First group channeling with Quetzalcoatl April 21, 2024
2024 年 4 月 21 日 与羽蛇神第一次集体通灵
Instrument(器皿): Anika
Questioner(提问者): Peggy
Support(支持): Derek
Scribes(抄写员): Chuck, Greg
[Instrument: Do I now communicate with the beings of Quetzalcoatl?]
[Instrument: Beings of Quetzalcoatl, we thank you for communicating with this in this group that has come together today. We would like to ask you some questions. Would you be amenable to answering our queries at this time?]
[Instrument challenges Quetzalcoatl three times]
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, may we begin with the first query at this time?]
1.1 Questioner: Thank you for being with us. Our first question is, what is the intention or purpose of Quetzalcoatl in naming this contact?
1.1 提问者:感谢你们的到来。我们的第一个问题是,请问羽蛇神你们“这次接触的命题是什么”呢(想通过这次接触达到什么目的)?
Quetzalcoatl: In the phrase naming this contact, we are confused by this query. Can you restate?
1.2 Questioner: What is your intention or purpose in coming forth at this time?
1.2 提问者:此时你出现的意图或目的是什么?
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, could you please begin each answer with “We are Quetzalcoatl” so I know there is no interference?]
Quetzalcoatl: Yes. We are Quetzalcoatl. We come to you at this time because this is a special time on the earth. This is a time when all is coming to fruition, when there is much light that is coming forth to the earth. There is much to behold at this time. This is a turning point, as you would say. This is a time when light meets the darkness, when all shall rise, whether they be light or dark. This is a time of knowing oneself. This is a time of challenges and changes. This is a time when the fruit shall be yielded.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response to this query?]
1.3 Questioner: So in follow-up to that, you said there is light coming to the earth. Where is this light coming from?
1.3 提问者:作为对刚才的后续,你说有光来到地球。这光来自何方?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We thank you for this opportunity to expand on that portion of the statement. We acknowledge that it can be difficult for those in the third- density experience to understand where this could be coming from, but it is actually coming from yourselves. You are awakening on this planet, and filling the planet with this vibration. This light comes from within, from within your souls. From discovering who you really are. We are Quetzalcoatl. We are proud to be with you at this time, this great time of awakening. It is you who will bring light to the earth and all those who seek it.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response at this time?]
1.4 Questioner: Can you tell us what density you come from, Quetzalcoatl?
1.4 提问者:羽蛇神,你们能否告诉我们:你们来自哪个密度?
Quetzalcoatl: Yes. We are Quetzalcoatl. We come from the sixth density. We have many wanderers upon your planet working at this time to bring light to the earth. This is our honor and duty. We remain.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response?]
1.5 Questioner: What planet did you originate on? Where are you from?
1.5 提问者:你们起源于哪个星球?你们来自哪里?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We originated from the planet Venus.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response?]
1.6 Questioner: Did you ever walk the earth?
1.6 提问者:你们曾经在地球上行走过吗?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. Yes, we walked the earth many of your years ago, many years ago in time/space as you would call it. We walked the earth attempting to help those of your planet, to help them find The One. There was a time on this planet when there was a great calling for this information, for this type of assistance, so we could answer. We could answer this call, and we did. We came to these people in forms not unlike your own. We walked among them and joined among them as brothers, as sisters, and we taught them how to heal. How to seek The One Infinite Creator. We joined with them and taught them many things. Later these teachings were horribly corrupted and used to cause much suffering. And yet we remain, though not on earth, as before. We hear the calling of your people and we answer, as now.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response?]
1.7 Questioner: The beings that are, the wanderers that are walking now that are associated with you, can you tell me more about them? Are they in a third-density form or in a different form?
1.7 提问者:对于那些存有——那些与你们有关的、行走于地上的流浪者,你们能告诉我更多关于他们的信息吗?他们是以第三密度的形态存在,还是以另一种形态存在?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. The wanderers who walk among you are in third- density form, as you are now. They are those beings who have taken it upon themselves to live among you, to awaken to their own light, to bring light into the world. They chose to forget who they were/are, and live among you as you are now.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response?]
1.8 Questioner: Have you ever sought out to channel [with] others at different times?
1.8 提问者:你们是否曾在不同的时间尝试过与其他人通灵?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. Yes, we have. Over many years we have sought to channel with other instruments and have had some success through the years. Yet we find this instrument to be most receptive to our love, which we seek to bring to the world. This instrument is finely tuned to receive this frequency of love. We have sought at other times to reach those who were desiring the Confederation’s contact. Yet we had difficulty penetrating through their fear to make contact. This fear does permeate through most of your planet. A fear of the unknown, of what cannot be seen. So we have had difficulty.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response to this query?]
1.9 Questioner: When you came many years ago, on what part of this world did you walk?
1.9 提问者:当你们在很多年前来到地球时,你们在世界的哪个区域行走?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We walked the South Americas, as you would call this land mass. We show this instrument the continent on which we walked, Central- South America.
[This is now the instrument talking. I am receiving an image of a globe which is focused on North America, Central America, and South America]
Yes, this is where we walked, among these people. We were here in their form that they could recognize. We had much to offer them and we did so freely. We taught them how to build those structures. We give the instrument images of Tenochtitlan, of pyramid buildings. She has seen them before. Yes, we give her images she has seen before to indicate this was of our creation. We built these with these people who called for us and we showed them how to do this in many places.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response?]
1.10 Questioner What is your connection to the Aztec deity “Quetzalcoatl”?
1.10 提问者:你们与阿兹特克神祇“羽蛇神”有什么联系?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We are this deity. But not in the form which you would recognize. This is not us, the feathered serpent. This is a depiction made by human hands. For we did not come as gods. We came as equals to walk among those of this planet. Yet they did deify us at some point. At some point later down the road, as this instrument would say. In the future, as we would say. We were not gods. We did not wish to be worshipped. We did not wish to be seen as above those we came to serve. Yet the gifts we brought were seen to be heavenly and later this legend evolved.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response?]
1.11 Questioner How would you like us to see you now?
1.11 提问者:你们希望我们现在如何看待你们?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We like this question greatly. It gives us much joy. We wish to be seen as brothers and sisters seeking the One Infinite Creator together. We are one. We are with you. We watched over your planet for many years. We see how your peoples have struggled, have found disarray, and seem to be trapped in darkness. We bring a message of light. We walk with you. We are among you. See us as you see yourselves.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response?]
1.12 Questioner You mention that you had come here for healing. What type of healing were you doing?
1.12 提问者:你们提到你们来这里是为了疗愈。你们进行的是哪种类型的疗愈?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We were trying too teach the humans of true healing, of healing oneself, of seeking healing within oneself to find the self, the inner knowledge, the acceptance of all. This is the healing which we were trying to demonstrate for your people, this true healing. This instrument has found it. We see she has achieved this, yes.
[Instrument: Is this your complete response to this query?]
[Instrument: Would you please continue your response?]
Yes. We are Quetzalcoatl. We seek to demonstrate true healing; the love which leads to all acceptance. The love which leads to all uniting with the One. This acceptance, this love, is true healing, is true life.
[Instrument: Is this your complete response to this query?]
1.13 Questioner When someone receives this healing, how does that manifest for them?
1.13 提问者:当一个人接受这种疗愈时,疗愈如何在他们身上显化?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. This healing is evident in the everyday motions through which you live your day.The being who heals finds themselves navigating more with ease the catalyst and confusions which come to them. The being who receives healing is lightened by the burden of the unacceptance which they held of themselves and, truly, of all those around them, and of the Creator. The being who has healed lives more fully in each moment, more present in each interaction and lives with light in their heart. This is true healing. This is true light.
1.14 Questioner: This healing that you speak of: Was this done through the structures that you created?
1.14 提问者:你们所说的这种疗愈:是通过你们创造的建筑来完成的吗?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. Yes.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response to this query?]
1.15 Questioner: Is that the only method that you used for healing?
1.15 提问者:这是你们用来疗愈的唯一方法吗?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. No. We used many techniques for healing, for allowing the being to see themselves as the Creator, as perfect as the Creator. We used much as far as structures, practices, teachings.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response to this query?]
[Instrument: Will you relay your complete response to me now?]
Yes. We are Quetzalcoatl. When we taught the healing to those beings, we were teaching them to love, that is, to love all, including themselves. Many mechanisms can be used for this achievement. A pyramid structure, which we give images of to the instrument now, were used to see what could not be seen on the ground. In these structures, the being could see all that was around them. They could feel at one with all those around them. This caused a feeling of oneness, united, acceptance, understanding of all that is, was, and ever shall be. In these structures one would find themselves overcome with the beauty of the sky, of the earth, of all the people around them, and see that they too were a part of this. This they can accept.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is this your complete response to this query?]
1.16 Questioner: What is your hope for our connection today?
1.16 提问者:你对我们今天的连接有什么期望?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We wish to bring you love, light, hope forseeing a brighter future. For now there is much darkness at the forefront of your vision of this world. And we wish for you to see beyond this. There is more; there is light, there is hope, there is celebration on the horizon. We wish for you to take our words as you will. You can believe them or not. But we wish to bring you hope at this time.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response to this query?]
Yes. We see that there is much emotion regarding this. There is much, there is much sorrow even at this thought that all could be okay. Yes, it is true, all is well, my friends. We love you. We are here.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response to this query?]
1.17 Questioner: How can this group be of help?
1.17 提问者:这个小组如何能够(对此)提供帮助?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We see that you question how this group could be of service to the larger community at hand. Yet each of you brings light to wherever you go. And this hope, which we hope to impart on you today, can be brought to each interaction with each being you may have there forth. And this will lighten many loads which people have placed upon themselves. Hope, seeing the brighter future, the light in the darkness, the sun on the horizon, is a great gift to bring to your fellow man/ people. We see that this group questions its authority, its place, what does it do? Just to spread the word of love is enough.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response to this query?]
1.18 Questioner: Can you tell us more about your understanding of the One Infinite Creator?
1.18 提问者:你们能告诉我们更多关于你们对“太一无限造物者”的理解吗?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We understand the One Infinite Creator to be all that is, was, and that ever shall be, as this instrument would say. We understand… We understand the One Infinite Creator to be the Father, the Will, the Truth, the Word, the Original Thought, the being of which all are beings, of which all seek to unite. The Creator is the One who is sought knowing and unknowingly by each of creation.
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response to this query?]
1.19 Questioner: Several of us have participated in channelings with an entity called Q’uo, how are you connected to Q’uo?
1.19 提问者:我们中的一些人曾参与过与名为“Quo”的实体的通灵,你们与“Quo”有什么关系?
Quetzalcoatl: We are Quetzalcoatl. We are connected through our serving those of your planet. We seek, as well as they, to answer the calling for this information, for this contact. We work together to bring this to your people.
[Instrument sighs.]
The instrument felt discomfort so we paused. Yes, we work with those of Q’uo. We are familiar with those beings. We see that they had encouraged this instrument to receive our contact. We are grateful.
羽蛇神:器皿感到不适,所以我们暂停了。是的,我们与 Q’uo 一起工作。我们熟悉那些存有们。我们看到他们鼓励这位器皿接受我们的接触。我们很感激。
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, is that your complete response to this query?]
[Instrument: Quetzalcoatl, will you please respond to me now?]
Yes. We are Quetzalcoatl. We see that there are more questions. And we would be happy to answer them but we have difficulty now. This instrument is physically uncomfortable. This is making it difficult.
1.20 Questioner: We may be toward the end of our questions, unless…
1.20 提问者:我们可能要问完了,除非…
Chuck: Let me just ask if there is anything more they would like us to know at this time?
[Instrument: Do we still communicate with Quetzalcoatl?]
Quetzalcoatl: Yes.
[Instrument: can you communicate to your response to me now?]
Yes, we are Quetzalcoatl. We understand your question. Yet we have so much to communicate. We hope that this gathering will happen again. We have much to share. We wish to communicate that which is most helpful to you at this time. We seek not to cause confusion or misalignment in your beliefs in any way. We simply wish to be of service to you in offering light into the world.
[Instrument: do you have any messages you would like to relay to us at this time before we close this communication?]
[Instrument: would you please relay those messages to me now?]
We are Quetzalcoatl. We bring love, we bring hope, for it is there, though you may not see it, though you may not feel it. Trust, my friends, it is there. It is within you. Each of you possesses a great light which you shine unto the world. There are many also who walk among you who possess this same capability. Yet they are yet to be ignited. They walk among you waiting to be ignited. They awaken slowly but surely. They walk among you, waiting to be ignited. So share words of love, of hope, of seeking, and ignite all those around you who are waiting, who need to see this light which has been so obscured by centuries of darkness and confusion.
[Instrument: Do you have any other messages for this group at this time?]
No. We do wish to speak with you all again, soon.
【译注】此处的“仍在”既指“未改初衷”,又指“未曾远离”。后文还会出现“仍在”,与此处呼应。 ↩︎
【译注】freely既有“免费”的意思,又有“自由的、不设限的”的意思。 ↩︎
【译注】根据语义,At some point later down the road, as this instrument would say. In the future, as we would say. We were not gods… 被调整为:At some point later down the road, as this instrument would say, in the future. As we would say, we were not gods… ↩︎