Q’uo 2024-06-10 Q’uo 设定意图(HARC来源)

Q’uo on Setting Intentions

原文链接:Q’uo on Setting Intentions - High Altitude Receiving Center



In this final session from the Working Group’s 2024 gathering, those of Q’uo address concerns around the setting of intention. They begin by counseling the seeker to tidy their mind and heart, recognizing that one cannot eliminate all impediments to transformation. On the service-to-others path we set our best intentions by seeking their alignment with the Creator’s will. By using a lighter touch in effecting our own will, we make space for our intentions to keep pace with phenomenal opportunities and deepen with reflection. Follow up questions are offered with respect to lessening Earth’s suffering and intentionally programming dreams.

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Group question


Today we would like to ask for Q’uo to speak on the mechanics of setting intentions.

(Jeremy channeling)

We are Q’uo, and we greet you, my friends, in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator to whom we all belong, which mediates our discourse and interactions amongst each other. Our warmest welcome we give you as our brothers and sisters united in the excavation of that imperishable principle that motivates the evolutionary project. It is such a grand idea, and it is one which you do well to not worry about too much, and we speak in this regard chiefly to those who are new on this path of practicing the reception of finer vibrations such that new perspectives may obtain from one’s inquiry of life. This is as precious to us as it is to you.

We are often voices murmuring in the distance of the human endeavor, looking on, sorrowing at what must be grieved and celebrating those sublime moments of breakthrough where levels are transcended in the hierarchy of the Creator’s beautiful and undeniably pure expression of self. And we wish to only visit in order to offer the smallest of aids to your seeking, for it is increasingly important as you refine your energies and focus them on your intentions that they arise from your heart, and that the lessons of wisdom that all in this circle have worked on in their own ways are united with that center of self that connects a mind/body/spirit complex to a center of infinity.

Because we counsel an ear given to the voice of the heart, we must not feel it our duty to interfere with the primacy of that contact within. Should our contact lead you astray from that which you feel is right and proper and true, then we would have you leave our words aside and follow your own path, follow the light that you detect, knowing full well that we will meet one day, not in this attenuated, energetic character, but instead we will see each other as the self, fully and truly, and we look forward to this celebration. And until then use care with our words, and let them enunciate the mantra of one’s heart within and not lead one on a wild goose chase for a truth that one cannot personally abide. Thank you for continuing this tradition of valuing one’s own intuition, one’s own perspective, one’s own seeking purposes most highly, and thereby honoring us deeply when we are able to offer a kind of help that truly expresses your own nature in new and vibrant ways.

With this disclaimer offered, we may now explore this quite interesting topic, for it makes a presumption, my friends, to talk about intention–the crystallization of the deeper expressions of creative upswelling, of energetic upsurge–in terms of something as rote and rigid as mechanics. And yet, this phrasing you have offered provides something of a template for how we may truly help you with where you stand at this moment. There are aspects of your mentation which call to the process, the cause-and-effect character that the metaphor of mechanics gestures towards.

We would begin addressing this by enunciating clearly the background for a more focused appreciation of intention, for one’s focus on outcomes, on fruition, can often obscure, in a way, the more holistic view of the mind/body/spirit complex in its temporal role as occupying a position in an overall trajectory of seeking. Intention is formed by the diligent seeker only after many wanderings in the forest of desire and the desert of one’s frustrated seeking. The journeyman of spirit at a certain point runs into the oasis of will, the pure crystal fluid that gives the seeker refreshment, the opportunity to release oneself from a particular structure of understanding the self and thereby lay the groundwork for that moment of transformation in which this context we are dancing about takes on a new characteristic, a new mood and orientation of perspective.

When we share perspectives from our position in a higher density, we are many times hoping that it will resonate with your transformative impulses such that you may cooperate with a moment of opportunity that we see perhaps a bit more clearly, and this moment of opportunity does not always precipitate into a crystal of clear intention. No, my friends, often it is confusing to you; ergo our cautionary preamble to our message, so that you may make use of our information when it is useful to you. But you are the keeper of that opportunity, not we of Q’uo.

You sit with this mind/body/spirit complex you have arranged around your core center and have perhaps forgotten the creative act by which this was completed, the participation in our One Infinite Creator’s plan. And this is all well, my friends. As you sit and let the stillness re-habituate you to a deeper sense of purpose and selfhood, you see on the distant horizon new opportunities, new pathways by which you might grow into greater co-creatorship.

In the meantime, you must maintain an integrity of third-density selfhood. You must play along, in a way, with the script of one’s social selfhood, the tenuous nature of one’s orange-ray concept, and the most basic and often frustrating needs of red-ray. All of this is training of a sort so that you may arrive at the heart opened and radiating. And as we have explained through other contacts, this recognition of the light within begins to resonate with others whose lights within you begin to sense vaguely, and in this way you clear out eddies and stagnant waters of desire and harsh self-judgment, and intentions become more practical to set in those more focused states.

Therefore, our first point that we would make on the mechanics of intention has not so much to do with the one-pointedness that the adept applies to one’s desire and will such that the path is laid before one. It has much more to do instead with the context in which this intention is set, the items of distortion that will distract from this intention. Indeed, as new instruments here, you might recognize how the act of channeling our messages from the Confederation will sometimes be pulled off course by stray desire and unresolved tensions that are strewn about the path ahead. The lubrication of this machine, to use your metaphor, is necessary. It must be uniform in order to best bring about the possibility for intention to meet its target, so to speak.
因此,我们在意图机制方面要说的第一点,与其说是行家对愿望和意志的专注,从而铺平道路,不如说是更多地与这种意图所处的环境,以及那些会分散这种意图的扭曲因素有关。 实际上,作为这里的新工具,你们可能已经认识到,我们从邦联传递信息的行为,有时会因为路上散落的杂念和未解决的紧张关系而偏离轨道。 用你的比喻来说,这种机器的润滑是必要的。 为了最大限度地实现意图实现目标的可能性,它必须是均匀的。

And therefore, before one arrives at a clear pathway towards one’s intended goal, feeling the divine wind at one’s back, it is necessary to clear out the obstructions within the self. This is done by taking that deep self so focused on the object of one’s intent and stilling it, stilling it so absolutely that the detritus of one’s unbalanced distortions comes into view. This is often a source of frustration for the seeker, for one wishes to cut to the chase, as it will, and simply move forward into the next chapter of transformation. This impulse is proper: it pushes you forward, but it does not obviate the need for tidying up the self.
因此,在一个人找到通往目标的清晰道路,感受到神圣之风吹拂后背之前,必须先清除自身内部的障碍。 这可以通过将专注于目标的深层自我静止下来来实现,彻底地静止它,以便你内心的不平衡扭曲的残渣显现出来。 对于寻求者来说,这通常是一个令人沮丧的过程,因为人们希望直接切入主题,并直接进入蜕变的下一个阶段。这种冲动是合理的:它推动你前进,但它并不消除整理自我的必要性。

Now, my friends and fellow seekers, in third density the self is never so sterile and uniform as to have no impediments at all, no friction at all on the forward path. This friction is important in a way, for it shows you on terms that you may not deny that your motion is towards the object of your desire, your intention that you wish to see manifest in your life. So, before we release contact from this instrument, we wish to ask that you cut yourself a break, for there are many moments in the seeking self. Some are more conducive to the refining fire of transformation than others, and you must be willing to release and let go and bid a fond farewell to distortions that, however distracting, gave you a sense of your location on your seeking path.
现在,我的朋友们,以及一同寻求真理的伙伴们,在第三密度中,自我从来都不是那么无菌和统一,以至于没有障碍,在前进的道路上没有摩擦。 从某种意义上说,这种摩擦很重要,因为它用你无法否认的方式向你展示了你的运动方向是你所渴望的目标,是你希望在生活中实现的意图。 因此,在我们离开这个工具之前,我们希望你给自己一个休息的机会,因为寻求自我的旅程中有许多时刻。 一些时刻比其他时刻更利于转化之火的提炼,你必须愿意释放、放手,并向那些虽然分散注意力,却让你在寻求道路上定位的扭曲因素告别。

This is quite a big step, for you will hardly ever abide in discomfort willingly. This is too much to ask of a creature so bound to the material plane, so biased by the second density impulses for survival and flourishing in a basic sense. We suggest a kind of watchword be maintained by the diligent student of transformation, which is to push forward towards one’s intention, but to do so with a light grasp instead of one so rigid and tense that it makes of the friction a mechanical failure, so to speak, and creates damage that is unnecessary. This means you must be very kind to yourselves, even when you consider your seeking disappointing, and it is for this reason–that disappointment narrows the aperture of perception–that we hold the conceit that we may offer some widening through our words of that perceptive aperture, so that you may see a greater setting for this composition of intention that draws you forward and that provides a channel for the upward spiraling light to move you towards greater unity and greater utility to your infinite Creator.
这是一个相当大的步骤,因为你几乎不会自愿忍受不适。 对一个如此局限于物质层面,如此偏向于生存和繁荣的具有第二密度生物本能性的生物来说,这要求太高了。 我们建议勤奋的转化学习者保持一种座右铭,即朝着自己的目标前进,但要以一种轻柔的把握,而不是以一种僵硬和紧张的把握,因为这样会导致摩擦成为机械故障,造成不必要的损害。 这意味着你必须对自己非常仁慈,即使当你认为你的寻求令人失望时,也是如此, 正因为这个原因——失望会缩小感知的范围——我们自认为我们可以通过我们的语言来扩大这种感知的范围,这样你就可以看到一个更大的环境,在这个环境中,意图的组合会把你向前拉,并为向上螺旋的光提供一个通道,让你朝着更大的统一和更大的效用前进,从而服务于你无限的造物主。

With this point made, we feel it is appropriate to transfer our contact to the instrument known as Steve. We are those of Q’uo.

(Steve channeling)

I am Q’uo, and I greet you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. It is our great joy to be able to join you on this fine day, where we feel as inspired by the light of your seeking as you perhaps may feel by the offering of our small assistance to you on your appointed ways. We would at this time also like to welcome to our midst the one known as Carla, who has asked to join this circle of seeking upon this occasion.

Now, you wonder in your heart how you might purify your intentions, that they might more clearly represent the highest and best you may have to offer in service, both to those whom you love, whom you perhaps have not yet found a way to love, and to the one Creator whose love runs back to you every bit as much as your love travels in the direction of that Creator. You are beings of infinite light, my friends, beings of bottomless love, and yet you toil in regions where that light is often dimmed and that love is often hardly felt. And so we would say to you that the very first question you must ask in formulating anything like an intention is the one central question with which every seeker must begin, and that is: who am I and what do I stand for?

Now, it is very common to discover within the self intentions that bubble up and that would, if left unexamined, be most happy to entwine themselves around and within the seeking of the self, around and within the self, even so as to want to define that very self, to situate its sense of who it is. But these intentions, when more closely examined, are not always entirely in agreement with themselves. You find this intention, you find that intention, you wish to serve this person, you wish to serve that person, what does it mean to do so? What does it mean to serve? What does it mean to be the one who wants to serve? And should it happen that the service that I have to offer should fall on barren ground, should it happen that the service I have to offer should be perhaps rejected, should it happen that the service I have to offer in the offering of it shows itself to be less than pure in intention, who then am I who have proposed this service? Do I know who I am well enough to know what my intention should be? Do I have enough discipline within myself to order a regimen of service to a single cause? Am I able to speak for myself in a way that reaches as deep down as it does high up?
现在,在自我内部发现那些不断涌现的意图是很常见的,如果任其不加检视,它们就会很乐意缠绕在寻求自我的周围和内部,甚至想要定义那个自我,定位它对自身身份的感知。 但这些意图,当更仔细地检查时,并不总是完全一致的。 你发现这个意图,你发现那个意图,你希望为这个人服务,你希望为那个人服务,这究竟意味着什么呢? 服务意味着什么呢? 做一个想要服务的人意味着什么呢? 如果我所提供的服务落在贫瘠的土地上,如果我所提供的服务可能被拒绝,如果我所提供的服务在提供时显示出意图并不纯净,那么我这个提出服务的人是谁呢? 我是否足够了解自己,以知道我的意图应该是什么? 我是否有足够的自律,可以将服务安排到一个单一的目标上? 我能够以一种既深入又高远的方式表达自我吗?

Well, these are weighty questions, are they not, my brothers and sisters? These are questions that are as elusive as a butterfly. Now, you think you have a good sense of where you are going and that which you would like to see realized in your world and in your life experience. And now perhaps you wonder, did I really have a clear understanding of what it was I was about? Do I really know myself? Can I really stand before the Creator and say, here I am? I am here to serve.
嗯,这些都是沉重的问题,不是吗,我的兄弟姐妹们? 这些问题就像蝴蝶一样难以捉摸。 现在,你认为你对自己的目标和希望在你的世界和你的生命体验中实现的目标有很好的理解。 现在也许你会想,我真的清楚地理解自己想要做什么吗? 我真的了解自己吗? 我真的可以站在造物主面前说,我在这里? 我来这里是为了服务。

Now, I have given you a tall order, and it is an order before whom the knees surely begin to quake. Dare I stand before the Creator, or do I feel I must hide my head in shame, fearing that my intentions are not actually as pure as I intended them to be? Am I not shown in this mirror of the gaze upward that reciprocates in a downward gaze from the Creator down to me, that I am, after all, a creature wrapped in despair, wracked by agony, beset by afflictions, as much of my own creation as by anything that has been put upon me from this veil of tears I call the outside world?
现在,我给了你一个艰巨的任务,这在谁面前都会让膝盖开始发抖。 我敢站在造物主面前吗? 还是我觉得我必须羞愧地低着头,害怕我的意图并不像我预期的那样纯洁? 在这个向上凝视的镜子里,我是否没有看到造物主向下凝视我的回声,即我毕竟是一个被绝望包裹、被痛苦折磨、被苦难困扰的生物,这些苦难既是我自己造成的,也是我从这个我称之为外界的泪之面纱中所承受的?

O troubled conscience! O disquiet mind! O sorrowing spirit! I seek, do I not, first of all, sweet liberation from the dross and the dust that I only just now feel myself in want and in desire to be emerging from? Yes, my brothers and sisters, it is a dusty path; it is a long and arduous road that the genuine seeker must travel. These are difficulties no one can deny, and perhaps, upon reflecting upon these things, I do well to be just a little hesitant when inquiring about what intentions I must set, for indeed, every intention comes with its consequence, and every consequence reflects back to the one who intends, not just the light of that intention, but also its shadow, and the more strongly that intention is set–or we might say, the more willfully it is done–the more strongly delineated its shadow may become.
哦,不安的良心! 哦,躁动的心灵! 哦,悲伤的灵魂! 我寻找,难道不是首先,从我刚刚意识到自己想要和渴望从中摆脱的渣滓和尘埃中获得甜蜜的解放吗? 是的,我的兄弟姐妹们,这是一条尘土飞扬的道路; 这是一个漫长而艰苦的路程,真正的寻求者必须走过。 这些困难是没有人能够否认的,也许,在反思这些事情之后,我在询问我必须设定什么样的意图时,谨慎一点是好的,因为事实上,每一个意图都会带来它的后果,每一个后果都会反映回意图者,不仅仅是意图的光,还有它的阴影,而意图越强烈——或者我们可以说,意图越自觉——它的阴影就越突出。

We do not intend, by these words, to strike fear in your heart, or to put you off your program of seeking, or to suggest in any way that you are unworthy; for my friends, in our eyes you are worthy to the infinite power. No, my friends, our cautionary words are merely intended to offer a point of reflection which suggests the propriety of the light touch in the intending, so that you may allow a process of transformation to take place in the nature of that intending as you go.
我们并不打算用这些话让你心生恐惧,或者让你放弃寻求的计划,或者以任何方式暗示你是不配的; 因为我的朋友们,在我们眼中,你是配得上无限力量的。 不,我的朋友们,我们谨慎的话语只是为了提供一个反思的点,它表明在意图中轻触的恰当性,这样你就可以在你的意图的本质中,允许一个转变的过程发生。

It may be well to consider the process of intending not to be so mechanical in nature, but rather more poetical in nature, so that the poetics of intending may have within them that inner receptivity that the poet always solicits from the muse. “Let my intention,” one might say, “be aligned with the highest and best self I could aspire to be, and if this alignment creates within me a transformation so that the intention itself becomes hardly recognizable from that form in which it was first imagined, all the better.” For every act of genuine service must be open to the transformation of the self that that service can carry in train.
也许可以考虑将意图的过程不要太机械化,而是更诗意化,这样意图的诗意就可以包含诗人总是从缪斯muse那里寻求的内在接受性。“让我的意图,”人们可能会说,“与我能够追求的最高和最好的自我保持一致,如果这种一致在我内心创造了一种转变,使意图本身从最初想象的形式中变得几乎无法辨认,那就更好了。” 因为每一个真正的服务行为都必须对自我进行转变开放,而这种服务可以带来改变。

We will say that one can pursue a path whereby it is felt to be necessary to take a somewhat hardened view, shall we say, of an area in need of an intention that is rather strict and rigorous. An example of such a circumstance would be one in which one finds oneself beset, perchance, by negative thought-forms, something which one feels the need to purge from the process of being a self. And under these circumstances, one does well, perhaps, to seek out an analog in the bodily receptive of these intentions. For example, one may undertake the fast in order to provide to the deeper portions of the mind an analog by which it might live as it undergoes this purgation. An experience of this nature does indeed have the character of setting a rather firm and structured intention to which one seeks to abide.
我们说,一个人可以追求一条道路,这条道路让人觉得有必要对一个需要一个相当严格和严格的意图的领域采取一个有点坚定的看法,我们可以这么说。 这样的情况的一个例子是,一个人发现自己被负面思想形式所困扰,比如一个人觉得有必要从成为自我的过程中清除的东西。 在这些情况下,也许最好在身体上找到这些意图的类似物。 例如,一个人可以进行禁食,以便为内心更深的部分提供一个类似物,让它在进行这种净化时能够生存。 这种经历确实具有设定一个相当坚定和结构化的意图的特点,一个人试图遵守这个意图。

Thus, the poetics of intentionality are not all of one flavor, so to speak, but come in a mini-hued rainbow of possible manifestations. We encourage always the process of self-reflection, however, as the central moment of inquiring what intentions might be set, and how they might be set such as to better permit that higher and better self to shine through the dusty, long, weary, and sometimes shop-worn features of selfhood that I have always already acquired along the way.
因此,可以说,意图的诗意并非都是一种味道,而是以各种可能的展现形式,呈现出五彩缤纷的彩虹。 然而,我们始终鼓励自我反省的过程,作为询问可能设定的意图以及如何设定意图的中心时刻,以便更好地允许更高和更好的自我透过我一路以来获得的尘土飞扬、漫长、疲惫、有时还过时的自我特征而闪耀。

We are those of Q’uo, and we would like to express our gratitude for allowing us this presence upon your beautiful, beautiful day. And we would like to convey the thought that this gratitude is shared to the very utmost by the one known as Carla, who has been permitted to blend her energies with that of this instrument upon this one occasion.
我们是 Q’uo 的人,我们想对允许我们在你美好、美好的日子里出现表示感谢。 我们想表达这样一种想法,那就是卡拉(Carla)也对这种感激表示极大的认同,卡拉被允许将她的能量与这个仪器的能量融合在这个特殊场合。

We are Q’uo. Are there further queries that remain upon the minds of those present?

Stephanie: Yes, Q’uo. With a great heart of compassion toward our Mother Earth, observing the suffering and the hardships between us that perhaps burden her, how can I lighten her load?

We are those of Q’uo, and we believe we understand the thrust of your query, my sister. You have fastened your eyes upon the sorrows of this domain, and sorrows there are aplenty.
我们是 Q’uo ,我们相信我们理解你问题的核心,我的姐妹。 你将目光投向了这个领域的悲伤,而悲伤确实有很多。

We would suggest to you that the lightening of the load as you have phrased it is possible in small ways upon small occasions as they will present themselves as opportunities for your engagement. And yet if you step back, you will find that the small offerings you have made, as efficacious as they may have been, in fact, have made but little difference in the groans of agony and cries of despair emanating from your planet at this time. This experience which your fellow souls share upon this planet is, we would suggest to you, itself, a creature of free will. And all its sorrows and all its pain and all its suffering is but the destiny of souls who, for a very long time now, have been caught in a tangle where the path to seeking has not yet been made clear.
我们想建议你,正如你所说,减轻负担,在小场合的小事上是可能的,因为它们会以机会的形式呈现出来,供你参与。 然而,如果你退一步看,会发现尽管你所做的小小奉献是有效的,但实际上在你们星球上此时发出的痛苦呻吟和绝望呼喊中所产生的影响却微乎其微。我们建议你们,这个与你们共同分享的经历本身是自由意志的产物。所有的悲伤、痛苦和苦难只是那些长期困于迷雾中的灵魂的命运,他们的寻求之路尚未清晰。

Oh, how wonderful would it be if we could but reach out the helping hand to all of anguished humanity, all suffering animals, the very aching planet itself. But, alas, it is more than you can do to lift up the whole of that mass of sorrow, and indeed we will say to you in all humility: it is more than we can do. For the truth is that salvation lies for each only along the pathways of freedom of the will, and there are myriads of choices yet before all souls caught in the tangle of sorrow.
哦,如果我们能够伸出援助之手,帮助所有痛苦的人类、所有受苦的动物,以及这个痛苦的星球本身,那将是多么美好。 但唉,你无法承担起举起所有悲伤的重担,我们确实会怀着谦卑的心情告诉你:我们也无法做到。 因为事实是,救赎只存在于每个人的自由意志的道路上,而所有被困在悲伤泥潭中的灵魂面前还有无数的选择。

We empathize with this sorrow, and, to some small extent, so may you, in the hope that a little bit of light of love might penetrate through an aperture here and there, so you may send this love. The more effective it may be, the more pure the sending, but we would counsel that to expect tangible results would be, perhaps, a little much. We sorrow with you, my sister, at the vision of sorrow which you have shared with us. And we will say that, as it has been one of our primary duties to feel and to try to heal this sorrow in whatever small ways are available to us, we feel a little healing coming from you as one who has joined our effort.
我们对这种悲伤感同身受,在某种程度上,你也是,希望一丝爱之光能够穿透这里和那里的一个孔,这样你就可以传递这种爱。 这种爱越是有效,传递越是纯粹,但我们建议,期望切实的成果,也许有点过分。 我的姐妹,我们与你一起悲伤,因为你与我们分享了悲伤的景象。 我们要说,由于我们的一项主要职责是感受并尽我们所能来治愈这种悲伤,我们感觉到从你身上来了一些治愈,你加入了我们的努力。

And we thank you for the query, my sister. Are there further queries at this time?
感谢你的提问,我的姐妹。 目前还有其他问题吗?

Jamie: I would ask that you share your thoughts on intentions with regard to exploring the dream state.

I am Q’uo, and we do believe that we understand your query, my sister.
我是 Q’uo ,我们相信我们理解你的问题,我的姐妹。

The dream state is a rather specialized state of affairs with regard to the nature of intention insofar as they represent a communication to the waking self from the deeper portions of the unconscious being for the most part. So, the first order of intention that one might set as one prepares for the slumber is to express a desire that the waking self orient itself in such a way that it shall be open to what is on offer. This setting of the intention, we find, aids in the recollection of the dream, so that the particulars of the dreaming may be brought to light in the waking state, and there analyzed for what they might have to suggest concerning where work might profitably be done.

There is another type of intention that one might set when it comes to opening to suggestions from higher portions of the self often involving higher density of being, and here we speak of the higher self. That too begins as a process of setting the intention of being open, for one does not wish to dictate the terms of that openness, that being left to the higher self as the source whose agency will revolve around the effort at communication. Openness is the key in both cases.
在开放接受来自自我更高部分的暗示时,一个人可以设定另一种类型的意图,这通常涉及更高的存在密度,在这里我们指的是更高的自我。 这也始于设定开放的意图,因为人们不希望限制这种开放的条件,而是将其留给高我作为沟通的源泉。开放性在两种情况下都是关键。

There are some in the magical tradition who have sought experimentally, shall we say, to propose an item, generally one without serious emotional resonance, to appear within the dream, and in this manner to suggest the possibility of awakening within the dream to a more lucid state. This could speak to a kind of magical mechanics which can have some use, and those who are more adept in entering the dream in a more lucid state can find techniques of this sort to be somewhat fruitful. But we would suggest that even in such cases it is well to keep in mind that the primary intent is to remain open to the communication, so that the thrust of that communication should not be lost, and the significance of it shall be something that can be taken up and worked with later in the conscious state.

Are there further queries, my sister?

Jamie: No, thank you.

We are those at Q’uo, and we would like to thank each here gathered for the sacrifice and the beauty that has been involved and has been brought to this circle of seeking. It is likely almost impossible for you to understand the sense in which your seeking is a tremendous gift to us, for by calling us to your circle, you give us life in a domain in which we otherwise have none, and we draw strength from this domain in ways beyond description, and we draw encouragement from your calling in ways that enliven our seeking, in ways that are subtle and nuanced beyond compare. Our gratitude overflows, my friends. We thank you.

We are those of Q’uo with the one you know as Carla this day, taking our leave of this instrument in love and in life. Adonai, my friends. Adonai. Adonai. Adonai.

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