
86.7 QUESTIONER You stated that dreaming, if made available to the conscious mind, will aid greatly in polarization. Would you define dreaming, or tell us what it is and how it aids in polarization?

86.7 发问者: 你曾说, 梦境若能被显意识心智所利用, 将大大地协助极化. 你可否 定义做梦, 或告诉我们, 它是什么以及它如何协助极化?

RA I am Ra. Dreaming is an activity of communication through the veil of the unconscious mind and the conscious mind. The nature of this activity is wholly dependent upon the situation regarding the energy center blockages, activations, and crystallizations of a given mind/body/spirit complex.

Ra: 我是 Ra. 做梦是一个穿过无意识心智与显意识心智之罩纱的通讯活动. 该活动 的本质完全取决于特定心/身/灵复合体之能量中心阻塞、启动和结晶化的情况.

In one who is blocked at two of the three lower energy centers dreaming will be of value in the polarization process in that there will be a repetition of those portions of recent catalyst as well as deeper-held blockages, thereby giving the waking mind clues as to the nature of these blockages, and hints as to possible changes in perception which may lead to the unblocking.

对于三个较低能量中心当中有两个受阻塞的实体, 做梦在极化过程中将有其价值, 因为梦中会重现最近的催化剂以及深层固有的阻塞, 借此给清醒的心智提供这些阻 塞之本质的线索, 以及知觉上可能的改变的提示; 它们可以导向阻塞之解除.

This type of dreaming, or communication through the veiled portions of the mind, occurs also with those mind/body/spirit complexes (which are functioning with far less blockage and enjoying the green-ray activation or higher activation) at those times at which the mind/body/spirit complex experiences catalyst, momentarily reblocking or baffling or otherwise distorting the flow of energy influx.

对于那些阻塞少很多、享受绿色光芒启动或更高启动的心/身/灵复合体, 当其经验 催化剂, 伴随短暂地重新阻塞、阻碍或以其他方式扭曲能量内流之时, 这类穿过心 智受遮蔽部分的梦或通讯也会发生.

Therefore, in all cases it is useful to a mind/body/spirit complex to ponder the content and emotive resonance of dreams.

因此, 深思梦境的内容和情绪共鸣在所有情况 中对心/身/灵复合体都是有用的.

For those whose green-ray energy centers have been activated—as well as for those whose green-ray energy centers are offered an unusual unblockage due to extreme catalyst, such as what is termed the physical death of the self, or one which is beloved occurring in what you may call your near future—dreaming takes on another activity. This is what may loosely be termed precognition, or a knowing which is prior to that which shall occur in physical manifestation in your yellow-ray third-density space/time. This property of the mind depends upon its placement, to a great extent, in time/space so that the terms of present and future and past have no meaning. This will, if made proper use of by the mind/body/spirit complex, enable this entity to enter more fully into the all-compassionate love of each and every circumstance, including those circumstances against which an entity may have a strong distortion towards what you may call unhappiness.1

对于那些绿色光芒能量中心已启动的实体, 以及那些因极端的催化剂——例如不久 未来将发生的自我或挚爱者的肉身死亡——而不寻常地解除绿色光芒能量中心之阻 塞的实体, 做梦承担着另一种活动. 这可以松散地被称为预知, 或对一件将发生在 你们黄色光芒第三密度空间/时间物理显化中的事情之预先知晓. 这种心智属性在很 大程度上取决于它在时间/空间中的位置, 于是现在、未来、过去等名词都没有意义. 这点若被心/身/灵*适当地使用, 将允许这个实体更充分地进入每一情况下的全然怜 悯的爱中, 包括实体在其中有着强烈朝向[你们会称为]不快乐的变貌之情况.

As a mind/body/spirit complex consciously chooses the path of the adept and, with each energy center balanced to a minimal degree, begins to open the indigo-ray energy center, the so-called dreaming becomes the most efficient tool for polarization; for if it is known by the adept that work may be done in consciousness while the so-called conscious mind rests, this adept may call upon those which guide it, those presences which surround it, and, most of all, the magical personality (which is the higher self in space/time analog) as it moves into the sleeping mode of consciousness.2 With these affirmations attended to, the activity of dreaming reaches that potential of learn/teaching which is most helpful to increasing the distortions of the adept towards its chosen polarity.

当一个心/身/灵复合体有意识地选择行家之路, 并伴随每个能量中心都达到最小程度的平 衡, 开始打开靛蓝色光芒能量中心时, 所谓的做梦就成了极化最有效率的工具; 因 为行家知道意识内的工作可以在所谓的显意识心智休息之际进行, 则当该行家 进入意识之睡眠模式时, 它便会呼求那些导引它的实体们、那些环绕它的临在们以 及最重要的魔法人格, 即高我在空间/时间中的类比. 有了这些肯定力量的关照, 做 梦活动便抵达对增加该行家朝向它已选极性的变貌最为有益的学习/教导潜能.

There are other possibilities of the dreaming not so closely aligned with the increase in polarity which we do not cover at this particular space/time.
做梦还有其他的可能性, 与极性增加没有那么密切的相关, 故我们不在这个特定的 空间/时间涵盖它们.

我突发奇想,打算开一个帖子,收集大家的美梦 :heart_eyes:

3 个赞

我继续在梦中闲逛,我又尝试了像奇异博士画圈那样,生成一个去往另一个场景的通道,我这一次尽可能的想象的生动一些。结果用力过猛,我醒过来了。 :rofl:

4 个赞