这些生命形式拥有一个开端,它们拥有它们的存在性的一种前进,这样,就会有它们的繁殖性,这种繁殖性会继续生长出生命形式,它们全都在那个时刻在一瞬间出现。如你知晓的时间一样,这个存在性的前进会,如你们会说的一样,向前移动,这样就会有属于各种类型的生物的存在的一种拓展或者一种更大的属性,所有都具有一个开始与看似的结束。然而,一切都在那种类型的生物,那种类型的植物的演化中继续前进。这样,就会有遍布天父的造物的大量存在的,你们会视为是,鸡和蛋的事物,它们进入到一种类型的它们自己的意识的演化之中,这样,在所有的时间,就都有鸡和蛋,开始、中间与结束。我的兄弟,有一个问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】例如,你们的星球本身是以某种方式被创造的,在某个时刻,正如我们之前所说的,有了生命的开端,有了地、风、火和水的开端。它们能够创造生命形态,于是这些生命形态有了开端,并且它们的存在性有一种前进的过程,因此它们的繁殖性不断的萌发出新的生命形态,这些都在那一刻瞬间出现。你们所理解的时间中,存在的进程向前推进,[如你们所说的那样,]各种生物的存在性得到了扩展和丰富,它们都有一个起点和看似的终点。然而,那些种类的生物和植物都在各自的进化中不断前行。因此,在天父的造物中遍布着大量的鸡和蛋,它们进入了一种自我意识的进化中,这意味着鸡和蛋始终存在于开端、中间过程、以及终结之中。我的兄弟,还有其他问询吗?

[20.0]C1: Not at this moment, thank you.

  • 【原文翻译】C1:在此刻没有了,谢谢你们。

  • 【改进翻译】C1:此刻没有了,谢谢你们。

[21.0]Q’uo: We thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我们感谢你,我的兄弟。在此刻有另一个问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我们感谢你,我的兄弟。此刻还有其他问询吗?


[22.0]G: I have a query. In considering the current and all the past wars that have existed on this planet, and I’m thinking now, the battle in Ukraine or the war in Ukraine, when people are killed in violence that is extremely terrorizing, generating fear, anger, hatred, is it possible that the dying soul, or personality, becomes stuck on this planet? Or is there a normal progression in a life on a different plane after the three-dimensional life?

  • 【原文翻译】G:我有一个问题。考虑当前以及在这个星球上已经存在过的所有过去的战争,我现在正在思考,在乌克兰中的争斗,或者乌克兰战争,当人在极端令人恐怖的、产生出恐惧、愤怒与仇恨的暴力中被杀死的时候,会有可能那个濒死的灵魂,或者人格,会在这个星球上被卡住吗?或者,在第三维度的生命之后,在一个不同的层面上的一个生命中,会有一种正常的发展。

  • 【改进翻译】G:我有一个问题。在思考这个星球上当前及所有过去的战争时,尤其是我现在想到的乌克兰的战斗或战争,当人在极度恐怖的暴力中丧生,产生恐惧、愤怒和仇恨时,是否有可能这个死亡的灵魂或人格被困在这个星球上?或者在三维生命之后,在不同的层面上,生命会有一个正常的进程?

[23.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that there is no one definitive answer for this query. For many who are participants in the warring nature of bellicosity that has been so prevalent upon your planet, enter into such endeavors, some are more or less willing and able to participate in the battle. Those who participate through a willingness to enter battle know that there is the chance that they shall be killed, as you would say, that the body shall be dropped, and the spirit shall find itself in another reality, a reality that is much different than the one which was left behind. At that time, the one who is now exploring the world of the spirit has as its guidance system those who will come to it and help it to reorient its awareness of what state of being it now expresses so that there is the opportunity to look upon the life pattern in the manner which may be seen as a healing experience as the incarnation is reviewed, and the means of leaving the incarnation is examined.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的兄弟。我们发现,对于这个问题并没有一个明确的答案。对于很多参与到在你们的星球上已经如此之盛行的具有好战性的战争属性,并进入到这样的努力之中的实体,一些人是较不自愿参与到斗争之中,且较不的有能力这样做的。那些通过一种能够自愿参与并进入到战斗中的实体,知道会有机会它们将会被杀死,如你们会说的一样,身体将会被丢下,灵体将会发现它自己处于另一个实相之中,一个与被留在后面的实相大为不同的实相。在那个时候,现在正在探索灵的世界的实体,将会拥有这样一些实体作为它的指导系统,这些实体将会来到它身边,并帮助它将它的对于现在它在表达的存在的状态是什么的察觉重新定向,这样,就会有机会去用这样一种方式查看生命模式,这种方式,在投生被查看的时候,在离开投生的方式被检查的时候,可能会被视为是一个疗愈的体验。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的兄弟。我们发现,对于这个问题没有一个确定的答案。战争性质的争斗在你们星球上如此广泛存在,许多参与者进入这样的努力中,有些人或多或少是愿意并能够参与战斗的。那些自愿参与战斗的人,知道自己有可能被杀,就像你所说的,肉体将会被抛弃,灵体(spirit)会发现自己进入了另一个实相——一个与所离开的实相截然不同的实相。此时,进入探索灵界的个体将有一个指导灵系统,前来帮助他重新定位自己当前所表达的存在状态,进而有机会回顾这一生的生命模式,这个过程可以被视为一种疗愈的体验,此时有对生命的审视,也有对离世方式的反思。

[23.1]At this time, there is a conscious awareness of how this all proceeds as memories of previous incarnations and their endings are recorded so that there is the ability to have what you would call the grand overview of how this process works. And then this entity may move into another realm of existence into, what is called, the quality performed or provided by the form-maker body, that of the indigo ray, so that it may wait for the future incarnation that will be coming upon in a certain point in its time.

  • 【原文翻译】在这个时候,会有对于所有这个投生,作为对之前投生的记忆,是如何进行的一种有意识的认识,它们的结局被记录下来,这样,就会有能力去拥有你们会称之为对于这个过程是如何工作的宏大的概观了。接下来,这个实体会移动进入到另一个存在性的领域中,进入到被称之为,由塑形身体,靛蓝色光芒身体,执行或者提供的特性之中,这样它就可以等待未来的投生,未来的投生将会在它的时间中的一定的位置出现。

  • 【改进翻译】此时,(该实体)会对这一切的进展有一种有意识的觉知,因为之前的各个轮回及其结束方式的记忆会被记录下来,从而使个体能够以[你们所称的]宏观视角来理解这个过程的运作方式。然后,这个实体可以进入另一种[所谓的]靛蓝色光芒特质的存在领域——由形体-制造者(靛蓝色光芒身)创造或提供,以便它可以等待未来转世在它的某个时间点来临。

[23.2]This is a normal and natural type of experience of what you call the death of the body within the third-density experience. However, many entities who partake in the warring situation are not what you would call willing participants and have every hope of surviving without the necessity of dropping the body and moving forward, for this is not something that is considered desirable, that it is something that is to be feared, and that when it occurs, the entity experiencing this type of death is often in a state of what you would call shock, or an inability to perceive what has happened. It will look about itself, seeing that it is still in the realm of the field of battle, that it has no longer the clothing of the body about it, that it is a, what you would call, a soul or a spirit and that it is confused, that it has no ability to move forward for it does not want to go forward. It wants to go back to where it was to, be alive again within its life, to live it in a normal way from which it was taken in order to have to participate in the warring actions.

  • 【原文翻译】这是你们称之为在第三密度的体验中的身体的死亡的体验的一种通常的、自然的类型的体验。然而,很多参与到战争情境的实体,并不是你们会称之为自愿的参与者的实体,它们全部的希望就是在无需丢弃身体的情况下存活下来并前进,因为这不是某种被认为是理想性的事物,它是某种被感到恐惧的事物,当它发生的时候,正在体验这种类型的死亡的实体,经常是处于一种你们称之为震惊的状态中,或者处于一种无法感受已经发生了什么事情的状态中。它将会看它自己的周遭,看到它仍旧处于战场的区域,它不再拥有在它周围的身体的衣物,它是一个,你们会称之为,一个灵魂或者一个灵体的事物,它感到混淆,它并不拥有能力前进,因为它并不想要前进。它想要返回到它曾经在的位置,再一次活在它的生命中,用一种正常的方式活它的生命,而它已经从这种正常的方式被带走,以便于不得不参与到战争的行动中。


[23.3]In this instance, there is what is frequently called the lingering spirit which wanders about aimlessly, trying to make sense of its position, and what is the next step to take. It also has many friends about it that at some point will be able to make contact with it as guides, as the higher self, and so forth. However, the ability to make contact with this entity is prefaced or necessitates the entity’s own understanding of what it is now experiencing—or what you would call the penetration of a theory, the penetration of a nature of where it is, how it got there, and what the next step might be. This could take a different amount of time for each type of entity of this nature, for each is unique. The time period eventually will come so that there may be contact made with this entity. And it may go through the same process of the healing and review of incarnation that the entity who was willing to fight and willing to die as a part of his duty has experienced as a natural form of its life passing.

  • 【原文翻译】在这个情况中,会有频繁地被称之为游荡灵(lingering spirit)的事物,它会无目标地四处游荡,尝试弄明白它的位置,以及要进行的下一步是什么。它在它周围同样拥有很多朋友,它们将会在某个位置能够,作为指导灵,作为高我以及如此等等,与之建立接触。然而,与这个实体建立接触的能力是以实体自己对于它正在体验什么事情的理解作为开端,或者需要这种理解的——或者你们会称之为对一个理论的洞悉,对关于它所在之处,以及它如何到了那里,下一步可能是什么的一种属性的洞悉。对于属于这种类型的每一个实体,这都需要一种不同数量的时间,因为每一个实体都是独一无二的。那个时间最终将会到来,这样就可以有与这个实体建立的接触了。它可能要经历,与那个自愿进行战斗并自愿作为这种责任的一部分而死亡的实体已经作为它的生命的去世的一个自然的形式而体验到的过程,相同的疗愈与回顾投生的过程。

  • 【改进翻译】在这种情况下,有一种[被常常称为]“徘徊灵”(lingering spirit)的存在,它漫无目地的游荡,试图理解自己的处境,并且思考下一步该做什么。它周围也有许多朋友,在某个时刻,这些朋友会作为指导灵、高我等与它接触。然而,能够与这个实体建立联系的前提是实体本身对其当前所经历的事情有所理解,或是你们所谓的对其现状的彻底理解,包括它身处何地、如何到达此处,以及下一步可能是什么。这种理解过程对此类的每个实体而言所需的时间各不相同,因为每个实体都是独特的。最终,这个时间会到来,从而能够与这个实体建立联系。它可能会经历与“那些自愿战斗并愿意履行职责而死去的实体”相同的疗愈和回顾投生的过程,就像自然离世的经历一样。

[23.4]Is there a follow up query to this question, my brother?

  • 【原文翻译】我的兄弟,这个问题有一个后续问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的兄弟,还有关于这个问题的后续问询吗?

[24.0]G: Yes. Is there anything that loved ones, family members, or just those of us who think of those who have died on battlefields can do, prayer, positive offerings of love to comfort those lingering souls?

  • 【原文翻译】G:是的。对于那些已经在战场上死亡的人,它的挚爱的人,家庭成员,或者仅仅是我们中的那些会想到它们的人,有任何事情是它们能够做的,祈祷,对爱的正面性的给予,是会安慰这些游荡的灵魂的吗?

  • 【改进翻译】G:是的。对于那些已经在战场上死亡的人,他们的亲人、家庭成员,或者仅仅是我们这些想到他们的人,是否可以(为他们)做些什么——比如祈祷、正面的给予爱——可否如此来安慰这些“徘徊灵”(lingering spirit)?

[25.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Yes, there is the possibility of making contact with such a soul through what you would call prayer and visualization, so that you send what you feel is your own highest level of unconditional love, healing, to such an entity, surrounding the entity with this love and healing vibration, so that it has at its disposal, or utilization, the recognition and feeling of that love, so that within its own heart, the love that flows through all entities from the One Infinite Creator is available to it to be energized in a manner which begins to move into the mind, the intellect, that perceives that there is love there, and that that love has a healing effect, and that there is the possibility then that this love may be used as a fuel for moving forward in the incarnative process. Becoming [thus] able to realize the status of the self, the nature of its being and the direction of the path it now will take as a normal part of its understanding of passing for this illusion and from the body into the higher realms or the inner planes of your planet birth.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的兄弟。是的,会有可能性,通过你们称之为祈祷与视觉化观想的事物,与这样一个灵魂建立接触的可能性,这样,你就可以将你感觉到是你自己最高程度的无条件的爱、疗愈,发送给这样一个实体,并用这种爱与疗愈的振动环绕实体,这样,它可以自由支配或者利用对那种爱的认出与感觉了,这样,在它自己的心之中,从太一无限造物者流经所有实体的爱,就是可供其所用,以用这样一种方式被被赋予能量,这种方式会开始进入到头脑与智力之中,它会感觉到,在那里有爱,那种爱拥有一种疗愈的作用,接下来会有可能性这种爱可以作为一种燃料被使用,以在投生过程中前进,并因此变得能够意识到自我的状况,它的存有的属性,以及它现在将会走的道路的方向,作为它离开这个幻象,离开身体,进入到更高的领域或者你们出生的星球的内在层面的理解一个正常的部分。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的兄弟。是的,通过[你们所称的]祈祷和观想,可以与这样的灵魂取得联系。如此你就可以传送你所感受的最高层次的无条件爱与疗愈给这样的实体,用这种爱与疗愈的振动包围它,让它能够感受到这种爱并加以利用。这样,它在自己的内心可以感知到流经所有实体的、源自太一无限造物者的爱。这种爱可以通过这样的方式为它所用并被激活:这爱最初进入心智和智力,于是它感知到那里有爱,并意识到这种爱具有疗愈效果。然后有可能的是,这种爱可以作为一种推动力量,帮助其在投生过程中前行,从而能够意识到:自我的状态、其存在的本质、以及它将走向的道路——作为它正常理解的一个部分——从这个幻象和身体中离去、进入到更高领域或你们星球的内在层面。

[25.1]Is there a further query, my brother?

  • 【原文翻译】我的兄弟,有一个更进一步的问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的兄弟,还有进一步的问询吗?

[26.0]G: No, and thank you, I am deeply grateful.

  • 【原文翻译】G:没有了,感谢你们,我是深深地感激的。

  • 【改进翻译】G:没有了,谢谢你们,我深深感激。

[27.0]Q’uo: We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我们是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的兄弟。在此刻有另一个问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我们是 Q’uo,感谢你,我的兄弟。此刻还有其他问询吗?


[28.0]B: What is the role of mind-altering or consciousness-altering plant medicines, like magic mushrooms, Ayahuasca, marijuana? Are they helpful on the path to ascension, or not so much?

  • 【原文翻译】B:类似魔法蘑菇,死藤水,大麻之类的心智改变或者意识改变草药的作用是什么?它们对于提升的道路有帮助的,还是并不是非常有帮助的呢?

  • 【改进翻译】B:改变心智或意识的植物药物,如魔法蘑菇、死藤水、大麻的作用是什么?它们对通向提升的道路有帮助吗,还是帮助不大?

[29.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Again, we must say that for each entity there is the necessity for setting the intention. If the intention is for the purpose of advancing one’s own spiritual journey, of realizing the areas within the being that may be in need of healing, of the chakras that may be blocked by one concern or another that has not been dealt with in the conscious state of a normal daily round of activities, then the use of the plant medicines can be quite helpful, for they are, what you would call, an acceleration of this setting of intention to do that which has not been done. They magnify the opportunity to heal the self and to move forward on the evolutionary path as full members of the human race; all of whom have various difficulties that make them seem to be in need of healing and of being imperfect, and yet, this need for healing in seeming imperfection is exactly the state of being that is required to be understood so that the plant medicines may have their effect to fulfill that desire in recognition of the need for healing.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的姐妹。再一次,我们必须说,对于每一个实体,都会有需要去设置意愿。如果意愿是为了在它自己的灵性旅程上的前进的目的,为了领悟在存有中可能需要疗愈的区域,以及可能被这样或者那样的,在有意识的状态中或者在一个通常的日常生活的活动中,已经与之打交道的一个担忧所阻塞的脉轮的目的,那么,对这些草药的应用能够成为相当有帮助的,因为它们是,你们会称之为,对这种设置意愿去进行那个尚未被进行的事情的一种加速的事物。它们会放大疗愈自我并在演化的道路上前进的机会,如同人类物种的全部成员一样,所有实体都拥有各种各样困难,这些困难会使得它们看起来似乎需要疗愈,需要成为有缺陷的,而这种在表面上的缺陷中对疗愈的需要,恰好就是那个需要被理解的存在的状态,这样,草药就可以拥有它们的效用,以满足那种认出疗愈的需要的渴望。

-【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的姐妹。我们必须再次说明,对于每个实体而言,设置意图是必要的。如果意图是为了推进自己的灵性旅程,弄明白自身中可能需要疗愈的区域——那些在日常活动的显意识状态中还未处理的、可能由于这样那样的原因而阻塞的脉轮——那么使用这些植物药物可能会非常有帮助,因为它们对实现这些未完成的意图有着[你们所谓的]加速作用。它们放大了疗愈自我并在进化道路上前进的机会;作为人类的全体成员,所有人都有各种各样的困难,使他们看似并不完美、需要疗愈,然而,正是这种看似不完美中的疗愈需求,是需要被理解的存在状态,这样植物药物才能发挥作用,以满足认出疗愈需求的那股渴望。

[29.1]Is there a further query, my sister?

  • 【原文翻译】我的姐妹,有一个更进一步的问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的姐妹,还有其他进一步的问询吗?

[30.0]B: No, thank you.

  • 【原文翻译】B:没有了,感谢你们。

  • 【改进翻译】(无需改进)

[31.0]T: Yes, but how do you determine where along your path that the efficacy of these different drugs or whatever, start to fall away and they become a hindrance at some point? I’m not sure how to tell that.

  • 【原文翻译】T:是的,但是你们如何确定,在你们的道路上什么位置,这些不同的毒品或者无论什么事物的效用,会开始消失,它们会在某个位置成为一个障碍物呢?我不确信如何表述那一点。

  • 【改进翻译】T:是的,但是你们如何确定,在这条道路上,这些不同药物或其他(类似)事物的效用会在哪个点开始消失,并在某种程度上成为一种障碍呢?我不确定如何判断这一点。

[32.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, this is the providence of the one who is seeking some kind of healing or reorientation of the mind-body-spirit complex, so that it is more effective in opening the heart in unconditional love, which is the purpose of your third-density illusion. This is a determination that is something that is the responsibility of the one in the situation of considering the use of such plant medicines or considering not using such plant medicines. This is not something that anyone else can tell you, my brother. This is something that you must determine on your own. These free will choices are the way that every person, every entity moves forward in an evolutionary process. One cannot choose for you have to move. This is your choice.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的兄弟。再一次,这是正在寻求对心/身/灵-复合体的某种类型的疗愈与重新定向的实体的范围,因此,在无条件的爱中开放心是更加有成效的,它就是你们的第三密度的幻象的目的。这是一种决定,它是处于在考虑对这样的草药的使用或者考虑不去使用这样的草药的情况中的实体的责任之所是的某种事物。这不是某种任何其他人能够告诉你的事情,我的兄弟。这是某种你必须要靠你自己决定的事情。这些自由意志的选择,就是每一个人,每一个实体,在一个演化的过程中前进的方式。一个人无法为你选择你必须要如何行动。这是你的选择。

-【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的兄弟。再次强调,对于正在寻求某种疗愈或重新定位心/身/灵复合体的人来说,这是他(她)的责任,以便更有效的在无条件爱中敞开心扉,这正是你们第三密度幻象的目的。考虑是否在这种情形下使用这些植物药物——做出这种决定是他(她)的责任。这不是其他人可以告诉你的事情,我的兄弟。这是你必须自己来决定的。这些自由意志的选择是每个人、每个实体在进化过程中前进的方式。没有人可以替你选择你要如何前进。这是你的选择。

[32.1]Is there a further query, my brother?

  • 【原文翻译】我的兄弟,有一个问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的兄弟,还有其他问询吗?

[33.0]T: No, that’s fine, thank you.

  • 【原文翻译】T:没有,那很好。谢谢你们。

  • 【改进翻译】(无需改进)

[34.0]Q’uo: I’m Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. At this time we will transfer this contact to one known as Austin. We are those of Q’uo.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的兄弟。在此刻,我们将这个接触转移到被知晓为 Austin 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我们感谢你,我的兄弟。此刻,我们将这个接触通道转移到被知晓为 Austin 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

(Austin channeling)
(Austin 传讯)

[35.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am once again with this instrument. Is there another query from the circle to which we may speak?

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我再一次与这个器皿在一起了。有另一个来自圈子的问题是我们可以发言的吗?

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我再次与这个器皿同在。圈子里还有其他我们可以回答的问询吗?


[36.0]J: I have a query. What is the role of our experiences in the dream state as a catalyst for spiritual growth? And when going through a particularly strong experience, is there a need for the same sort of balancing as in the day to day life experiences?

  • 【原文翻译】J:我有一个问题。在梦境中我们的体验,作为灵性成长的一个催化剂的角色是什么?当经历一个特别强烈的体验的时候,会有一种需要如同在日常生活的体验中一样地进行相同类型的平衡吗?

  • 【改进翻译】J:我有一个问题。我们的梦境体验在灵性成长中的催化剂作用是什么?在经历特别强烈的体验时,是否需要如同日常生活体验中一样进行相同类型的平衡?

[37.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my brother. We appreciate this query, for the so-called dream state is a central function of your beingness in the third density and plays an important role for the spiritual seeker, for the dreaming may act as a bridge for communication between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. There are few other regularly available tools or states that present themselves to seekers in which this communication may be so direct and graphs with some cohesion by the conscious mind. And so we would emphasize that this query is quite central for any seeker wishing to develop this relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind, and this relationship is indeed a vastly important aspect of each seeker’s journey.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的兄弟。我们感激这个问题,因为所谓的梦境状态是你们在第三密度的存在性中的一个中心的功能,并对灵性寻求者扮演了一个重要的角色,因为梦境可以起到在有意识心智和无意识心智之间的沟通交流的一座桥梁的作用。几乎没有其他的,规律性地可供利用的工具或者状态会将它们自己呈现给寻求者,通过这种工具或者状态,这种沟通交流可以成为如此直接的,并带着某种凝聚力被有意识的心智所掌握。因此,我们会强调,这个问题对于任何希望去发展这种在有意识心智和无意识心智之间的关系的寻求者都是相当中心性的,这种关系确实是每一个寻求者的旅程的一个极其重要的面向。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的兄弟。我们感谢这个问题,因为所谓的梦境状态是你们第三密度存有的一个核心功能,对于灵性寻求者而言,它扮演着重要的角色。因为梦境可以作为一种桥梁,连接显意识和无意识。很少有其他常规工具或状态能够像梦境那样呈现给寻求者、提供如此直接的沟通机会,用某种程度的连续描述来令显意识理解。因此,我们要强调,这个问题对于任何希望发展“显意识心智与无意识心智之关系”的寻求者来说都至关重要,而这种关系确实是每个寻求者旅程中极其重要的一个方面。

[37.1]To respond to the specific query, we may say that the role of the dreaming may take different shapes and different forms depending on the circumstances of the seeker. If an individual is not oriented towards seeking and instead is content to live a life of relative indifference, perhaps experimenting with the polarities of service to self and service to others, then the dreaming takes on a role of simple balancing of energies that the individual experiences throughout their journey in the waking realm. And when the individual enters the dream state, the unconscious mind is simply allowing certain energies to play out and to reduce their momentum within the individual, so that they do not take over and create unstoppable patterns of energy within the individual. This is an important, yet simple, function that does not need conscious effort for its effectiveness.

  • 【原文翻译】要回答具体问题,我们可以说,梦境的角色,取决于寻求者的情况,可以呈现出不同的形状与不同的外形。如果一个个体并没有被导向寻求,而是对于活出一次相对冷漠的生命感到满意,也许,会尝试服务自我和服务他人的极性,那么,梦境会呈现出一个简单的平衡个体在贯穿全部它们在清醒的领域中的旅程中体验到的能量的作用。当个体进入到梦境状态,无意识心智是单纯地在允许一定的能量表现出来并减少它们在个体内在之中的动量,这样它们就不会在个体内在之中占据并创造出无法停止的能量模式了。这是一个重要的,而却简单的功能,它并不需要有意识的努力来取得它的效用。

  • 【改进翻译】为了回答这个具体的问题,我们可以说,梦境的作用可能根据寻求者的情况、而采取不同的形状和形式。如果一个个体没有导向灵性寻求,而是满足于过一种相对漠不关心的生活——或许正在服务自我和服务他人的极性间进行尝试——那么梦境的角色就是简单的平衡个体在清醒状态中所经历的能量。当个体进入梦境状态时,无意识心智单纯的允许某些能量自然流动并减缓其在个体内的冲量,以免这些能量占据主导地位,形成不可阻挡的能量模式。这是一个重要但简单的功能,不需要有意识的努力就能发挥作用。

[37.2]However, once an individual begins upon the path of spiritual seeking, particularly, the path of service to others in which the relationship of self with self is one of acceptance, and gentleness, and understanding, and an attempt to integrate the wholeness of the self, then the relationship between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind becomes exponentially more important, for there are many riches of the Creator contained within the unconscious mind that are not readily available to the veiled conscious mind. And so, a seeker who intends to develop this relationship and come to an understanding of those unseen aspects of self buried deep within, the intention to establish and fortify this bridge of communication is incredibly important and effective.

  • 【原文翻译】然而,一旦一个个体开始踏上了灵性寻求的道路,尤其是服务他人的道路,在其中自我与自我的关系是具有接纳性、温和、理解以及一种去整合自我的完整性的尝试的关系,接下来,在有意识心智和无意识心智之间的关系就会变得指数性地更加重要了,因为会有造物者的许多的宝藏被包含在无意识的心智之中,这些宝藏并不会轻易地可以为被罩纱遮蔽的有意识的心智所取得。因此,当一个寻求者打算要发展这种关系并取得对自我的那些被深埋在内在之中的看不见的面向的一种理解,去构建并强化这座沟通交流的桥梁的意愿就是令人难以置信地重要与有效的了。

  • 【改进翻译】然而,一旦一个人开始走上灵性寻求之路,尤其是服务他人之路——在这条道路上,自我与自我的关系是接纳、温柔、理解,并试图整合自我的完整性,那么,显意识心智和无意识心智之间的关系变得极其重要,因为无意识心智中包含了许多造物者的财富,这些财富并不容易被罩纱之中的显意识心智获取。因此,当一个寻求者打算发展这种关系并理解那些深藏于内的自我潜藏面向时,建立和强化这座沟通桥梁的意图就变得非常重要且有效。

[37.3]Simply holding the intention to use this relationship and state of dreaming itself will change the nature of the dreaming and begin to develop a certain language or certain unique imprint that the unconscious mind presents to the conscious mind in the dream state. This is an initial stage in which the seeker who diligently utilizes this communication may begin to find certain patterns, certain symbolism, and certain individual archetypes playing out regularly. These aspects of the dream may hint to the seeker a great many aspects of their journey, whether it be biases or wounds needing to be healed within the self, or potential ways of service, or even help the conscious mind to perceive things far beyond what would regularly be within the realm of the conscious mind, such as insight into relationships or interpersonal dynamics that may be useful for the seeker in order to be of service to others.

  • 【原文翻译】简单地拥有意愿去使用这个关系与梦境状态其自身,就将会改变梦境的属性并开始发展一定的语言,或者无意识的心智在梦境状态中呈现给有意识的心智的一定的独一无二的印记。这是一个初始阶段,在其中勤奋地利用这种交流的寻求者可以开始发现一定的模式,一定的象征,一定的个体的原型规律性地表现出来。这些梦境的面向可以对寻求者暗示它们的旅程的大量的面向,无论它是偏向性,还是需要被疗愈的在自我内在之中的创伤,或者是潜在的服务的途径,或者甚至是帮助有意识的心智去感受远远超出规律性地位于有意识心智的领域内部的事物,诸如对寻求者可能有用处的关系或者人际关系的动力性的洞见,以便于服务他人。

  • 【改进翻译】只需持守这个意图——即:运用这个关系和梦境——这个意图本身就会改变梦境的性质,无意识心智在梦境状态对显意识心智的呈现中,开始发展出某种特殊解读方式、或者形成独特的深刻铭印。这是一个初始阶段,在这个阶段,认真利用这种沟通的寻求者可能会开始发现某些模式、某些象征、以及某些个人原型(individual archetypes)在梦中经常出现。这些梦境的方面可以向寻求者暗示他们旅程的许多方面,无论是需要在自我内疗愈的偏见还是创伤、或者潜在的服务方式,甚至帮助显意识心智感知到远远超出其常规范围的事物,例如,对关系或人际动态的洞察,这可能对寻求者更好的服务他人有所帮助。

[37.4]As the seeker continues to study and develop a slow relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind in the study of dreaming, then the experiences of the dreaming may take an even more coherent shape and begin to give messages and communication to the seeker from deeper aspects of the unconscious mind, not just communicating those things of the self, but of the cultural mind and the planetary mind, and even the cosmic mind. These sometimes may take the form of very pleasant or positive-seeming dreams, but can sometimes also take the form of intense catalyst through the dream state.

  • 【原文翻译】当寻求者在梦境研究中,继续学习并发展在有意识的心智与无意识的心智之间的一种缓慢的关系的时候,接下来梦境的体验可能会呈现出一种甚至更加一致性的形状,并开始从无意识心智的根生的面向给予寻求者信息与交流,不仅仅是交流那些属于自我的事情,同样还有属于文化心智与星球心智,甚至宇宙心智的事情。这些交流有时候可能会采用非常令人愉快的,或者看似正面性的梦境,但是有时候同样也能够通过梦境采用强烈的催化剂的形式。

  • 【改进翻译】

[37.5]And in response to the query of whether such intense dreaming experiences necessitate balancing, we would say that in a general sense there is an intention that the intensity of this experience be carried forth into the waking state so that the waking state may grapple with what was experienced in the dream state. The fact that an experience within the dream has made such an imprint is itself an aspect of this communication and a message to the conscious self that there is something to pay attention to, and a potential for healing or for balance if the conscious self sets the intention to understand and attempt to integrate the experience that has made such an imprint on the self.

  • 【原文翻译】对于是否这样强烈的梦境体验需要平衡的问题的回应,我们会说,一般而言,会有一种意愿,这种体验的强度被带入带清醒状态,这样清醒状态就可以与在梦境状态中被体验到的事情扭打。在梦境中的一个体验已经创造出这样一个印刻,这个事实在其自身就是这种沟通交流的一个面向与对有意识的自我的一个信息,即有某个事情是要留心的,如果有意识的自我设置意愿去理解并尝试去整合已经在自身身上产生出这样一个印刻的体验,会有一种对于疗愈或者对于平衡的潜能。

  • 【改进翻译】关于是否需要对如此强烈的梦境体验进行平衡的问题,我们会说,一般而言,这类体验的强度是有意带入清醒状态的,以便在清醒状态下琢磨梦境中经历的内容。梦中的体验留下了如此深刻的铭印,这一事实本身就是这种沟通的一个方面,并向显意识自我传递了一个信息,表明有某些事情需要关注,如果显意识自我决定去理解、并试图整合这个给自我留下如此深刻铭印的体验,那么就有可能进行疗愈或平衡。

[37.6]This is long and careful work, and we encourage any who worked with dreams to have patience with the self and with the unconscious mind, for this is a relationship that is for the positive seeker, properly developed with gentleness and a slow understanding that must be developed through repeated exercise of acceptance and understanding.

  • 【原文翻译】这是长时间与小心谨慎的工作,我们鼓励任何与梦境工作的人都对自我以及对无意识心智拥有耐心,因为它是这样一种关系,对于正面性的寻求者,如果这个关系是带着温和以及一种缓慢的理解被发展的,它必须要通过反复的接纳与理解的练习才会被发展的。


[37.7]Is there a follow up to this query, my brother?

  • 【原文翻译】我的兄弟,这个问题有一个后续问题吗?

  • 【改进翻译】我的兄弟,这个问题还有后续的吗?

[38.0]J: No, thank you for your response.

  • 【原文翻译】J:没有了,为你的问题感谢你。

  • 【改进翻译】J:没有了,谢谢你的回答。

[39.0]C1: I have a follow up to that question. Are there some exercises that you could give us to help train the conscious mind to remember dreams?

  • 【原文翻译】C1:我有那个问题的一个后续问题。有一些练习是你们能够给予我们来帮助训练有意识的心智去记住梦境的吗?

  • 【改进翻译】C1:关于那个问题,我有一个后续提问。你们能否传授我们一些练习,来训练显意识心智去记住梦境?

[40.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my brother. We find that this is quite a practical question with quite practical answers, and that no single method is effective for all individuals. But we may highlight that the most important aspect of this dynamic is to set the intention regularly and consciously; and in the light of this, we would suggest that before entering a state of sleep, the seeker—through affirmation, whether spoken aloud or internally—declare to the self and to the unconscious mind the sincere desire to come into a relationship and to develop this relationship through remembering that which occurred in the dream.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了问题了,我的兄弟。我们发现,这是一个相当实践性的问题,并具有相当实践性的答案,没有单一的方法是对所有个体有效的。但是,我们可以强调,这种动力性中的最为重要的面向,就是规律性地,有意识地设置意愿,在了解这一点之后,我们会建议,在进入到一种睡眠状态前,寻求者——通过确认,无论是大声说出还是在内在之中——对自我,对有意识的心智宣布那个真诚的渴望,去进入到一种关系并通过忆起在梦境中发生的事情来发展这种关系。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的兄弟。我们发现这是一个相当实践性的问题,有非常着实践性的答案,并没有一种普遍适用的方法。不过,我们可以强调,这一动态中最重要的一点是要定期的、且有意识的设定意图。基于此,我们建议在进入睡眠状态之前,寻求者通过肯定语的方式——不论是大声说出、还是心中默念——向自我和无意识心智表达真诚的、建立关系的愿望,并通过记住梦中发生的事情来发展这一关系。

[40.1]This may not seem an effective method initially, but if it is repeated over a period of time, the charge generated by this continuously stated intention grows to the point where the magical potential is then tapped by both the conscious and unconscious mind. This may be one of the most effective methods if it is practiced with patience and faith that it is not done fruitlessly if results do not appear immediately.

  • 【原文翻译】这可能一开始看起来并不是一个有效的方法,但是,如果它在一段时间被重复,由这种有意识地被陈述的意图而产生出的电荷,会发展到魔法的潜能接下来会同时被有意识和无意识的心智所开发的位置。这可能是最为有效的方法中的一个方法,如果它是带着耐心与信心被实践的话,那种信心即,如果结果没有立刻就出现,它不是白忙一场的。

  • 【改进翻译】起初,这种方法可能看起来并不十分有效,但如果在一段时间内反复进行,这种“持续声明意图”所产生的势能将会逐渐增强,直到显意识和无意识都能够触及到其中的魔法潜力。如果以耐心和信念(信心)来实践这一方法,并相信“即使结果没有立即出现,它也不会是徒劳无功的”,那么这可能是最有效的方法之一。

[40.2]Another suggestion we may have for seekers wishing to remember that which occurs within their dream state is to bring those memories into the waking state in a solid way as quickly as possible upon waking. This may interrupt your typical cycles of sleep, for if a seeker awakes in the middle of the evening or the night with the faint impression of a dream upon their minds, it would require the seeker to bring the self fully into a waking state to record this impression, yet, we find that doing so helps to, shall we say, pave the pathway of remembrance in the waking state. And as this method is repeated, then more and more the seeker may consciously recall those things occurring in the dream state without needing to record them with such immediacy upon waking.

  • 【原文翻译】另一个我们可以对希望记住在它们的梦境状态中发生的事情的寻求者提供的建议是,在醒来的时候尽可能快地用一种可靠的方式将那些记忆带入到醒着的状态之中。这可能会打断你们的典型性的睡眠周期,因为如果寻求者在半夜醒来或者是在夜晚带着在它们的心智中对一个梦境的模糊的印象醒来,要记录这个印象会需要寻求者将自我完全带到一个醒着的状态,而我们发现,这样做会有助于,容我们说,为在醒着的状态中回忆铺平道路。随着这个方法被重复,接下来,寻求者可以越来越更加有意识地回忆起那些在梦境状态中发生的事情,而不需要在醒来的时候如此刻不容缓地将它们记录下来了。


[40.3]Any method that the seeker can adopt in order to do this in an easy way that does not disrupt the sleep cycle too much is encouraged, but it is an important aspect of beginning this relationship that not only helps to develop the brain and the mind in this way, but solidifies the intention of the self and expresses the dedication of the self that this is a work that one truly wishes to partake in, and this reinforcement then builds in its effectiveness with each iteration.

  • 【原文翻译】任何寻求者能够采用的,不会过多地打扰睡眠周期以便于用一种容易的方式进行这个工作的方法,都是被鼓励的,但是,开始这个关系的一个重要的面向,不仅仅是用这种方式来发展大脑与心智,同样还有对自我的意图的巩固,并表达自我的奉献,这是一个人真正希望去从事的一个工作,这种强化接下来就会随着每一次的重复在它的效果上累积了。


[40.4]We find that this instrument’s energy is growing low, and so we will, at this time, transfer the contact back to the one known as Jim. We are Q’uo.

  • 【原文翻译】我们发现这个器皿的能量正在逐渐变低,因此,我们将在此刻将接触转回到被知晓为 Jim 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

  • 【改进翻译】我们发现这个器皿的能量正在降低,因此,我们将在此刻将接触通道转回到被称为 Jim 的实体。我们是 Q’uo。

(Jim channeling)
(Jim 传讯)

[41.0]Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and am with this instrument. We would ask at this time if there is a final query to which we may respond.

  • 【原文翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我与这个器皿在一起了。我们在此刻会询问,是否有我们可以回答的一个最后的问题。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我现在与这个器皿同在。我们想询问,此刻是否有最后一个问询需要我们回答。


[42.0]I: How can third-density beings further strengthen our mind body connection to our soul’s purpose for the good of all? Thank you.

  • 【原文翻译】I:第三密度的存有如何为了全体的益处更进一步地增强我们的心智、身体与我们的灵魂的目的之间的连接?谢谢你们。

  • 【改进翻译】I:第三密度的存有如何为了全体的益处进一步增强我们的心智、身体与灵魂目的之间的连接?谢谢你们。

[43.0]Q’uo: I am Quo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The ability to make a contact with your soul purpose and strengthen that purpose is something that needs to be done in the setting of the intention in your meditation, or in your sleep and dream state, to become aware of the nature of your soul purpose, your pre-incarnated choices, the means by which you wish to accelerate your own spiritual growth.

  • 【原文翻译】Q‘uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问题了,我的姐妹,与你的灵魂的目的建立一种接触并强化那个目的的能力,是某种需要在你的冥想中,或者在你的睡眠与梦境状态,通过对意愿的设置被进行的事情,以开始察觉到你的灵魂目的的属性,你的投生前的选择,以及你藉由其希望加速你自己的灵性成长的途径。

  • 【改进翻译】Q’uo:我是 Q’uo,我了解了你的问询,我的姐妹。与灵魂目标建立联系、并强化这一目标的能力,需要通过在冥想中设定意图、或在睡眠与梦境状态中进行,以意识到你灵魂目标的本质、你投生前的选择、以及你希望加速自己灵性成长的方式。

[43.1]As in the previous query, dealing with dreams, it is necessary to make this intention a strongly felt desire that your subconscious mind can perceive, that your soul stream may be aware of, and through your subconscious mind communicate to you some facets that would describe to you how you wish to proceed on your spiritual journey within the third-density illusion.

  • 【原文翻译】如同在之前的问题中一样,与梦境打交道,需要使得这个意愿成为一个被强烈地感觉到的渴望,那个你的潜意识心智能够感受到,你的灵魂溪流可以察觉的渴望,并通过你的潜意识心智与你交流某些面向,这些面向会对你描绘,你如何希望在第三密度的幻象中,在你的灵性旅程上前进。


[43.2]This type of perception may become known to you in symbolic form, or in words, or in thoughts, or in images that are meaningful to you, that you will recognize as being a part of you, a part of that soul stream, which you have moved so many times before into incarnation. This is a relationship which is precious, personal, and powerful. It is that which will respond to you when you are able to give it your heart’s desire through your meditation, your contemplation, your visualization, and your interpretation of dreams.

  • 【原文翻译】这种类型的知觉可以用象征性的形式,或者通过想法,或者通过对你有意义的图像,为你所知晓,你将会将它识别为你的一部分,那个灵魂溪流的一部分,在进入到投生之前,以已经如此多次地进入到这个灵魂溪流之中了。这是一种珍贵的、个人性的、强有力的关系。它就是当你能够通过你的冥想、你的沉思、你的视觉化观想,你对梦境的解释,将你的心的渴望给予它的时候将会回应你的事物。


[43.3]Each entity on the spiritual path has these choices that are most powerful within the life path of the seeker of truth, for they are choices that you have made previous to the incarnation after determining what lessons you have learned in past lives, and what lessons remain in order for you to be able to open your heart in unconditional love to all entities about you, for this is the great lesson of the third-density illusion. And when it is accomplished, it makes the seeker available for the harvest and to the fourth density of love and understanding. This is a journey that all share within the third density. And we are sure that your desire to know will draw unto you the answers you need.

  • 【原文翻译】在灵性道路上的每一个实体都会拥有这些选择,它们在真理的寻求者的道路上是极其强有力的,因为它们是那些你们在投生之前,在决定你已经在前世学会了什么渴望,还剩下什么课程之后,已经做出的选择,以便于让你能够在无条件的爱中向你周围的所有实体开放你们的心,因为这就是第三密度的伟大的课程。当它被完成的时候,它会使得寻求者可以为收割以及爱与理解的第四密度所取得。这是所有实体在第三密度中分享的一条旅程。我们相信,你渴望知道的事情会将你需要的答案吸引到你身上。

  • 【改进翻译】每个在灵性道路上的实体,在追求真理的生命道路中都有这些最具力量的选择,因为这些选择是在投生前做出的,在此之前你决定了哪些功课在过去的生命中已经学到,哪些功课仍需完成——令你能够在无条件爱中、向周围所有实体敞开心扉。这正是第三密度幻象的伟大课程。当这一课程完成时,寻求者将为毕业(收割)做好准备,进入第四密度的爱与理解。这是第三密度中所有人共同经历的旅程。我们确信,你寻求的渴望会为你带来所需的答案。

[43.4]At this time, we shall take our leave of this group and this instrument, thanking all present for their loving support that provided the framework for this channeling session to occur. Each here has a heart that is open in love, flowing through with Love and Lights of the One Creator, and together we have traveled much further tonight, and today, on this spiritual journey.

  • 【原文翻译】在此刻,我们将离开这个团体与这个器皿,我们同时感谢所有在场的人的有爱的支持,这种支持为这个传讯的机会的发生提供了框架。在这里的每一个人都拥有一颗在爱中开放的心,太一造物者的爱与光流经这颗心,我们一起已经在今晚,今天,在这条灵性的旅程上旅行了非常远的距离了。

  • 【改进翻译】此时,我们将告别这个小组和这个器皿,感谢在场的每一位,大家的爱心支持为这次通灵集会提供了框架。每个人的心都在爱中敞开,流溢着来自太一造物者的爱与光。今晚和今天,我们在这段灵性旅程中共同走得更远了。

[43.5]We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you again for your diligence. We leave you in the Love and in the Light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai vasu borragus.

  • 【原文翻译】我们是 Q’uo,我们再一次为你们的勤奋而感谢你们。我们在太一无限造物者的爱与光中离开你们。Adonai vasu borragus。

  • 【改进翻译】我们是 Q’uo,再次感谢你们的勤勉。我们在太一无限造物者的爱与光中离开你们。Adonai vasu borragus。

  1. 【校注补充】形态场的吸引、相互作用,不止对于疗愈视角有着开拓作用,还对于所谓的“吸引力法则”有着本质的描述(相较于“市面上的”吸引力法则——比如,吸引“丰盛”、避免“贫乏”,方法是,观想自己很丰盛,带入这种感受,并感恩。这种方法有其积极的一面,能转消极视角为积极视角。然而,形态场吸引与互动的视角,则更深刻,趋向于灵性层面的完整与平衡,而非对催化剂“菜单”的挑拣。形态场互动产生的催化剂视角来看,比如“疾病”,或者延伸到“贫乏”,解决方式是审视其背后的失衡,去平衡这个无意识层面的失衡,来疗愈这个“贫乏”,进而产生灵性层面的更大完整与平衡,并令“贫乏”这个催化剂“症状”被疗愈。)这个话题的思考,也可以包括到正面极性与负面极性的吸引与互动,比如卡拉、唐、吉姆所产生的形态场,吸引了负面存有的问候。这是一个值得读者深思的领域。 ↩︎

  2. 【校注】这里的前行,指的是之前所描述的、正常且自然死亡之后经历的:灵体(spirit)会发现自己进入了另一个实相——一个与所离开的实相截然不同的实相。此时,进入探索灵界的个体将有一个指导灵系统,前来帮助他重新定位自己当前所表达的存在状态,进而有机会回顾这一生的生命模式…… ↩︎