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Each density beyond your own third density has both the space/time and time/space qualities. It is the time/space quality within each density that allows the entities of each density to be able to connect in a more fully functioning fashion with the One Creator to achieve a unity which allows an overview of time and space and the purpose of the entity moving through time and space so that when there is the desire to enter into the space/time realms, then there is more of a, shall we say, solidity or practicality or usability of the density that is then made available to the entity to pursue its learning and its service.
This allows the inter mixing or intermingling of that which is closer to the Creator, and that which is seemingly not as close to the Creator, a condition which allows learning to occur; for if all entities knew, without a single doubt of any kind whatsoever, that unity with all was their true nature, there would be little motivation to move forward in the learning process. Thus is the value of the space/time portion of each density.
The seventh density, however, is the density that those of Ra have called the “density of foreverness.” Within this density there is the movement back to unity with the Creator and there is only the time/space quality within the seventh density.

概括一下就是第三到第六密度都是同时拥有时间/空间和空间/时间属性的,而第七密度只有时间/空间属性。所以Ra说他在时间之外肯定不是指的第六密度的time/space。另外Ra说过" We are not a part of time, and thus are able to be with you in any of your times.“以及说过"by one such as we who view the time/space from a dimension, shall we say, exterior to it”,所以我觉得Ra说他在时间之外大概率指的是三密度的time/space和space/time(因为每个密度的每个实体都是处于永恒的现在这个时点的,也就是说仍然可以说在时间之内),另外第四密度的Hatonn也说过和Ra一样的话:But let it be known that we are with you at all times.


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1在修炼中从内在次元突破7次元的话,同时也从时空相解脱, 比如八地菩萨或更高层次,佛等境界. 这很大程度上是ra集群早已掌握的.

2第六密度后期 确实仍旧有空间/时间 位面,以及时间/空间 位面, 但是晚期的第六密度实体可以在时间中更大自由地移动.

“时空失去意义"和"不属于时间”,都可以不受线性时空限制, 但有些区别.

比如, 你的高我,目前就无时不刻地可以回应,协助你自己, 它位于第六密度的某个阶段. 无论你定义它在时空中 或在时空外, 这个自由地移动到它自己"以前3密度的时候" 的状况是一个不受限的例子

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